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valiant and formidable looking When the Major of the Dragon Group Wen Ren Mei Qiao walked into the restaurant, she saw Shen Qiang who was sitting at the dining table casually, chatting with Qing Ya Wan Gu, the young master of Qing Ya Wan, although I don’t know Shen Qiang said something, but seeing Qin Yurou’s eyes curled up with a smile, she was clearly in a good mood at the moment.

“Shen Qiang, you need to be investigated.” Valiant and formidable looking Wenren Meiqiao stood coldly beside Shen Qiang.

The cold expression made Qin Yurou’s expression slightly nervous when she chatted with Shen Qiang.

Sniffing the faint smell of jasmine from her body, Shen Qiang smiled and said, “I refuse.”

In an instant, not only was Qin Yu stunned, but Wenren Meiqiao was also glaring, and at the same time, Shen Qiang smiled indifferently, sound transmission said to Wenren Meiqiao: “Don’t forget, I’m a safety advisor to the Dragon Group , I have criminal immunity. In the case of my disagreement, all you can do is quietly collect evidence, and then go to the senior team of the dragon group, and ask them to waive my immunity before they can take me away.”

Looking sideways at Wenren Meiqiao, Shen Qiang said indifferently: “So, you can leave now.”

I heard this.

face instantly changes ugly smelling Mei Qiao said solemnly: “Take everything away on and around the table.”

Hearing this, although it was unclear why, her 2 female subordinates and several police officers immediately acted.

Seeing that they had to take away even the dining table and chairs, Shen Qiang smiled and got up and said to the dumbfounded Qin Yurou, “Would you like me to invite you outside to eat something else?”

The beautiful and beautiful Qin Yurou stood up and gave up her chair, said with a slight smile: “Thank you, I have used it.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled and said, “See you then, I will go to the library.”

Seeing Shen Qiang say this sentence, he left. The beautiful and beautiful Qin Yurou immediately said happily: “Shen Qiang, you are going to the library, just the same way, I will go with you. “

Shen Qiang smiled and said, “Okay.”

Saying that’s all, Shen Qiang didn’t even see Ren Meiqiao, so he walked away with Qin Yurou.

Seeing Wenren Meiqiao’s face turned blue with anger, her subordinates and several police officers did not say anything. At this time, instead, the person in charge of the restaurant came and looked at Shen Qiang with a surprised look, saying: “Ai, how did you let him go!”

Wen Renmei Qiao heard it, and he said, “Are you a restaurant Boss? Hygiene permits and epidemic prevention certificates are all taken out, don’t you know if something happened to your restaurant? That student said someone poisoned me. I think it’s probably a matter of hygiene.”

The person in charge of the restaurant froze for a moment.

But fortunately, angry is angry, it is Shen Qiang who smells beautiful, but there is no embarrassment for the boss of that restaurant.

After the police officers took away their tableware, tables and chairs, Wen Renmei Qiao also left the restaurant with a cold face.

After all, reality is so cruel.

The identity of Shen Qiang’s Dragon Group security consultant can not be checked by anyone.

Even if this is indeed the jurisdiction of Wenren Meiqiao.

But Shen Qiang still has the ability to refuse her investigation.

Unless Wen Renmei Qiao can prove that Shen Qiang indiscriminately killed innocents, or made other unforgivable mistakes, otherwise, even if she is the major general of the Dragon Group, she cannot move Shen Qiang at all.

This made her even more angry.

At more than 4 pm, various appraisal results and reports came out.

No toxic substances were found in anyone’s tableware and food. Moreover, the reason why Zongzi Jin was admitted to the hospital was because he used paper towels containing capsicum.

At first, this result made Wen Renmei Qiao laugh.

But again, the situation that could not make Shen Qiang bow her head made her faintly angry.

Especially when I thought that I didn’t even think of Shen Qiang’s identity, I wanted to take him to be investigated. Such a reckless thing is simply stupid.

So in her heart, she not only suffocated, but also a little doubt, what is wrong with herself.

In my heart, I inexplicably missed the time to compete with 1000 Mountain Snow.

But no matter what she thinks, what is before her is that now she has a dragon rank higher than Shen Qiang and a higher power than Shen Qiang. There are three outstanding dragon battle teams, but she still treats Shen Qiang. Helpless.

“Wen Renmei Qiao, you must understand that you are the major general of the dragon group, you are the elite who has been entrusted with important tasks, Shen Qiang is a bastard, he is a small land ruff, don’t lower oneself to somebody’s level with him, he will pull down Your IQ.”

Wenren Meiqiao comforted herself in her heart, and then smiled in the eyes of her beautiful eyes.

“Shen Qiang, you are looking for a few thousand years of immortal female corpses. This is the secret of smelling people. No one knows except me. Please find it slowly. If you can find it, even if I lose!”

Wenren Meiqiao, who smiled secretly in his heart, seemed to have recovered his confidence at the thought of this matter.

But at the same time she was proud, a female subordinate pushed open the door and said: “Major General, the medical college Jin Zong wants to see you, he said he was poisoned, it was done by Shen Qiang, the test reports we showed him It was a fraud. We are covering Shen Qiang. He asks you to see him immediately and severely punish Shen Qiang, otherwise he will complain to you.”

As soon as he heard this, Wenren Meiqiao burst into flames, coldly said: “Okay, then I will go and see him.”

Say that’s all.

Wen Renmei Qiao got up, took her female subordinate, and went directly to the hospital.

At the hospital, just after getting off the car, Wenren Meiqiao was found in Divine Consciousness. Zongzi lying in the hospital bed was playing with the phone and surfing the internet.

But then, Wenren Meiqiao clearly discovered that it seemed that she had arrived, Zong Zijin immediately put down the phone, and then pretended to be dying.

Wen Renmei Qiao frowned and took him directly to Zong Zijin’s ward.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw Zongzi Jin lying on the hospital bed humming.

“Zongzi Jin, I am the person in charge of the Dragon Group, I heard that you are not satisfied with those medical reports?” Wen Renmei Qiao coldly said.

Zong Zijin immediately played the upper body and said weakly: “It was Shen Qiang who poisoned me.”

“Your within the body has not found any toxins, everything is healthy, only diarrhea caused by the imbalance of the bacteria, and the burning discomfort caused by accidentally touching the pepper essence.” Looking at the inspection report, some people wanted to laugh. Mei Qiao said.

“It’s fake.” Zongzi Jindao said: “Shen Qiang is a safety consultant of the Dragon Group. He must have poisoned me. I am a cultivator. How can I have a diarrhea without any reason? It was deliberately placed in front of me!”

Hearing Zongzi Jin in front of her, she said that she was sheltering Shen Qiang, and she was so angry that she didn’t hit her, and then said with a smile.

“Okay, I also think there is a problem with this matter.” Speaking of Wenren Meiqiao, called a male police officer, and then said: “Mr. Zong’s case is indeed doubtful.”

As she said, Wenren Meiqiao waved her hand, and a female subordinate immediately took out a few thick stacks of paper towels, then took out a bottle of chili powder spray and shua shua sprayed chili powder on the paper towel.

Afterwards, Wen Renmei Qiao told the police officer on the side: “Record the details and let him repeat everything, then you can definitely find the key point of how Shen Qiang poisoned. You can do it again after running out of paper towels. is you.”

The police officer saluted: “Please rest assured!”

Looking at the dumbfounded Zongzi Jin, Wen Renmei Qiao Meimu frost coldly said calmly: “Mr. Zong, please cooperate with the investigation, from the time you took the tissue into the toilet, let’s restore the whole process of your murder. , If you can’t figure out where the doubt is once, it’s ten times, and if you can’t, it’s 100 times. Rest assured, we’ll help you find the problem.

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