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Wenmei Meiqiao’s eyes were complacent, and she heard Wenren Meiqiao’s sentence. If you can dig it out, even if I lose, Shen Qiang’s heart chuckles, and I guess it instantly.

“Divine corpse is in the water!”

Shen Qiang’s thinking is very clear, because as a security consultant of the Dragon Group, Hesheng Heda, the 10000 demon king in cultivation, as long as there is enough time, with the financial resources of Shen Qiang, and the many demon under his hands, it takes time, true You can search every inch of land.

Although this may take several decades, or even a few hundred years, if Shen Qiang must do this, so the cultivator can understand that Shen Qiang has this strength.

Smells beautifully and confidently, saying that if Shen Qiang can dig out divine corpse, even if she loses, it means that divine corpse is not only in the ancient tomb, nor on the land But in the water.

Because it is clear that Earth is gravitational, and with the rapid development of technology today, if she says that divine corpse is in an alien galaxy, Shen Qiang might consider this possibility.

But the sky clearly cannot store the crystal coffin and divine corpse. If it is a legend of an alien galaxy, Wenren Meiqiao will not take it seriously, then the only possibility is that this divine corpse is under a certain water area.

This is the most likely situation and the most complicated one.

Because 71% of the Earth’s surface is ocean, plus the lakes and rivers on the land, the area covered by water is about 3.6100000000 million square kilometers. To find the crystal coffin and divine corpse in such a vast water area, it is undoubtedly to find a needle in a haystack .

And while Shen Qiang frowned, he suddenly realized that he had leaked the words of Wenren Meiqiao, and said: “Vile, shameless! You’re playing with me again? How could there be such a vile villain like you in this world?” Unexpectedly by fair means or foul? Where is your bottom line?”

Shen Qiang smiled and raised her eyebrows indifferently: “I don’t quite clear what the bottom line is. I wore 2 pairs of underpants. In fact, I have long known that divine corpse is in the water, it’s just a crawling joke. This is definitely not a routine, just a good joke.”

Hearing this, Wenren Meiqiao burst into rage: “Shen Qiang, do you think I am a 3-year-old child? Do you think I will believe you know where divine corpse is?”

Shen Qiang slightly smiled raised an eyebrow and said: “I really know that divine corpse is actually buried under the rushing river, which is what the 3-year-old child knows.”

“Fart!” Wenren Meiqiao said furiously, “divine corpse…”


At the critical moment, the jade hand of Wenzhi Meiqiao, who was blessed with his soul, covered his mouth violently, and then looked at Shen Qiang with grief and indignation. Among the flashing eyes and eyes, he was aggrieved so that a few mists of water appeared.

Sure enough, it was Wenren Meiqiao. This reaction was really quick. The same routine was only used for the third time. She realized that at a critical moment, she shut her mouth.

There is nodded pain,

In fact, everyone is like this. If someone says the wrong answer, people will instinctively want to refute him and say the correct answer.

So use the wrong answer to make others use the correct answer to refute their own routine. Shen Qiang has used it for many years and it has been very effective, because this is the bug that the creator has set for humans, as long as he has the real answer, When seeing others show the superiority with the wrong answer in front of him, then people without super wisdom and instinct will immediately refute.

Obviously, Wenren Meiqiao is not an ordinary person. When she was extremely angry, she refrained from correcting Shen Qiang’s idea.

This disappointed Shen Qiang.

But at the same time, I couldn’t help but glance at this Wenren Meiqiao.

After all, a person’s ability is understood to see her opponent. Wenren Meiqiao’s opponent is a powerful 1000 mountain snow, and she will naturally not be weak. The only regret is that the winner takes all and is robbed by 1000 mountain snow. It’s just rays of light.

Because people always see her fail, but ignore the elite of the dragon group fighting team, there are more than 1000 elites, and they don’t even have the courage to fight with 1000 Shan Xuedou.

It was only at this time that Shen Qiang was somewhat embarrassed to see that her grievance was about to explode, hated and annoyed.

In fact, if Wenren Miqiao had to bite her finger, she would never tell Shen Qiang divine corpse. How could Shen Qiang use such words to set the way for Wenren Miqiao, so now this situation is considered forced Helpless.

But if you want to resolve this embarrassment, it may not be solved in 3 words and 2 languages.

Thinking, at this time, the person who delivered the meal came.

The grievous Wenren Miqiao, who received the lunch with tears in her eyes, did not say anything to Shen Qiang, but opened the lunch box silently, and then Shen Qiang surprised to see that this Wenren Miqiao It’s really the same as the rumor.

Lunch turned out to be 4 meat dishes, a plate of Russian pickled cucumbers, a plate of pickled peppers, plus 2 boxes of rice.

Although looking at his boss, he was grieved with tears, but the subordinates of Wenren Meiqiao naturally gave Shen Qiang the same lunch as Wenren Meiqiao.

Open on the coffee table.

Shen Qiang looked at Wenren Meiqiao while eating, and found that she was so angry that she shed tears and ate meat at the same time. The whole person seemed to be more angry, more aggrieved, and the more she wanted to eat.

“Sure enough, as Green Scorpion said, in the eyes of Wenren Meiqiao, meat is justice. In this case, if it works well, I think it can still be done.”

Looking at 4 boxes of meat dishes, Shen Qiang raised his eyebrows slightly, stewed radishes with lamb chops, buckle elbows, Red Braised Pork, plus pan-fried plum meat, 2 boxes of rice, the amount of the meal is not small, but considering the smell of people more than 1.7 meters Height, compared with the cultivation base of Primordial Chaos Realm Peak, eating such a thing is not only not much, compared with 1000 mountain snow, it is a bit delicate.

So looking at Wenren Meiqiao, who was grieved and shed tears, but didn’t speak, Shen Qiang hesitated and said, “That…”

“Don’t talk to me, leave immediately after dinner, never come!”

Looking at Mei Mu coldly looking at herself, crystal tears were flowing down the charming face of Wenren Meiqiao.

Inexplicably guilty, Shen Qiang hesitated and opened his mouth to speak.

It turned out to be a hot thing, and hysterical shouted unreasonably: “I said, don’t talk to me!”

Aside her female subordinates were embarrassed and gave Shen Qiang an understanding look before sitting down to eat.

This made Shen Qiang helpless, then got up and walked to Wenren Meiqiao’s desk, saying with a smile: “Well, then, what I said before might make you angry.”

“It’s very angry!” Wen Renmei Qiao corrected.

Shen Qiang smiled. He took four boxes of vegetables and put them on the table. He said: “Well, for a little apology, you can take a piece of meat from me. It’s my apology. Uh, only. piece.”

Hearing this, Wenqiao Meiqiao, who was grievously hurt, spleen, lungs, and kidneys, took a chopstick and grabbed the only 2 pieces of fried plum meat in Shen Qiang’s lunch box. Now, these all are mine, you are leaving now!”

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