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“God of parasites!”

The moment when Qian Qiang, who smiled, said this sentence, not only the expert doctors were stunned, but even the criminal police and the dragon team members were also stunned. Not only that, valiant and formidable looking, charming Wen Renmei Qiao also hurriedly sound transmission nervously.

“Shen Qiang, I know you are the 10000 demon king, and I know you are concocting very difficult to deal with, but parasites are different from ordinary diseases. To kill those parasites, you must ensure that the normal function of the human body is not closed. Damaged, this is a very difficult thing.”

“And this enemy is not only the filariasis control expert of Peak, he has planned everything carefully, he is an old man, he is very cautious, very careful, and he is very well planned, so he knows it, even if we know it He did all this and we have no choice but to act.”

“In this case, don’t be impulsive, 10000 if your medicine pill is not working, what about those patients?”

And just when Wen Renmeiqiao sound transmission anxiously.

The expert who planned the little white rabbit filarial case laughed: “It’s a common problem for youngsters, but it’s a common problem with youngsters. The current filarials are 50 times more resistant than before Mao’s youngster can handle it.”

“You think too much.” Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows calmly: “If you can’t kill these silkworms in 24 hours, I will lose.”

“Use the patient’s life as a price?” The expert said with a smile.

Shen Qiang raised his eyebrows coldly: “didn’t expect you as a bastard who has concocted all these things, and actually wants to kidnap me morally? The patient’s life is above everything else, so I should let you go? I should arrange 2 people who nominally monitored you, but actually the bodyguards looked at you, and then you fingered in the hospital?”

Hearing this, the expert complexion turned cold.

At this time, a dragon team member who knew all the process of this expert’s crime, hesitated to say: “Consultant Shen, this Old Mister is indeed a first-class expert in China, and his situation is indeed pitiful, it is better to give him A chance to make up for it.”

For a moment, Shen Qiang’s face sank suddenly: “Can his situation be pitifully wilfully?”

Looking at the stunned dragon group member who was asked, Shen Qiang stared at him particularly sharply, said solemnly: “My situation is pitiful? Do you agree if I poison you? I poison you half dead, and then give If you detoxify, even if you make up for it?”

The member of the dragon group was stunned: “He is an old man, what a pity.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Oh, really kind, then you can let him infect you with filariasis, and then he will treat you all day, as long as an agreement is reached between the two of you, I promise to ignore it, but now, I Regardless of his situation, I only know that he planned everything and infected many innocent people with parasites. If I were a judge, I would now sentence him to a decisive decision, kill without mercy.”

“So…” Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows and looked at the criminal police who agreed with the expression: “Take him away.”

Several criminal police officers took the expert out, and the expert said with a smile: “It’s useless. My silkworm is 50 times more resistant to ordinary silkworms. I’ll send you to prison now. I can’t use it. How long will you have to ask me to save people, and when you see you, you will know how stupid you are!”

Shen Qiang said coldly: “Then you will wait slowly.”

Seeing Shen Qiang’s resolute attitude, everyone in the Dragon group and Wenren Meiqiao chose to watch the laughing expert silently and was taken away by the police.

“Alas…” Seeing that there was no room for relaxation, many parasite experts in the hospital began to complain about Shen Qiang.

“Young man, I know that youngsters are full of spirits, but as a police officer, you must carefully consider everything. It is really wrong for Lao Xiang to do this. He really should not spread silkworms. However, the problem is now. It is meaningless to punish him blindly. We have to save people. He is the core of our expert group. You have taken him away. How can this person save him?”

Upon hearing this, Shen Qiang became angry: “What do you mean? Without that murderer, you can’t cure it all?”

Several experts saw Shen Qiang’s attitude was not very respectful, and the temper of various experts exploded in an instant.

“Without first-hand information, everything has to be started from scratch. The resistance of this filariasis is far stronger than you think, and it reproduces much faster than ordinary filariasis. Please come back, Old Guys?”

“Hmph, newborn calves do not fear tigers, and under good consideration, that many patients are waiting for treatment, you put the doctor in prison, if something goes wrong, can you afford this responsibility?”

“Huh, these youngsters, whoever considers your patient’s life or death, they will consider solving the case, and they will get a reward.”

Hearing the sour words of these experts, Shen Qiang dashing eyebrows picked up, coldly said: “What are you doing? Filariasis prevention experts, you have to find a way to solve the problem, why, the murderer was caught When you leave, you all become waste that only speaks discouraged?

“Who do you say is waste?”

The experts are in a hurry.

Shen Qiang was impatient and said angrily: “If you can cure, you can go to cure. If you can’t, take off your white coat and go home. Why should you go? This is not a world that you can act wilfully.”

Many experts were instantly furious.

“Yeah, this youngster is so crazy, what did you say just now, you are the god of parasites, so you are forced to cure!”

“We can’t do it, we’re waste, you can do it, don’t you think you have the right to be a police officer, you come, we can’t do this job, we give way, you cow you!”

“Right, right, aren’t you crazy? You come to rule.”

In the angry words of many experts.

A hospital leader was anxious and asked grandfather to tell her grandmother quickly.

“Don’t worry, you can rely on you now for these filariasis patients in our hospital. Please calm down. This is strange, just blame me. I will deal with it and I will communicate. Please come back to the consultation as soon as possible.”

Hearing this, several experts refused.

“No, what’s the matter if we go back for a consultation like this, let him apologize to us, or let him go to treatment today.”

“Yes! It’s definitely not possible to apologize. It’s not easy to say anything.”

Looking at them, they sighed and watched Mei Shenqiao playing Shen Qiang sound transmission looking at face sank like water: “Shen Qiang, I know that you have great pill concocting, but pill concocting needs it. Time, materials are hard to come by, and it is not clear whether it is effective, that many patients are waiting, otherwise, you…”

But at this time, Shen Qiang, who has been silent, raised his eyebrows: “Everyone has a different social division of labor. All police officers have to do is bring criminals to justice, all doctors have to do is treat the sick and save others, let you cure, you say No, since this is the case, then I will come.”

Hearing this, it seems that an expert who had already prepared coldly said: “You come, do you have that qualification?”

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