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In an instant, the absolute silence in the entire hall, not only a mixed-race beauty Nalan Tianyu in a white military uniform, looked at Shen Qiang in surprise, the bald big sea monster king sitting next to Nalan Tianyu, and the hall fell on the other foot. Fatty’s eyes also brightened.

“Shen Qiang!”

At the same time that their eyes are excited, the other cultivators sitting in the hall at this time have no sense of excitement, because when they see Shen Qiang clearly, they feel more clearly the powerhouse behind Shen Qiang The chill came out.

In the weird silence, the cultivator who had just teased Nalan Tianyu had something on his face. After all, he said what he said. Everyone knows that at this time, if he said nothing, he would inevitably be taken lightly. .

So immediately, he was coldly snorted, not only stepping forward, but also showing an arrogant gesture, coldly said: “Then I said, what can you do?”

Shen Qiang smiled.

Seeing the ridiculous smile on the face of Shen Qiang, the man pretended to be proud, knowing that he had torn his face anyway, and was polite, meaningless, so the complexion sank sarcastically said: “Is it funny? I said you dare not come, what do you want to do?”

“This blue sky and a bright day, I just said this, don’t you just listen? Do you dare to touch me? A complaint letter from Lao Tzu, so that your dragon team consultants can’t take it, so you Shen Qiang is enough If you are smart, just listen.”

I heard this.

Many cultivators around them all smiled, and a few people laughed with appreciation on their faces, and raised their thumbs secretly.

The cultivator, who was more proud of him, said arrogantly: “You can kill me if you have the ability? Do you dare? As long as you dare to do it, then you will be defeated!”

Shen Qiang smiled, indifferently walking towards the direction of Nalan Tianyu, casually instructed: “Cut it.”

Everyone has a glimpse.


With a sullen face, the cultivator proudly pretending to be in a strange place, the flying head is full of shock and eyes, and you Shen Qiang dare to call me to kill me?

With a scar on his face and unshaven Zhan Deyuan, body flashed, at the moment the blood of the corpse spattered, he wrapped everything with a piece of plastic cloth and then dropped it on the ground.


With the sound of the body landing.

The big swordsman closed his sword indifferently.

Not only is there no expression on his face, there is no True Yuan around him, it looks like he has done something insignificant.

Zhan Deyuan said with a smile: “Fortunately, I move fast, otherwise I can’t eat this meal.”

Everyone who saw this scene was terrified, not only keep quiet out of fear, but also terrified.

“The fierce Shen Qiang, is this the true face of the 10000 demon king?”

“What a horrible guy, although Lao Zhang killed himself and wanted Shen Qiang to kill him, but so decisive, how can ordinary people do it!”

“Vicious and merciless, the leader of the evil monster, really can’t take it for granted!”

At the same time they keep quiet out of fear, in a snow-white uniform and beautiful eyes Nalan Tianyu, they are looking at Shen Qiang who is walking towards her, and her lips are lightly enlightened: “Cultivator Management Regulations Chapter 7 , Article 3, in the event of a threat, the cultivator has the right to attack.”

Shen Qiang who walked to Nalan Tianyu smiled: “long time no see .”

Looking at the smile on Shen Qiang’s lips, Nalan Tianyu was inexplicably excited, but his tone was a little nervous, saying: “Well, long time no see.”

“Shen Qiang, why did you come here? Section Chief and I have been waiting for you for a week here.” The double ponytail girl stared at Shen Qiang.

Shen Qiang laughed: “Sorry, there are many things over there.”

While talking, Shen Qiang turned his attention to the bald sea monster king sitting at the table of Nalan Tianyu.

“Who is this……”

He has clearly recognized him, but Shen Qiang is still confused, because Shen Qiang is not clear about the relationship between the big sea monster and Nalan Tianyu.

“Oh, this gentleman calls himself Yujiang, and we are not familiar with it.” The beautiful Nalan Tianyu Fang peng peng jumped and explained hurriedly, even she did not understand why she was so worried about Shen Qiang’s misunderstanding.

Shen Qiang snorted.

At this time, the girls with double ponytails brightened their eyes and said, “Uncle Bald, the people like us are here.

At the moment when I heard this, I sat there, sneered at the big sea monster king of Shen Qiang, and suddenly a terrifying aura suddenly broke out, and Shen Qiang was enveloped in it instantly.

The horrible coercion and wild eyes suddenly turned Shen Qiang out of control.


The instinct of the violent moment is turned on, and the power is instantly added.

Not only did a little golden electric mandrel emerge around Shen Qiang’s body, but in a very close distance, the big sea monster king even saw the dragon shadow quietly flashing in Shen Qiang’s eyes.

“Dragon Demon!”

I was shocked to feel that Shen Qiang appeared on the body, obviously green, far weaker than him, but not afraid at all, but instead be eager to have a try of the majestic dragon breath, the bald head sea monster king, not only his eyes light up instantly, more A vaguely smile smiled vaguely.

“Oh my god, why are you so weak?” He excitedly sound transmission: “This makes me impatiently want to use you to make soup.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang took a step forward and coldly sound transmission said: “I warned you, one mountain can’t be shared by two tigers, my site, you are not allowed to be arrogant.”

Big sea monster king smiled, but his smile just started.

I heard Shen Qiang’s even colder words: “If you want to provoke, I will first fry your two little sea snakes and drive your people out of the port. If you take revenge on Heshenghe, I will take your Daughter steamed, this is not a joke, but a warning! You can question whether I have this ability, but don’t question my determination, because it will make you regret it.”

The big sea monster was stunned.

At this moment, several cultivation base good cultivators hurried in, stunned the Hall Master of the drug king in situ, returned to sobered up, flustered and exasperated to take them straight to the side of Shen Qiang.

“Mr. Shen, you have to give us an explanation, why do you kill people!” The director of Yaowang Hall was angry.

Hearing this, the big sea monster laughed. Not only did he accept his stunning imposing manner, but also to Shen Qiang’s consternation, Shen Qiang clearly noticed that this big sea monster seemed to use some kind of secret technique to As for his and his breath, there was no slight leakage.

“It looks like you are in trouble.” The bald big sea monster stood up calmly and stepped away. When passing by Shen Qiang, he looked at Shen Qiang, sound transmission: “Little Brat, you The luckiest thing in this life is that you were born on land. If you were born in the sea, I guarantee that you have already become a dead snake, so please show yourself and prove the value of your existence to me, otherwise, I guarantee You can’t go back to Heshenghe!”

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