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“You are hurting me!” Zongzi was anxious when he heard Wenren Meiqiao. Originally the past few days, I was particularly upset about Wenren Meiqiao. At first I thought she was a major general, and she was the supervisor of the Dragon Group’s Beijing area. Shen Qiang, the dead rival, was coming. It wasn’t that she was able to flatten and round , How do you want to clean up?

But the result was that, within 2 days, I met 3 times. Not only did I not get a little cheap, but Shen Qiang was so angry that he was born and 2 ascended to heaven, which made her hold a fire.

Not only that, but more importantly, as a new major general.

She also just arrived in Beijing a few days later.

Although it is said that his men govern a large area.

But apart from the two men who followed her, the others did not recognize her.

outward devotion but inner opposition, calling her 10000 years old 2 in the background, not taking her into consideration at all.

And this is the basic reason why she was a bit out of control when she saw Shen Qiang.

Because she is very clear, if the major general is the first when she advances to the game, then the name 10000 years old 2 will naturally not exist, and those in the Dragon Division of the capital will not impudent in front of her, everything It should be smooth.

But now, not only did the people in the Dragon Division of the Beijing City smile at her, but he didn’t give Shen Qiang a face, but he couldn’t help it. Even the ordinary cultivator, Zong Zijin, dared to make trouble and complained.

You know, Wenren Meiqiao hasn’t been in the Beijing branch for a month, and the new official took office 3 and the fire hasn’t burned yet. If Zongzijin complains about it, I’m afraid I will laugh in the back and mock the people who can’t do it. Will be more.

So when I heard Zong Zijin said that he was the one who hurt him, Mei Qiao, slightly smiled, said: “Since the test report can’t satisfy you, let’s start a new investigation and start.”

Ignoring the elite Zongzi Jin, Wen Renmei Qiao said coldly to the policeman on the side: “If he does not cooperate, he will be detained on the grounds that he will report false police.”

Say that’s all, and ignore Zongzi Jin’s roar at all.

Wenren Meiqiao turned and left the ward.

Kindness does not lead soldiers, and goodness does not follow the police.

The irritated Wenmei Meiqiao is not a good boy or a girl.

Out of the ward, standing in the hallway, listening to the ward, Zong Zijin’s desperate wailing, Wenren Meiqiao, who was very depressed, even had a hint of pleasure in her heart.

But just as she was about to leave, the conversation between the two passing doctors made her shine.

“It’s really strange. Counting today’s case, after the Spring Festival, we have received 9 cases of filariasis, which is simply unimaginable. The patients are all from Beijing, and I asked, they Don’t know each other.”

“Well, this thing is too strange. This filariasis has been basically blocked in its own way. Moreover, the occurrence of filariasis in Beijing is as weird as the appearance of ice cubes near the equator.”

The words of the two doctors, if they were heard by others, probably just passed by with a smile. Even if they were curious, they would not think too much.

Kewen Renmei Qiao stopped immediately, and then Meimu followed with extreme vigilance, said with a slight smile: “2 doctors, excuse me, I just heard you say that after the Spring Festival, our hospital received 9 people. Patients with filariasis?”

The two doctors glanced at me strangely, and they were wearing casual clothes and heard Wenmei Meiqiao.

Although she was beautiful, she was reluctant to talk more.

Seeing this situation, Wen Renmei Qiao immediately revealed his document and said: “Two doctors, I am not a reporter, I am just curious about the kind of case you said, because I think it may be a criminal case, so Please cooperate with 2 people, let me know the situation.”

Hearing this, the two doctors glanced at each other, and then a doctor said: “We just planned to call the police, let the police or the epidemic prevention station investigate, please come with us and talk to the office.”

Behind the 2 doctors.

Wen Renmei Qiao entered the attending physician’s office.

Regarding the good situation, one doctor poured water on Wen Ren Mei Qiao and her subordinates, and another doctor took out a few photos and handed it to Wen Ren Mei Qiao, and then said: “Comrade police, this is the case. Yes, if you look at these photos, they are the filariasis patients recently received by our hospital.”

Looking at the photo, the thigh was swollen like a rubber leg, and Wenren Meiqiao frowns saying: “I hear you say that finding this case in Beijing is like finding ice cubes at the equator…”

“Yes.” A doctor said with a smile: “This parasitic disease is a typical tropical disease. In our country, there are only Bancroftian filariasis and Malay filariasis, and usually this parasitic disease It will happen south of the Yellow River. But the patients we have received recently are all from Beijing.”

Wenren Meiqiao surprisedly said: “Or maybe they have relatives and friends returning from the south, or tropical travel…”

“We have asked, there is no such situation, not only that, but even more weird, this filariasis, also known as the parasitic disease of rubber legs, is generally speaking, and the vector is 4 genus of more than 30 species of mosquitoes, such as Anopheles sinensis, Anopheles minimus, Culex pipiens pallens and Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus.”

Looking at the astounded Wenren Meiqiao, the doctor said with a smile: “Although it is now spring, the night temperature in the capital is still around zero, especially since the spring is severe and the mosquitoes are impossible. “

Wen Renmei Qiao’s eyes lit up: “Someone is deliberately spreading!”

Hearing this, the doctor slightly frowned, said: “We have also considered this matter, but these patients have not received injections recently, so this speculation is not very feasible.”

Another doctor said in agreement: “The strange thing about this is that it is strange here. If it is summer, when the mosquitoes are rampant, it is not surprising that this happens, but now it is winter, and the vector of transmission does not exist.”

“And, for filariasis, our country is the most successful country in the world. Many years ago, it has basically blocked the spread of filariasis. The common practice is to eat salt in areas where filariasis is highly prevalent. Adding a little marine life to it can completely prevent filariasis.”

Wen Renmei Qiaomei nodded, said: “I’m sorry, I’m not a doctor, I don’t understand what Haiqunsheng is.”

“Ethanamine, a medicine that can kill two kinds of filariasis common in China,” said a doctor.

After hearing this, Willow eyebrows tightly knit said: “I understand, in simple terms, it shouldn’t have been this season, the disease in this area is spreading?”

“There are currently only 9 cases. For a capital with a population of over 30,000,000, there are not many, but they are extremely strange and difficult to understand.” said a doctor. ,

Wen Renmei Qiao smiled and said: “I understand the situation. Next, we will investigate. When we need help, we will contact 2 people. In addition, Wen Renmei Qiao handed them a business card and said:” If new patients appear, please notify me immediately.”

Saying that’s all, coming out of the office with his men, Wenren Meiqiao not only wiped out the decadence, but became motivated.

The subordinate who was keeping up with him, surprisedly said: “Major General, do you want to check this?”

Wen Renmei Qiao Meimu said sharply: “If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and this matter can’t run Shen Qiang!”

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