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Hearing the expert’s words, Shen Qiang smiled, flipped his wrists, and gave him a certificate of qualification as a licensed physician, then raised his eyebrows indifferently, said with a slight smile: “Scope of practice, general practice, see clearly If you do, you can now let go.”

In an instant, many experts looked at each other in blank dismay.

The leaders on the side of the courtyard were all surprised.

“I am going to treat those patients, is this hospital allowed?” Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows calmly.

Hearing this, the leader hesitated a little, and the people on the side, Mei Qiao, looked at the expression confidently and indifferently, Shen Qiang immediately said: “He is our best doctor.”

“Yes.” The leadership of the hospital is not stupid, and Wenren Meiqiao’s head is big, and he can’t see it. Now that he has already said this, the qualifications of the doctors have been revealed, and then stop it. Is Ming doing right with Wenren Meiqiao?

At this time, watching Shen Qiang light up his document, many experts were dumbfounded.

They at first thought Shen Qiang was just a police officer, and the so-called parasite god was just a joke.

But now, after looking at Shen Qiang’s licensed physician certificate.

Their expressions all changed.

Not only did no one stop, but his eyes were colder.

“Oh, no wonder dare to ignore us, it turned out to be a doctor.”

“Hehe, is it great for general practitioners? All the representatives of the general department are all good, all are not fine, you think you can cure, then you go, when you can’t cure, remember to come back and ask us, we guide you.”

“Tsk tsk, don’t even have a medical master’s degree, dare to set up in front of us experts?”

The experts spoke coldly.

But Shen Qiang just sneered, calmly said: “I can do it, you will soon know, not only that, but I also hope you do not rely on age to show of age, remember, the rear waves of the long river drives on those before.”

Say that’s all and ignore them.

Shen Qiang followed the leader of the hospital and went to the ward for a look.

Then Shen Qiang discovered that the patient’s condition was indeed not too good.

The filariasis, which should have been contained long ago, is too resistant, so many patients admitted to the hospital have been developing continuously.

Seeing such a situation, Wen Renmei Qiao was anxious and quietly said, “Shen Qiang, are you sure?”

“Of course!” Shen Qiang slightly smiled, motioning her to go outside and wait for herself.

Unexpectedly, she heard that Mei Qiao was out of the ward, sitting on the seat in the hallway outside, and she was unnervedly nervous because she now knew that if Shen Qiang could not cure these patients, the only result would be Wen Renmei Joe came forward again and went to the criminal police to pick up the expert.

If that is the case, it means that she and Shen Qiang have done everything for nothing. Not only that, but it will also become a joke in the eyes of other members of the Dragon group.

“Come on, Shen Qiang, if it is someone else, I cannot believe that there is a way to solve this problem, but you are the 10000 demon king, you are the strongest Medicine Refining Master, you must do it!”

While Wen Renmeiqiao cheered for Shen Qiang. ,

At this time, Shen Qiang went to the laboratory and was seriously observing the worms cultivated in the small box in his hand.

Fine speaking of which.

This thing is really weak in Shen Qiang’s eyes.

After all, it is not as good as ordinary worms. It can only be regarded as a kind of silkworm that has developed resistance. To kill this thing, there are dozens of medicine recipes in Medicine Sage Inheritance of Shen Qiang, but it is really necessary. Is it bothersome?

You know, Shen Qiang’s zombie fungus, but even the golden-eye jade flower guts can be instantly subdued. Even more how is this trifling silkworm.

Thinking in my heart, Shen Qiang summon is the source of the plague and wants to let it release zombie fungi to try to kill these silkworms.

But in a flash, Shen Qiang was stunned.

Because the source of the plague did not release the zombie fungus, but instead found a root hair from between Shen Qiang, and directly caught the silkworm in the small box.


In Shen Qiang’s mind, came the source of the plague, that strange emotion.

“Delicious, delicious, delicious, delicious!”

Shen Qiang brows tightly frowns in an instant, the Department of Nian immediately entered the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Then I saw the source of the plague that had grown as high as 3 Shen Qiang, waving the branches excitedly, shouting excitedly: “father, father! This is delicious!”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang was inexplicably a little helpless. In fact, Shen Qiang sank his mind into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and came to ask the teacher to blame, because the source of the plague was contrary to Shen Qiang’s will. Shen Qiang wanted it. Free zombie fungus.

As a result, like a child, it not only disobeys, but steals the worms.

If he kept doing this in the future, then there would be more problems.

Thinking in his heart, Shen Qiang said unpleasantly: “Why don’t you listen to me? Who made you do this?”

“Mother, mother, mother!”

At the moment when he heard this, Shen Qiang was stunned, and then there was a huge shock in his heart.

“Mother of the plague source wants him to do this! Can it be said that the huge plague source of Immortal World has been able to affect him?”

But it was only when Shen Qiang’s shocking guess.

A pair of slender Di Yu legs suddenly appeared on the side of Shen Qiang.

“Mother, mother!” The source of the plague shook the branches excitedly.

Shen Qiang looked at her in amazement, and at a glance she saw the suffocating beauty of the shadows around her. At this time, she was dressed in light gauze, lithe and graceful posture, frosting the snow-like skin, and pink lips , All with a touch of seemingly wry smile.

“Good, be quiet.” While appeasing the source of the plague, the suffocating beauty of the shadow is too gloomy, looking down at Shen Qiang, sound transmission: “I asked it to do it, but you seem to be Not happy?”

As soon as Shen Qiang heard the fire, the cold voice warned Youying in his heart: “Don’t touch my tree son, it is mine.”

It was so suffocating that it was too yin and quiet, and pu chi laughed at once: “It’s reasonable to say, but do you really know what it is?”

Shen Qiang was shocked and almost instinctively wanted to say that it is the source of the plague, my tree son.

Just waiting for Shen Qiang to speak, the beautiful Taiyin Youying already asked herself with a chuckle: “I guess you must not know, it is actually the World Tree that many legends will mention, it The body contains fungi, bacteria, germs, and other microorganisms.”

Looking sideways at Shen Qiang, Taiying Youying said quietly: “You are hungry because it never gives you the small insects, so it is severely malnourished, treat it well, wait for it to grow When it is big enough, it can breed the miracle of the world.”

Shen Qiang was stunned. Although he was a little shocked in his heart, after all, he already knew what its within the body could hold long ago, so he was not shocked, but he was anxious: “But I must kill those now. Silkworms that endanger human health.”

Almost at the moment when Shen Qiang’s words fell.

The branch of the source of the plague reached Shen Qiang, and a drop of light green liquid slowly coagulated.

“Father, this can help you kill them!”

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