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When the sunlight in the capital illuminates the curtains, Shen Qiang sees it clearly, her eyes are shy, but she looks like she is sleeping on the Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu, she is snickering, and then seems to realize that her snickering was caused by Shen Qiang saw it, and then she shyly hid her head in Shen Qiang’s arms.

Smooth and shiny hair, with a strong and elegant sleep of Fire Lotus fragrance, hot lovable body, like a well-behaved cat, at this moment, if anyone sees, the big demon with dignified strength above the fruit stage, in Shen Qiang’s arms are so well-behaved, I am afraid that it will not only be their glasses.

In the cultivation field, the cultivation base of Primordial Chaos Realm is already a powerhouse. In a separate area, it can be regarded as the strength of the Overlord level. For the ordinary cultivator, the fruit period is more often than they are. Legend can only look up.

But at this time, the beautiful eyes are too shy to look at Shen Qiang’s Ke Bizhu. Where does the semi-legendary super powerhouse look?

Instead, it is more like a first awakening of love girl.

Kissing the top of her head, Shen Qiang whispered: “It’s great to have your morning.”

Hearing this, the Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu lifted the head beautifully. When she saw Shen Qiang looking at her, she couldn’t help but dare to look at Shen Qiang’s eyes. Then she put the show lightly on Shen Qiang’s shoulder , Whispered: “I have been waiting for 1000 years in the world just to meet you.”

Shen Qiang was surprised, surprisedly said: “Are you the sleeping Fire Lotus I downloaded 1000 years ago?”

Ke Bizhu pu chi laughed at once, and then she raised Shen Qiang’s hand with her own eyes and clasped her hands in Shen Qiang’s hand, saying: “1000 years ago, Ji Wei was by my lotus pond and killed A lot of cultivators and monks, their blood flowed into the lotus pond.”

“I, who has absorbed enough Spirit Qi, is very fond of him with an armor and a blue flame burning.”

“Inexplicably understand that he is sitting by the pond, wanting to see the flowers bloom.”

Lightly turned her head and looked at Shen Qiang. She smiled, her delicate lips like blooming flowers.

“I thought he would wait for me for 7 days. Give me the opportunity to bloom, but in the evening of the 3rd day, he suddenly gave up, he left there, and went to a distance that I don’t know.”

“I was disappointed and sad, and I always wanted to ask him why.”

“So I suddenly wanted to leave the lotus pond. One day after many years, I changed to what I am now, so I went ashore and wandered in the world. For the first 500 years, I have been looking for Ji Wei, I just want to know, I’m so beautiful, why did he give up on me.”

“I can’t imagine that some people in the world will treat me as invisible.”

Looking at the surprised Shen Qiang, Ke Bizhu suddenly smiled and said, “Later, I met a pair of old man women in a small village chief. They were too old to walk and couldn’t eat anything. Old Mister was going to die. He must see a doctor, he knows that he may never come back again.”

“So they lie tightly by pulling each other’s hands.”

“The old man, looking at the old woman with wrinkled skin and white hair, said, It took 30 minutes to say that meeting you is the most beautiful scenery in my life.”

“And the old lady with ragged clothes, hands full of calluses, and no valuable jewelry on her body smiled and said, thank you, and I have worked hard for my whole life.”

Turning his head, looking at Shen Qiang with a shocked look, sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu smiled and said softly: “At that moment, I suddenly understood! When Ji Wei left, it was not because I was not beautiful enough, but because he had Beloved.”

“So for the next 500 years, I have traveled all over China and have been wandering in the world of red dust, just to meet the person who can make me thump.”

Looking at Shen Qiang’s eyes, he lightly kissed up the sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu, lightly kissed Shen Qiang’s lips, and then said happily with his eyes: “It can be a full 1000 years, the person I was waiting for has always been None appear.”

“I am a bit disappointed, a little lost, and a little skeptical. Isn’t that the kind of love that always blends in, will never appear beside me, am I not worthy of having love at all.”

Looking at Shen Qiang, the beauty of Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu suddenly burst into tenderness, and then whispered: “So I went to the hospital, I hope to see the scene that touched me once again, but what is surprising is , I met you in the hospital.”

Shen Qiang froze: “Have we seen in the hospital?”

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu pu chi laughed at once, and then she said charmingly with a smile: “At that time you were so ugly and short, but like a big hero, helping Gao Hui, so I At that time, I was thinking, you may be the person I waited for 1000 years, and I may be able to be with you like Bai Suzhen.”

Shen Qiang was a little ignorant, when he was surprised.

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu suddenly smiled: “But I didn’t expect 10000 10000, that night, you had another chance, you met mysterious power, I can’t even approach you, and then, not only did you become handsome, A little bit stronger, and there is a dragon’s breath on your body. Later, you became their legendary 10000-year-old monster, and created Heshenghe, so I came.”

Looking at Shen Qiang, who looked awkward, sleeping with a smile in the Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu: “I always thought that you would not notice me, and I have been thanking you for their recognition. I feel that I can It’s already a gift from heaven to follow you like this. Unexpectedly, happiness is unexpected, and you really care about me.”

Looking at the coquettishly sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu, Shen Qiang said in shock: “I was next to the night I met Xian Yuan?”

Sleep Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu pu chi smiled and said: “Of course, when you were broken, I was still full of surprises, because I thought I could treat you like Bai Suzhen, and then get married naturally. I gave you, but I didn’t expect that the powerful energy you encountered made me unable to enter even the 20 meters around you.”

Shen Qiang was stunned, and then could not help but embrace the sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu into his arms.

In my heart, I was shocked to think that there were good fruits and good rewards.

If you think about everything you have now, it is only because you implemented the justice in your heart.

Even if Gao Hui didn’t give herself that piece of aquatic agate, she couldn’t get the fairy edge. With Ke Bizhu in it, she might also be like that fairy and have another chance. If there is a good fruit, a good house will have Yu Qing.

Turning over and pressing the beautiful Ke Bizhu under her, looking at her pink lips, Shen Qiang said with a smile: “It turns out that you hid so deeply beside me, so I decided to represent you, the moon and the sun.”

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu pu chi smiled at once, covered the kissed Shen Qiang lips with slender white jade fingers, and smiled softly and shook his head: “No, because you must get up immediately, otherwise you will be late .”

Shen Qiang said with a smile: “Now that it is too late! I have decided that on the first day of the new semester, let me use the late arrival to express my heart to the beautiful woman who has waited for 1000 years like you. Respect!”

“No! Bad guys!”

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