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In the film and television shooting base, whether it is a director or other actors, they are staring at the stunning beauty of Song Weiyin, a Chinese costume like Celestial Immortal, until she is on the ground in a nanny car. Only gradually came back to his senses.

“There is never a shortage of beauties in the film and television circle, but the devastatingly beautiful beauties like Song Weiyin are really very rare. Even if I am an Old Guy, I can’t even see the beauty that resists her.” The director sighed in shock.

“It’s a beauty that happened once in 1000 years, it’s so beautiful that you can’t breathe.”

And another beauty star who is also well-known in the film and television industry and has also taken the post-film title is shocked and dazed: “I really thought I was beautiful, even if not as good as Song Weiyin, It’s not far away. It’s just absolutely didn’t expect. After seeing her today, I realized that compared with a beauty like her, I’m as ugly as a girl.”

But even if she said so, the people around, but not at all comforted her, and no doubt already acquiesced in her words, which is correct.

Only the producer looked at the watch and said impatiently: “These little fresh meat, with a bad temper and poor acting skills, what time is it, what are you thinking about, whoever you go to meet, the person arrives directly Remove makeup.”

On the side of the drama, quickly nodded, said: “Okay, producer, I will go here, but who is the male lead?”

The producer was impatient and said fiercely: “Where did you come from that many bullshit, come to Song Weiyin’s crew, tall, handsome and handsome young man, really, is there any brain, not handsome enough to be with Song Weiyin Even with hands, remake the robber Chu Liuxiang?”

The non-pitted drama was sprayed with a smile on his face: “Ai, alas, well, I will go here, you can rest assured.”

In the nanny car.

The middle-aged female assistant, although she was also amazing at Song Weiyin’s costume, but after all, the two people got along for a long time, and there was still some resistance, so she glanced at Song Weiyin approvingly and said with surprise in her eyes: “Weyin Forum?”

She wiped the sweat beads on her forehead lightly with a paper towel, not at all She who used cosmetics, not only had a heart makeup.

“No mood.” Song Weiyin said.

Middle-aged female assistant said with a smile: “Guess what, Shen Qiang put your pigeons, not punctual and keep promises, why go?”

Hearing this, inexplicably unhappy Song Weiyin pouted, disappointed: “Don’t mention him, I heard my bastard’s name, and I had high blood pressure.”

The middle-aged female assistant smiled and bent her eyes, saying: “That’s not because you are annoying him, but because you care too much about him. The so-called care is chaotic. The name of the stranger will not make you angry even if you mention it.”

“Sister Mei!” The beautiful Song Weiyin frowned, even though she was very angry, but the shiny and delicate five senses are still pleasing to the eye. There is no way. The beauty who met in 5 is so charming. Even if it’s unhappy, it can’t help but give birth to the idea of ​​wanting to pamper her.

“Fuck, I know that you really don’t want to hear what he did, then you can do it. If you want to understand the situation, you can go online. If you don’t want to know, I went out to urge the crew. Why didn’t the male pig’s foot come? “Said that’s all, the middle-aged female assistant got out of the car.

After frowning at the beautiful film, she pretended to sit quietly and quietly in front of the makeup mirror, opened the Formation with True Yuan, and whispered to herself: “hehe, Shen Qiang, do you think you have flowers on your face? I will care what you do. It’s impossible. Unless all the men in this world are dead, I don’t care what you do.”

He said with one hand, he calmly used his mobile phone to log in to the Immortal Realm forum, while the other hand picked up the rose tea and took a sip of the beautiful film. Song Weiyin, just seeing the content opened on the forum webpage, sprayed it instantly. .

“Sure enough, Brother Qiang is the most hanged, in order to practice super amazing! 》

“The super-powerful super burster! 》

“Brother Qiang medicine pill name, I give 82 points, and the remaining 18 points are sent to him in the form of 666! 》

“Sure enough, God’s elegant style has connotation, super amazing?” Remember Shen Qiang’s unreasonable teasing medicine pill! 》

After looking at the titles and the beautiful pictures that had been smiling, they opened the posts. When they looked at the contents, Song Weiyin smiled and bent his eyes after the beautiful pictures.

“I have already said that you should not pretend to be in front of my Brother Qiang. Why did Shen Qiang not dare to go, because he didn’t dare to register because he didn’t have a medicine pill? Now I’m dumbfounded. Dan, I still have to ask about the curative effect. The name alone has already exploded you all.”

“Kneel the strong man, how confident you are, how dare you use such a fried name?”

“My Brother Qiang in the society, there are not many people talk hard, don’t use this and that, I Brother Qiang shot, this world, who is competing with each other?”

After looking at roughly the same reply, after smiling at the beautiful film with his eyes bent, he changed another post and went in and looked at it and laughed.

“Super Nirvana, as the name implies, cannot exceed medicine pill, so the name of grand and magnificent can only be thought of by a low-key gentleman like my Brother Qiang.”

“When I saw the low-key medicine pill name of Qiang Ye, I couldn’t bear to cry. What an elegant name, how deep, how humble, I saw this name, I couldn’t help but 3 flowers, 5 breath Chao Yuan shook his body and shouted: “Awesome!”

“Ah, this love makes me want an impromptu poem, ah, Brother Qiang’s mighty power, and the world is so powerful! A medicine pill is shocking. Ask me which medicine pill is strong, Hesheng Heli, see Shen Qiang! “

Song Weiyin, who smiled and turned her eyes in an instant, couldn’t help but whisper: “This rude bastard should have such a name and deserve to be spitted out, but you are too much, refining medicine to save people is a good thing, and I won’t stop You, you can’t call me? Hum me, anyway, I certainly won’t forgive you.”

Song Weiyin, who was talking with her beautiful lips while she was unhappy with her pink lips, was hiding in the nanny car and seriously looked at the efficacy and role of Shen Qiang’s new medicine pill.

“Awesome guy.” She muttered to herself.

At the same time, driving her own sports car, Shen Qiang, who entered the filming base of the film and television city, just got off the car.

A 30-year-old drama crew ran over and complained: “Why did you come here? You are all on fire. Come with me!”

Shen Qiang was a little bit dumbfounded: “I’m here to ask Song Weiyin to explain the script, can you let me see her first.”

“No!” That drama, took Shen Qiang into the dressing room and said directly: “First put on the makeup, and then you are talking.”

Shen Qiang was stunned and said: “Damn, see Song Weiyin still have to put on makeup first? What is the rule?”

Thinking about it, a middle-aged woman with a very good temperament, probably less than 40 years old, came over and looked at Shen Qiang with admiration, while saying: “It’s really handsome, but it looks like you’re pretty What’s your name? Look at your nervous appearance, the first Chinese costume?”

“Well, my name is Shen Qiang.”

Shen Qiang was a little ignorant. This makeup big sister searched through the memory and couldn’t find a small fresh meat called Shen Qiang, she couldn’t help but ask, “What about your stage name?”

Shen Qiang is on fire, this fuck has to make up when it meets up, it is enough, is it necessary to give Song Weiyin a stage name?

“Ximen Genshuo!” Shen Qiang said without thinking unhappy.

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