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“Ximen Genshuo?” The makeup artist was a little ignorant, but then he smiled and looked at Shen Qiang with a look at the newcomer: “Don’t be nervous, from your appearance, it is quite suitable for the role of Chu Liuxiang, so relax Something is fine.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang suddenly came back to his senses. After all, Shen Qiang was a smart person. When he first arrived here, he was a little ignorant. He thought that he had to put on makeup before entering any film and television shooting base, but listen to the makeup artist. , Shen Qiang reacted in an instant, these people in the crew must have regarded themselves as an actor.

And who is Chu Liuxiang?

A mythical Legendary character from a generation of Great Grandmaster Gu Long pen, Midnight Thief, Orchid smile, revealing elegance, calmness, and courage. He is so amiable, resourceful, observant, kind and passionate, especially Lightweight Art is unrivaled, no one else in the world, even the film and television drama has been remade countless times.

It is a classic Legendary on the screen.

This is the absolute protagonist!

“Don’t, don’t, you wait for me to make up, you wait, you wait! I’ll make a call first.” Shen Qiang quickly stopped the makeup artist.

Then in the surprised eyes of the makeup artist, Shen Qiang turned out of the dressing room and entered the restroom.

Acting, Shen Qiang has not learned, although he does not mind, playing a small role to play, but this is obviously a big oolong.

Once the makeup is put in, it’s completely unclear what to say and what to do. It doesn’t matter what the small role is. Run Qianlong or something. Shen Qiang is confident that there will be no problems, but the problem is that even if Chu Liuxiang plays a supporting role in the play, at least Male #2, as soon as he showed his face, the crew would know that the wrong person was used.

It would be very embarrassing to meet if Shen Qiang put on makeup directly.

When the time comes, if you say something, are you an actor? What does Shen Qiang say? Say I don’t know what’s going on? Are you still an actor in the crew?

Not to mention that it’s humiliating to be able to survive.

Not only that, but more importantly, Shen Qiang’s new medicine pill has been registered in Yaowanggu, and it takes less than a few days to go to Yaowanggu, so when Shen Qiang came here this time, the main purpose was to persuade Song Weiyin not to Get angry again.

Therefore, playing the trick of pushing the boat along the river would definitely not work. In the bathroom, we directly dialed Song Weiyin’s phone after the beautiful film.

As soon as she connected, Shen Qiang heard Song Weiyin’s cold voice: “Why do you call me?”

Shen Qiang reluctantly said, “That’s the case, I think we have some misunderstandings directly and want to talk to you in person.”

“No time.” Song Weiyin refused directly after the beautiful film, and was very decisive. This is probably trained by too many suitors.

“When do you have time?” Shen Qiang said.

Song Weiyin’s tone was very unhappy: “Ha, you are really interesting, oh, we have an appointment, I waited for more than 3 hours, you haven’t arrived, and now I am so kind to call me and ask me when I have Time? I tell you, I’m busy, I have no time to be fooled, so I don’t see it.”

Shen Qiang was a little embarrassed and said, “I’m actually a very punctual and trustworthy person, but something went wrong that day, I have to dispense medicine to save people, so…”

“Hah, it’s interesting. Make a phone call and send a text message. There is no time for a few seconds?” Song Weiyin sneered after the movie: “Some words, I just don’t say it, it doesn’t mean I can’t see it, you just don’t respect people. , So we have nothing to talk about and no need to meet.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang eyebrow raised, coldly said: “You are all good, but you are too self-centered. What happened to me to leave your meeting to save someone? If you miss the meeting, you can make an appointment and the person will die. It’s gone.”

“Huh? I said I wouldn’t let you go to save people? And Shen Qiang, don’t be arrogant in front of me, missed meetings can be re-appointed? You think too much, I said no, but no, I have nothing to do with you Talking, tonight, I will make my request for termination of contract public.”

Hearing Song Weiyin’s words, Shen Qiang said: “Can you be reasonable? You have to have a contractual spirit, oh, because I didn’t go to see you, you have to terminate the contract? Let’s meet and explain clearly, if you must cancel the contract. , I don’t force you.”

“No, I’m very busy, because I’m going to film with one of the most handsome young little brothers. As for your bastard, who is obviously not punctual but refuses to admit his mistakes, I won’t see you!”


The phone hangs up.

This temper is so great! Compete with her fame!

Shen Qiang frowned. At this time, the phone rang and Ke Bizhu was called in.

“Have you seen anyone? How are you talking?”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang sighed: “I didn’t see anyone, I called her, she refused to see me, and she said that she would publicly announce her tonight’s endorsement contract with us.”

When Ke Bizhu heard it, he immediately said anxiously: “Stop her, don’t mess up. I’m beside the Datong Jiangjing store. Now the business in the store is very good. In fact, about half of the guests come from the name of Song Song Wei, she represents the grade. .”

“I’m not short of money. Let’s change a spokesperson and replace her first.” Shen Qiang said without thinking.

Ke Bizhu smiled: “Shen Qiang, don’t play with a little child’s temper, you are Hesheng and Boss, a large group of people are relying on you to eat, the mall is like a battlefield, and the only way to be a winner is to solve the problem, not to escape, after all, One-year endorsement is ten years, and it is a top big-name star. This kind of good thing can not be encountered by anyone, so go get her.”

The phone hangs up.

Shen Qiang is in a daze.

“Bull, dare you hang up my phone?”

Shen Qiang frowned.

At this moment, Shen Qiang heard the big sister of the makeup artist knocking on the bathroom door.

“Ximen Genshuo, you come out quickly, everything is in place on the crew, and you’re out of the way!”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang’s eyes suddenly lit up and immediately thought of Song Weiyin’s flaunting speech.

“No, I’m busy, because I’m going to film with one of the most handsome young little brothers…”

Immediately, Shen Qiang’s lips could not help but show a smile, and said: “Okay, since you Song Weiyin is not kind, then don’t blame me for being injustice, the handsome little brother you want is coming, just hope, when you see me , Don’t be overly surprised.”

Thinking in her heart, Shen Qiang smiled and opened the door. She smiled at the helpless female makeup artist standing by the bathroom door and said, “Come.”

The female makeup artist said helplessly: “Simon Kenshuo, you have to understand that acting is not your own business, so many people are waiting, you are wasting not only your time, but also their time. “

Shen Qiang smiled and bowed her eyes and said, “I’m sorry.” Then she handed her a restaurant evaluation card for Datong Jiangjingcheng restaurant, said with a smile: “Free, ten or eight dishes.”

The female makeup artist looked at Shen Qiang for a long time, and then Pu Chi smiled and accepted the card, saying: “Come on, I will make you stunning the audience.”

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