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The big sea monster king who threatened Shen Qiang returned to his place with a sneer, sat down quietly, picked up the tea poured by his entourage, and looked admiringly at Shen Qiang, with a figure of white and a lithe and graceful uniform Nalan Tianyu, a mixed-race beauty, exclaimed: “Tianyu, the flawless fine jade that fell from the sky, let her witness, who is the king in this world?”

Big sea monster king, a pair of people who want to watch a good show.

At this time, in the eyes of the Master of Medicine Master Hall’s hatred, Shen Qiang opened the chair indifferently and sat across from Nalan Tianyu, then signaled her to sit down with the double ponytail girls.

2 People obeyed and sat down with their hearts in mind.

Seeing this situation, the Hall Master would be furious and said sharply: “Mr. Shen, you must give us a reasonable explanation, otherwise, please leave here, this is the medicine king valley, this is the medicine pill conference, not the murder conference !”

Seeing that the director of the Yaowang Hall was on fire, at this time, many cultivators already came back to his senses.

“Yes, this Shen Qiang must give us an explanation, so human life as grass, simply respectless of the law and of natural morality!”

“Lao Zhang is wrong, he shouldn’t laugh at the girl, and shouldn’t say 3 to 4 in the back, but even if he said something extra aggressive, he wouldn’t die, how arrogant Shen Qiang, how mad !”

“That’s right, is there still a Fa? There are so many people watching here, this person, if they kill, they will kill?”

“You have to give an explanation, don’t give it!”

The crowd clamored and cluttered.

With the support of everyone, and the powerhouse of Yaowanggu nearby, Li Yao, the director of Yaowang Club, said: “Mr. Shen, silence cannot solve the problem. For this matter, you must have a reasonable explanation!”

“Yes! There must be a reasonable explanation!”

The hall was full of excitement and many cultivators shouted.

At this moment, Shen Qiang raised his eyebrows coldly, his eyes flicked over the cultivator, but wherever his eyes pointed, there was silence.

After looking around the whole hall, Shen Qiang said indifferently calmly: “Why should Shen Qiang explain things to you when I do things?”

In an instant, everyone in the hall was stunned.

The bald big sea monster king’s eyes flashed instantaneously: “Yes, although the weakness is amazing, but this kind of temperament, when I have a bit of what I was, I may not be able to compete with me in time.”

In the corner, the fat, who has been bored for a long time, suddenly flashed at the bottom of his eyes, not only staring closely at Shen Qiang, but also smiling with surprise: “Fun, crazy enough, very good, this kind of guy is rare.” , Seemingly barely able to be my half opponent.”

And compared to 2 of them.

Other cultivators are full of shock.

“Domineering! Why do I need to explain to you when Shen Qiang is doing things! What a powerful state of mind is needed to say such a domineering word!”

“10000 Demon King… This is the 10000 Demon King! What a domineering! Not even interested in explaining? What an arrogant this is!”

“At the moment I heard this, I only felt scalp numbness, didn’t expect, Shen Qiang, the 10000 demon king, had already dominated to such a degree, this kind of words, looking at the cultivation world, I am afraid that is the station The ten or two people at the summit did not dare to say it easily!”

At the same time as many cultivators were shocked, Nalan Tianyu sitting opposite Shen Qiang not only looked at Shen Qiang with a surprise, but also a faint blush appeared on the white and pretty face.

“Hengmei Leng pointed to 1000 husbands, this is the real man. In this case, they are replaced by those who have less courage. I am afraid that I have been eager to explain it, but my king does not bother to do such a thing! “

The girl with big eyes and double ponytails has her eyes widened, and she screams instantly.

“Oh, it’s too hard, man, that’s how it should be!”

Everyone was still shocked, and at this time, the director of Yaowang Hall gradually came back to his senses from the shock, and then angered: “Mr. Shen, you are not welcome here, please leave immediately! Otherwise, don’t leave Blame us for being polite!”

His tone barely fell, Shen Qiang smiled indifferently, said calmly: “This supervisor, I think you haven’t figured out one thing, that is, to come here to attend the medicine pill conference, because I want to come, and Not because you want me to come, understand?”

In an instant, people are shocked.

You know, I want to come, it sounds similar to what you want me to come, but in essence, it is completely different.

Shen Qiang wants to come, this is Shen Qiang’s own decision.

Yao Wang Gu called him to come, that was Yao Wang Gu’s will.

“Sure enough, terrifying!”

And at the same time everyone was shocked.

Applause suddenly came from the side entrance of the banquet hall.

The sound is not loud, but there is a strange rhythm, so that everyone in the room can not help but cast their eyes in the past.

“It is worthy to be the king of 10000 demon, the big brother of Heshenghe. Although he is young, he is very brave.”

At the side door, the middle-aged man in his 40s who was wearing a formal dress with a stand-up collar, the director of Yaowang Hall was stunned and anxiously said: “sect master.”

Everyone was shocked.

Gu Wang Gu, the king of medicine, Qin Zhengquan, the most transcendent man in cultivation, although there have been many people who have heard his name, but in this banquet hall, he has not really seen much.

“Master of Medicine King!”

“Oh! This is Brother Peak!”

“It seems ordinary!”

Just as many cultivators thought about it, Qin Zhengquan, the Lord of the Valley of Medicine King, smiled to Shen Qiang slightly, and then said calmly: “introduce myself, I am Lord of the Valley of the Medicine Wang, I am Qin Zhengquan, you can call me Lord Qin, or you can call me Mr. Qin, or Qin Zhengquan, I came here just to correct a sentence of Direct Disciple.”

With that, Master Wanggugu gave a cold glance at the Hall Master tube, and then said with a slight smile: “Yaowanggu welcomes everyone in the same way, welcomes every Medicine Refining Master, whether it is Mr. Shen of Heshenghe. , Or the same way with other fellows.”

Hearing this, an old man stood up very displeasedly, coldly said: “The master of Qin Gu is a great character, but the Taoist, who had taken part in the medicine pill conference happily, was unexpectedly attacked by Shen Qiang. Now, Shen Qiang refuses to even give an explanation. Does it mean that according to the intention of Gu Gu, this matter?”

In an instant, everyone looked nervous in the entire banquet hall.

But at this time, Qin Zhengquan, the owner of Yaowanggu, sighed indifferently: “China’s old saying is that the blame comes from the mouth. This Zhang Daoren is talking about others behind the scenes, making rumors, and ruining the reputation of the person. People are very disdainful. When the principal finds him, he not only does not know how to repent, but also taunts the hero proudly. The clamor has the ability. You killed me? This kind of thing, assuming that anyone who is present here, who can let him go ?”

Looking at the silent people, Yao Wanggu said indifferently: “The reason why you are uneasy and why you want Shen Qiang to explain is just because you also said the same thing, but I think that with Mr. Shen’s belly weight, he is I won’t go to you one after another.”

“As for Zhang Daoren’s relatives and friends, if they want to avenge Zhang Daoren, it’s your business to meet Mr. Shen for some time. But for now, I just want to ask Mr. Shen, and everyone here, can you Open the seat and let Yao Wang Gu do the best for the landlord.”

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