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The fragrance of the shampoo shampoo in the fragrance does not cover up her faint tea-like body fragrance, gently holding her Shen Qiang, you can clearly feel that she is shaking on tiptoe, very close distance Next, Shen Qiang could clearly feel her hurricane heartbeat.

The whole person, in the cold night breeze of late winter and early spring, was soft, warm, coy, nervous, but unexpectedly bold.

So that the whole person was tremblingly embraced by Shen Qiang, she did not understand how she was so bold, so impudent, so extraordinary.

As the 100 Flower Palace for 300 years, the only one selected is the 100 Flower Jade Girl.

She grew up and always respected the way of the Jade Girl.

Be steady, reserved, virtuous, polite…

Jurisprudence, human relations.

Various rules, and always pay attention to the image of the jade girl, like an invisible chain, binding her all the time.

Eating, there are rules for eating, sitting posture, walking, clothing, and even including smiles, there are strict rules, even including the angle of the lips to be raised, how to hide the eyes, like a cage, no any Overpass.

Because she is a 100-flower girl, she is a pure and flawless representative.

She is the Goddess of cultivation and unique and unmatched, she is a symbol of 100 flowers palace.

But now…

Since she and Shen Qiang secretly dropped those who were negotiating in the Heshenghe Building, there was a sense of nervousness in her heart.

As a 100-flower girl, how could she go out alone with the man late at night!

This in itself made her extremely nervous.

And then, without paying for dinner, sneak away!

This is simply defiled the title of Jade Girl.

It’s almost like unveiling. The seals that have been affixed to her since she remembered it generally gave her an unprecedented sense of freedom.

A rebellion that has been unprecedented after 20 years of unprecedented behavior!

Let all the rules go to hell!

Anyone who is a woman learns to stand first. The law of standing, but to be clear, chaste, clean is clean, and chaste is honorable, Xing Mo turned back, and his lips raised…

All these teachings echoed in my ears.

But at the moment, the 100 flowers and the female are 1000 dais, but they just want to obey the instinct.

The night breeze at the end of winter and the beginning of spring is cold, and the hot face is more and more hot, and the lovable body looks like a warm little sun.

Seeing that although his body was trembling uncontrollably, even his breathing became a fluctuating electrocardiogram, but his eyes were shining, and he seemed to have received a new generation of 1000 students. Shen Qiang smiled and bent his eyes.

This made Weisheng 1000 Dai instinctively embarrassed and embarrassed. At this moment, she was suddenly worried that this would make Shen Qiang look down on herself.

So she hesitated and tried to explain, “Shen Qiang, oh my, this is not what I usually do.”

Shen Qiang smiled, hugged her fragrant shoulder, walked out from the food street, and while walking, whispered: “Without harming yourself, and others, occasionally doing something outrageous is not bad. .”

Weisheng 1000 Dai is nervous, smiling, but silent.

Looking at her coy expression as if she had returned to the Jade Girl model, Shen Qiang said: “Perhaps we should do something more extraordinary.”

Weisheng 1000 Dai was shocked.

At this time, Shen Qiang, who had already reached the roadside, squatted to the three youngsters who squatted beside his car while smoking and drinking cans of beer.

“Hello, idiot, stay away from my car.”

Hearing this, the three young men who were on top of the wine immediately became angry and immediately yelled.

“Fuck, is there a great car? Believing or not smashed you!”

Embracing the astonished Weisheng 1000 Dai, Shen Qiang whispered in her ear.

“Curse them, scold them in the most vicious and nasty words you can think of.”

Weisheng 1000 Dai Dai was stunned, her beautiful lips trembling, but she couldn’t say a swear word.

“Curse, try it, it will be great.”

Shen Qiang said with a smile.

Weisheng 1000 Dai looked at the furious, mouth like a machine gun, where the three young men screaming wildly, hesitantly and hesitantly said: “Can I really?”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Absolutely, just use your most vicious and indecent words, scold them, come on, there is nothing at worst!”

Weisheng 1000 Dai became nervous and hesitated. At this time, a young man who shouted loudly smashed the can of beer in his hand directly on the windshield of Shen Qiang’s car. Those beers with foam appeared to spray the car. Disgusting.


Wei Sheng 1000 Dai Dai scolded like a mosquito, and the voice was so small that even Shen Qiang couldn’t hear it if she didn’t care to listen.

Shen Qiang smiled: “You speak louder, I promise, people in 100 Flower Palace will not know.”

Hearing this, Weisheng 1000 Dai encouraged the courage to speak with a trembling tone, like an ordinary person’s voice.


Shen Qiang smiled, held up the jade hand of Weisheng 1000 Dai Xuebai, and then pressed her slender and slender fingers one by one, leaving only one middle finger, and then in her amazed eyes, a said with a smile: “Come, shout with me, try your best, don’t be polite.”

“Fuck!” Shen Qiang roared and raised her middle finger at the three young men.

Suddenly with confidence, Weisheng 1000 Dai, as usual.

The pure and beautiful face, the crisp voice like the yellow warbler, finally, with the encouragement of Shen Qiang, called out with an impudent, vulgar, full of city atmosphere.

The clear and loud voice made three young people stunned.

“Are you cool?” Shen Qiang smiled and looked at Weisheng 1000 Dai, and said: “The sound is louder, you have to understand that this is a demonstration, this is a warning, this is your contempt, your arrogance, come on, start Despise them.”

Excited and uncontrollably weird 1000 dais, followed Shen Qiang to the three youths who had been stunned by her beauty, and emboldened the courageous wei 3 dais, and suddenly raised their middle fingers to them, angrily roared: “Fuck!”

The three youths were stunned.

With a dazed and surprised look at Weisheng 1000 Dai.

Shen Qiang smiled and bent her eyes, took Weisheng 1000 Dai into the car, closed the door, and dropped the window over Weisheng 1000 Dai, and said, “Come again.”

Weisheng 1000 Dai raised her middle finger to the three people outside the car and roared with pride.

Seeing Shen Qiang driving away, the 3 people who came back to his senses threw beer cans into the car, but how could they still be smashed.

Close the window.

Shen Qiang drove all the way and took Weisheng 1000 Dai to the Golden Mile Huacheng not far from the food street.

Then took her upstairs.

Although I haven’t been back for a long time, the room is still very clean and tidy because of the regular cleaning.

Close the room door, Shen Qiang looked at the charming and charming Weisheng 1000 Dai, slightly smiled, and said, “Do you still want to do something extraordinary?”

Hearing this, Weisheng 1000 Dai, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After a long time, she snapped her eyes opened and pulled Shen Qiang to the floor mirror. Afterwards, although she blushed to the base of her neck, she still said with a trembling tone.

“Come and love me, right here, no lights off!”

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