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Qi Er brown-red wig, scornful eyes, and disdain as beneath contempt in crafty, especially when she swept the knife and fork directly from the dining table with her hand and picked up the French steak with chopsticks, said that, When you are young, you need to be confident. When you are young, the rebellious youth that sees the rule as nothing is bursting into the air.

“Perfect!” Director Moustache exulted in an instant, and applauded: “The transition from a decent old lady to a rebellious young girl, resembles nature itself, has a strong contrast and flawless acting!”

And at the same time as the surprise of Director Moustache.

Many media, entertainment journalists from the media are complexion pale.

“Longevity! Song Weiyin’s acting is perfect and flawless. If this special code is called not to perform, where are there artists in this world?”

“It’s over, this time I moved the stone and smashed my own feet. Hiding the sky and covering the earth reported that Song Weiyin would not act rebellious, but a few hours later, Song Weiyin completed the shooting of the Datongjiang commercial with such a perfect acting… …”

“Broken, such an absolutely superb acting, once released, those colleagues will laugh at us,”

Many entertainment reporters, complexion pale, and absolute silence are embarrassed there.

At this time, Song Weiyin, who had taken off her wig, said to the director Moustache: “How is it, Wang Dao? Do you want to shoot again?”

“No!” Director Moustache, eyes bright: “The shooting just now has been perfect, and then you just have to give it to post-production.”

The director Moustache made Song Weiyin smile, and then she turned to leave.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in his 40s hurriedly came over and said to Song Weiyin: “Song Teacher please hold your steps, it’s like this. Excuse me, I know you’re busy, so let’s talk a long way, This is because last night, there seemed to be some misunderstandings, and we made some wrong reports.”

“Report without knowing the situation and wait to receive our lawyer’s letter.” Seeing Song Weiyin’s acting perfect, the middle-aged female assistant came over with a look of pride. ,

The middle-aged man hurriedly said: “The report is wrong, we will find a way to remedy, and also ask Song Teacher to give us a chance.”

Hearing this, the middle-aged female assistant coldly snorted, and it was at this time.

Song Weiyin pu chi smiled and said, “This matter will be discussed later.”

The middle-aged female assistant was stunned.

At this time, Song Weiyin entered the office and saw Shen Qiang’s moment, she said with a smile beautifully: “Shen Qiang, I want to thank you.”

Looking at the crafty in her eyes, Shen Qiang vaguely realized that things seemed a bit wrong.

“Shen Qiang, you know, celebrities and entertainment reporters are dependent on each other.” Song Weiyin said shiningly: “They report on the news of celebrities for a living, and celebrities need to rely on them to maintain exposure, so as not to be The audience forgets.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang said: “Don’t go around with me, what do you want to do?”

When she saw that there was no one in the room, she suddenly smiled, and the sound transmission said: “I want to find a reason for you to be in constant contact with me, but not to be indiscriminately disclosed by others.”

Shen Qiang frowned: “What do you mean?”

“Speak frankly, admit that at first you really can’t grasp rebellion, and then, tell them that it is indeed you who cured my acting that will not rebel, and declare to them that you are my personal doctor consultant.”

Shen Qiang reluctantly raised her eyebrows and said, “Do you think this is smart?”

Song Weiyin raised an eyebrow and said, “I can send them a lawyer’s letter, and I can use my acting skills to prove that they are stupid, but if you do that, they will have enmity with them. superstar.”

Shen Qiang was stunned: “I am a big star? Does it make sense? I am a Medicine Refining Master…”

At this moment, Song Weiyin, who was already standing next to Shen Qiang, pressed Shen Qiang’s lips with a slender white and tender jade finger, and softly said softly: “Even if you don’t want to be a big star, I It also requires you to have a legitimate reason to contact me, and now, it is undoubtedly a good opportunity. Once my fans have recognized your existence, after that, even if I go shopping with you, they will not say and so on. “

Shen Qiang reluctantly said, “Well, if you think this is necessary, just do it.”

At the moment when he heard this, Song Weiyin turned back with a smile.

At the same time, in a villa in the suburbs of Beijing, Zhai Zhijie in pajamas is wearing headphones, lying on the bed, and giving orders through the Internet.

“Tell everyone in the department, put down the work in my hands, give me the Internet, and laugh at the Shen Qiang. I don’t care what you say, how to say, you think of your own ideas, anyway, just give me the waste, put He said nothing, and then, write down your speech and I will read it.”

“Okay President Zhai, let me inform them.”

Subsequently, the communication was interrupted.

It seems that a short-haired fat woman in her 30s, lying on the bed, looked at Zhai Zhijie in surprise, and said, “I don’t understand. What do you get if those people in the group attack Shen Qiang online? benefit?”

Zhai Zhijie sneered: “This Shen Qiang is very rich, very good, and does not give me any face, not only that, but also listed me in public as a blacklist customer of Datongjiang Restaurant.”

Short-haired fat woman laughed: “It’s just a restaurant, at worst you can’t just go? This capital city, the bureaucrats are expensive, and the rich and famous are as many as the bulls, what are you doing with him, with that effort, it is better to see if there are good projects Companies can invest.”

Zhai Zhijie smiled and said, “You know, that many beautiful women in the group do not sleep, but sleep on you?”

The short-haired fat woman rolled her eyes and said with a sneer: “It’s not because, I’m the financial director.”

“Wrong, because you are Hao Dong’s wife, he is richer than me, and has a wrist than me, so when I win Song Weiyin, you won’t make any real confession with me, nor why do you shout divorce me. Always be together.” Zhai Zhijie raised his eyebrows.

Hearing this, the fat woman with short hair was coldly snorted and fake said with a smile: “Yo hoho, if you say that, I understand, no wonder you are so competing with this Shen Qiang, it was originally for Song Weiyin’s Small Fox, But don’t you always say that anything in this world has his value, as long as the price is right, there is nothing you can’t get?”

Zhai Zhijie smiled a little coldly and said, “That’s right, that’s true.”

“That Song Weiyin, haven’t you chased it for a year and a half, haven’t you even reached your hands now?” The short-haired fat woman raised her eyebrows and smiled.

Zhai Zhijie’s face was a little ugly, smiled and said: “That’s her stupidity, it has nothing to do with me, but this Shen Qiang not simple, I asked a lot of people to investigate him, and then guess what I found?”

The short-haired fat woman was stunned, and then frowns saying: “Directly, what do you sell with me?”

“His property and income are seriously inconsistent.” Zhai Zhijie smiled: “I can be sure that in addition to the corporate income on the surface, he also has a stable huge amount of income. If we can grasp his shady information, then he It’s the meat on our cutting board. If we want to steam it, we can steam it, if we want to braise it, we can braise it. A few 100 100000000 million assets can even become ours.”

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