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“What? Please bring in the entertainment reporters?” Song Weiyin’s middle-aged female assistant, hearing this, stunned, said: “They will try everything to make a mess, and a small mistake will be used by them to make a fuss. “

Shen Qiang sitting on the Boss chair raised her eyebrows said with a smile: “Your worry is based on Song Weiyin not acting rebellious, but this worry is superfluous. In fact, I think she can now control the rebellious role, So there will be no problems with performance.”

“In this case, instead of letting them secretly suspect, it is better to ask them to come in and let them see Song Weiyin’s acting skills, and then they naturally shut up. Not only that, but more importantly, after clarifying Song Weiyin’s acting level , I don’t think they would mind giving Song Weiyin a little more praise.”

Middle-aged female assistant hearing this stunned, then suddenly stared at Song Weiyin suddenly, happily said: “Can you play the role of rebellion?”

Hearing this, Song Weiyin didn’t know what she thought of, Yihong, who had no reason for the pretty face, and then nodded and said: “I can act without problems.”

In an instant, the eyes of the middle-aged female assistant brightened: “Then I will immediately invite the entertainment reporters to come in!”

“No problem!” Shen Qiang smiled.

Outside the door of the Datong Jiangjing store, in a box car that was simply modified in the car, several entertainment reporters were nibbling the buns while staring at the laptop.

“Haha, it’s hot, especially at this entertainment spot, there have been a lot of replies now, and there are still a lot of paragraphs, I said, the old Chinese Medicine treatment acting, this entertainment spot will make many people curious and participate Come in.”

Looking at the excited young man, another middle-aged man said with a smile: “Because everyone knows that acting is not good, it cannot be treated by a doctor, so this is an entertainment point, vomiting, joke, participation , Especially about the eight hexagrams of Song Weiyin, so the people involved and the degree of concern go beyond the matter itself.”

“Well, yes, especially Shen Qiang and the old Chinese Medicine, these two words have been on the hot search, the old Chinese Medicine is not an entertainment point of acting, and it has already burst into the WeChat circle of friends. In terms of, I think there is hope to enter the top ten of entertainment news.”

“It’s not hopeful to enter the top ten, but has already entered.” The young man staring at the computer said with a smile: “The news of the old Chinese Medicine’s governance performance has been viewed by the media’s public account now more than 8 million. It is estimated that within 20 minutes, it can exceed 10000000.”

“According to the current statistics of the readers, more than 70% of the readers are curious about who Shen Qiang is, and only 10% of people question Song Weiyin’s acting skills, and the second hotspot they are concerned about is the relationship between this Shen Qiang and Song Weiyin. .”

“This Shen Qiang is going to be hot.” Middle-aged man smiled: “But only if he can really treat acting, otherwise he will be scolded.”

Several people in the car laughed.

At this moment, with the sound of knocking on the window, Song Weiyin’s middle-aged female assistant appeared beside the door.

“Everyone worked hard. Ten minutes later, it was Song Weiyin’s last filming of the commercial. The filming was about rebellious girls. If you are interested, you can watch it inside.” Said, the middle-aged female assistant handed them a card And then turned around and walked towards other vehicles.

The middle-aged man who gnawed the buns looked at the card in his hand with some surprise, frowns saying: “What does Song Weiyin mean? Please come in and see? What a joke, she played so bad last night, if it was exposed, she It’s completely over.”

The young man smiled: “Maybe people are about to break the jar and fall.”

“It may also be that Song Weiyin can play a rebellious role.” A 2 sixteen-seventeen woman on the side, brows tightly frowns, then said seriously: “If that is the case, things will be in trouble, she invites us to watch, not only Just hitting our faces, if she can act well, and is very unhappy, if we use defamation and rumors against us, we will be in a lawsuit.”

A man half-lying in the car sat up with a cry and said, “Lying trough, if Song Weiyin can play a rebellious role, it will be a disaster for us!”

ten minutes later.

Datong Jiang Jingcheng store.

Everyone in the film crew had breakfast, and all the people were in place.

Not only that, there are dozens of people from many media, entertainment reporters from the media, crowded on the side, they also set up the equipment, and they whispered while waiting for Song Weiyin to appear.

“Song Wei Yin Ke 10000000 don’t act well, if she plays well, she doesn’t need to fight lawsuits with us, and her fans have to scold us to death.”

“That’s right, I’m also worried about this, but the chances are not that great. I saw clearly last night that Song Weiyin really doesn’t act rebellious, so everyone can rest assured that she definitely can’t play this.

“Hmph hum, the movie is just famous, the acting is not good at all, she will come out a while, sure to show the stuff, everyone will shoot well, when her fans know her real acting skills are outrageous, maybe when the time comes, thank you What about us.”

Many media, entertainment journalists from the media discuss spiritedly, they think that their voice is not loud, others can not hear.

But at this moment, temporarily changing the restaurant manager’s office into a dressing room, Shen Qiang was smiling at Song Weiyin who was looking at face sank like water, and said quietly: “There are many people who are popular, so it’s reasonable to follow the movie. As expected, post-film acting skills are bad news, so they now hope you mess up all this.”

Song Weiyin smiled beautifully: “I can play well now.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Then go, let them see how good you are.”

Song Weiyin smiled beautifully at Shen Qiang, then turned and went out, looking at her back, standing in the purple of the office, slightly frowned said: “Do you really think she can do it? Her acting skills were terrible last night, and, More importantly, if she messes up, it will affect Datong River. The Jingcheng store has 10% of my shares. I don’t want my interests to be damaged.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Trust me, she has no problem.”

Purple was silent for a moment and then said: “medicine pill conference, the brigade leader may also go, but they hope you can pretend not to know.”

Shen Qiang smiled and looked at the purple thoughtfully. After smiling for a full 3 seconds, he solemnly said: “No problem, but I am thinking now, are you my person or his person?”

Hearing this, the sexy purple, who had the meat chariot war chariot level, smiled, but then went silent.

At the same time, in the restaurant, as the shooting started, Song Weiyin was just on the stage, and many of the media and entertainment reporters from the media were stunned.

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