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Looking at Wenren Meiqiao with tears in her mouth and a beautiful face, Shen Qiang couldn’t help but smile with a helpless smile. Sure enough, although she had already reached the major general of the Dragon Group, but Wenren Meiqiao still has a girl’s heart after all, I was angry at the moment, although some unruly and capricious, but inexplicably faintly cute.

“Okay, let me go now. Don’t forget to include the female student infected by the filariasis in the graduate school into your investigation.”

Saying that’s all, Shen Qiang turned easily and happily away from Wenren Meiqiao’s office.

When Shen Qiang was gone, the more angry Wenmei Meiqiao seemed to want to vent his dissatisfaction and ate meat.

Shen Qiang, who went downstairs, hummed the song faster, and met the people of the armed forces department in the elevator. Only then did he know that the regional office of the Long Group was above the district armed forces department.

Going downstairs, there is too much monitoring around, and I don’t want to shock Shen Qiang, not at all take the transportation from the storage ring, but call the beautiful demon fox Chu Qing with full of smiles, and the content of the speech is About the octopus, but it is the abalone’s octopus fine abalone 3 who bit himself.

“Chuqing, you tell abalone Third Uncle, I want to ask him to take the monster of Heshenghehui, go to explore all the lakes and reservoirs in China, and see if I can find a Crystal Coffin, um, yes , Start with the lake and reservoir in China.”

Hanging up the phone, Shen Qiang, who stopped the taxi, thought seriously while returning to school.

In fact, when Shen Qiang said that the divine corpse was under the flowing river, Wenren Meiqiao said that Shen Qiang was farting.

This means that rivers can be ruled out.

So what can be determined now is that the divine corpse is either in the lake reservoir or in the sea. If it is the former, there is Strange Octopus Abalone 3. It is not difficult to find her simply. I am afraid that this divine corpse is in the sea.

If it is really in the sea, it means that unless there is a way to continue to attack Wenwen Meiqiao, there is no way to think about it.

After all, Earth’s ocean area accounts for 71% of the whole. If there is no accurate area to delineate, it will definitely be a seabed haystack.

Thinking about it, Shen Qiang took out the phone and called Xiuju.

“You can help me check the situation of the Qiao Family of Wenrenmei, um, focus on seeing if there are seafarers on her ancestor. If there are seafarers, please help me check where her ancestor’s footprints have passed, um, just This is important.”

Hang up the phone, Shen Qiang muddleheaded in thought to return to school.

The students in the class are still shocked by Shen Qiang’s incomparable diagnostic ability and mastery of pharmacy posture. Like treating monsters, they all sit far away from Shen Qiang. The only people who don’t care are only beautiful. Qin Yurou, the school’s teacher, listened to the student Abi, and Zongzi Jin who forcibly sat not far from them.

Throughout the afternoon, when thinking of the 70% of the surface of the Earth, Shen Qiang was a little bit reluctant. He was a bit cold for Qin Yurou, who always secretly looked at himself.

Uh, oh, yeah.

Such a simple perfunctory sound transmission made the beautiful school feel Qin Yurou inexplicably lost.

Especially when I thought that Shen Qiang had the opportunity to meet her for dinner, but left alone, obviously he was chatting with him, but he was ah, oh, oh, obviously absent-minded, making the beautifully beautiful Qin language irresistibly skeptical. Isn’t it a school flower?

Are you not beautiful enough?

Normally, as long as you have a casual smile, the boys are rushing over like excitement. Why is it not working in front of Shen Qiang?

Could it be said that there are more beautiful and better women around Shen Qiang?

Qin Yurou didn’t believe it.

Whether it is Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu, or Bai Jiao Bai Eldest Young Lady, or Xu Nan, or even 3 Hua Yu Nu Wei 100, one of the three Goddess in the cultivation field, Qin Yurou believes that she is definitely not worse than them. And, in terms of medicine or medicine pill, he should have more common language with Shen Qiang.


Falling flowers are affectionate.

But now Shen Qiang has not focused on Qin Yurou at all.

Instead, he looked forward to the whereabouts of divine corpse.

Because this involves too much, once you get the divine corpse, Qing Xuan can be resurrected, and the Taiying Youying strength that got the Corolla is at least a step higher.

In her words, she can raise Shen Qiang. ,

At that time, there are 2 Goddess around, not to mention China, even if it is the world, on this Earth, where can Shen Qiang not be able to cross?

So for the next 3 days, Shen Qiang was thinking about divine corpse all day long.

Zongzi Jin, who was beaten continuously and was tortured in an incomplete manner, also cleverly pretended to be dumb and did not pit, so Shen Qiang was in class and chatted with Qin Yu. In addition to the occasional chat, he mentioned the medicine pill conference of Yao Wanggu. Besides, not at all anything special.

The content of Shen Qiang’s chat with Qin Yurou is also limited to medical skills. Modern medicine basically does not involve pill concocting at all. After all, regardless of whether they reveal their identities or not, in the cultivation world, it is a taboo to explore other people’s skills.

So the past few days are to live together in harmony.

In addition to these things in the school, I have to mention that Ke Bizhu went shopping on the same night in Guyun. I did find a nicely decorated restaurant. The decoration style and equipment of Shen Qiang are quite satisfactory, so I want to Without thinking, Shen Qiang put the store down.

But what is more uncomfortable is that the beautiful demon fox Chuqing can’t come to the capital and has to help manage the little demon in the provincial city, and Lu Shuyao went abroad to study, so the restaurant supervisor can only be hired separately.

So if this branch wants to start business, obviously it will not be able to do all the preparations in 3 or 2 days.

But such a peaceful life, instead let Shen Qiang gradually get used to the life in Beijing. When returning home at night, there is a charming night lonely cloud and sexy Ke Bizhu. When he is at school during the day, there is a beautiful Qin Yurou , And the pretty girl Abi, of course, there is a look of Shen Qiang who is upset and has a fake smile, but he can’t get rid of the dog skin plaster that generally sticks to Shen Qiang.

So Shen Qiang is just going to class and practice, although it is plain, but it has been very fulfilling.

That’s it, soon, a week passed. ,

As the temperature rises gradually, not only the plants and trees have sprouted out, but also the warm spring, the spring flowers have also been opened, and some flying insects are also often seen.

But all of this made the whole week, every day, only a few hours of sleep, Wenqiao Meiqiao was extremely anxious, so early in the day, the expression was tired to the extreme Wenren Meiqiao called Bian Yi’s phone. Dear younger brother, now fighting a Captain winger in a dragon group like a fish back in water in the provincial capital.

“Blue scorpion, help me find a way! I have investigated for ten days, and there is no result, there is still no clue, and now the spring flowers are blooming, I have seen the fly bees in flight, which means that if I I can’t solve that guy in a week. I’m probably the security director in this area.

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