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When Shen Qiang tried his best to express his deep in one’s heart’s fire-like respect for the 1000 years of sleeping Fire Lotus, Ke Bizhu, in the Dean office of the Beijing Medical University and the Graduate School, the beautiful medicine Wang Gu Young Master, Begging.

“Dean, I really just want to go to the Provincial Medical University Graduate School for a semester, because I think that the exchanges between different colleges can help me master more knowledge, I guarantee that the score will never fall, I will write Very good paper.”

Sitting at the desk of the graduate school Dean, his eyes looked at the beautiful medicine Wang Gu Young Master from the eyeglass frame.

“Did you make a boyfriend at the Provincial Medical University? Why must you go there? You should understand that this hospital is the best. Whether it is academic atmosphere, technology, theory, ability, this hospital is internationally superb Exist, are you sure you want to give up here and go to the provincial capital?”

“It’s just a semester!” The young Master Wanggu of the beautiful medicine hurriedly.

Graduate School Dean, took off his glasses, leaned back on his chair, and said seriously: “You are among the best in this school, and you are still the school flower of Beijing Medical University. The future is promising, so I will not allow you to go to the provincial capital. “

“Because you are acting like a girl who has been blinded by the so-called love, do things without thinking, without considering the consequences, only based on personal preferences, you are degenerate, you will destroy your happiness. , So you go out, this thing won’t work.”

Hearing this, the beautiful Master Wanggu Young Master was anxious and said, “Dean, I am not in love, I just want to…”

Dean at the graduate school smiled and sighed helplessly: “You don’t need to say, I have seen too many people in my life. I was dazed by the so-called love and ruined my future. Their performance and you same.”

“You may be deceiving yourself, telling yourself that you are not at all in love, not at all who you like, but in fact, at an age like yours, if you say that you have great ambitions and want to start a business, go to sea to do business, Or, it is normal for you to be able to work in a hospital.”

“But you are unfathomable mystery and you are going to the Provincial Medical University. The only reasonable probability is that there is a person there, or a group of people are attracting you, give up, that is not okay, you are my most optimistic student, I can not indulge you, because you A little bit of emotions are chaotic.”,

“But Dean, I…” The young Master Wanggu, the beautiful medicine, wanted to say.

But at this time, Dean of the Graduate School said with a smile: “It goes without saying that no one will come to use. I will watch you this semester. If you are in trouble, I will fire you. After hard work, it will turn into running water. If you understand it, go out.”

The young Master Wanggu, the beautiful medicine, froze.

Later, seeing Dean’s attitude in graduate school was firm, she had to leave.

Out of Dean’s office.

In the hallway, the pretty girls who have been waiting for a long time have already heard their conversations, so at this moment I saw the beautiful Young Master’s full of loss, and could not help but whispered comfortably: “Young Master, it really can’t be done, let’s forget it, come to Japan, please Beating Shen Qiang is not an overnight thing, we can think long.”

Hearing this beautiful Young Master, slim eyebrows, hesitated, and then went out, and said seriously: “No, Shen Qiang is the boss of Heshenghe, is the 10000 demon king, he is studying now, is Close to his best time.”

“Once Shen Qiang has finished his studies, it is almost as difficult as heavenly ascension to want to observe him up close. Unless when the time comes when I join Heshenghe, there is no chance.”

Pretty young girl hearing this anxiously said: “Young Master, you can’t be self-willed. You have been studying for so many years and have excellent grades. Now Academy disagrees, you don’t want to mess up with 10000000. Bubbled up.”

The beautiful Young Master was silent, but after hesitating for a few seconds, she raised her eyebrows lightly and said: “The education is gone, you can still take it, but if you miss the opportunity to observe Shen Qiang up close, you don’t know how long it will take to figure out him. The mystery of pill concocting, so needless to say, it doesn’t matter if Academy doesn’t agree, I’ll go by myself.

Say that’s all, she turned around and left.

Seeing that she couldn’t stop it anymore, the anxious and pretty young girl sent a text message quietly while following behind the beautiful Young Master.

“Young Master, calm down, even if you go to the provincial capital, Shen Qiang will not pill concocting in the Academy.”

“Young Master, think about it, it’s you. Will you show your pill concocting skills to others?”

“Young Master!”

The imposingly beautiful Young Master, said solemnly: “He will not pill concocting in Academy, nor will he show pill concocting skills casually, but Shen Qiang is not a person who will admit defeat, as long as I am in his It’s okay to show me medicine pill all the time. He will be angry, he will come up with better ones. Just a few times, I will be able to figure out what is the secret of his concocting.”

Follow closely following his pretty young girl hearing this, anxiously said: “But Young Master, it’s too expensive.”

The stunningly beautiful Young Master said sharply: “No, I don’t know Shen Qiang’s Pill Refining Art trick anyway, it means that I will always be pressed by him in my life, and I will never be a drug king, so you don’t have to say it anymore. This cannot change my mind.”

“Your idea is wrong. Shen Qiang’s power is only because he can refine some strange medicine pill. He can’t really benefit the medicine pill of all beings.”

Following the beautiful young master who has walked to the pretty girl at the entrance of the graduate school, he has seen the First Senior Brother who has arrived.

At this moment, with a solemn face, he firmly stopped in front of the beautiful Young Master and said: “Little Junior Sister, you can’t take your studies to crack a joke, I will never allow you to see Shen Qiang. “

“You count me who? What right do you have to control me?” The beautiful young Master raised his eyebrows coldly said.

Yao Wanggu First Senior Brother, shook his head pretendingly, and then raised his eyebrows: “Little Junior Sister, do you need me to clarify the words? The owner of the valley likes me very much, not only teaches the pill concocting technique, but also It has been promised that as long as you are successful in your studies, you will be married to me, and I will also become the next Valley Master of Yaowang Valley.”

“So you have to listen to me.” First Senior Brother smiled, his eyes complacent.

The pretty girl’s eyes lost instantly, but the beautiful Young Master was furious: “Don’t dream, what my father thinks, it has nothing to do with me, flash away, good dogs don’t block the road, if you stop in front of me again, I Just call the police.”

“You won’t.” Yao Wanggu First Senior Brother smiled smugly, and then said: “Because that is useless, and the police will be willing to help me and persuade the lost girl.”

“Then hit you hurt badly with many teeth knocked out!”

Suddenly came the lazy, impatient, and wicked male voice, which surprised the three people and turned their heads.

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