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When I saw Yu Xinghuo, it was exploded directly in the live broadcast room. No one thought that it was a complete loss, and turned out to be Yu Xinghuo’s flaunting capital, because it is really no more than pill concocting. Shen Qiang initiated the challenge.

Therefore, many cultivators are noisy on the Internet, but many Medicine Refining Master fame and so-called Masters are strangely silent, because they dare not easily give any evaluation of Shen Qiang’s Alchemy Technique.

After all, the magical concocting ability has completely exceeded their expectations.

When the cultivation circle was shocked by Shen Qiang’s pill concocting ability, Shen Qiang brought Weisheng 1000 Dai to lunch at noon. In the afternoon, he chatted with Weisheng 1000 Dai about 100 Hua Gong and Hesheng cooperation. thing.

In fact, the content is very simple.

This is the so-called joint school, and then choose the discipline, select talented and aptitude ordinary person to cultivate.

This is in the interest of Heshenghe and Shen Qiang.

It is also good for 100 Flower Palace.

But in some details, it is clear that Bian Yi’s idea of ​​stolen goods is more advantageous.

So in the afternoon, Shen Qiang accompanied Weisheng 1000 Dai’s assistant and Bian Yi to talk about cooperation.

That scene was more intense than Shen Qiang and Yu Xinghuodoudan.

Various details are not only a lot of stars, but also intense discussions. The two parties also gave in to each other. Therefore, Shen Qiang and Weisheng 1000 Dai quickly lost interest in their negotiations.

So 2 people went to Shen Qiang’s office to chat.

There is only one key point to talk about, which is the 100 Flower Palace Master, Weisheng Zhimei.

Because in the entire 100 Flower Palace, the only thing Shen Qiang knew and appreciated was the charming beauty.

As the master of Weisheng 1000 Dai, Weisheng 1000 Dai obviously knows a lot about Weisheng Zhimei, so not only is it not embarrassing to chat, but it makes both of them chatting.

In the evening, everyone arranged a dinner party in Datong River.

Shen Qiang is anxious, because after the first month of the first month, after seeing the people of the Disillusionment Brigade, it is time to start school. When the time comes, he must go to school to study in Beijing. This not only cannot be changed, but the Principal is To be clear, if Shen Qiang does not go to school on time, he will be expelled.

Not only that, Weisheng 1000 Dai also repeatedly expressed the hope that this matter could be finalized as soon as possible, because after the Spring Festival, she would also go back to school.

So in order to finalize the cooperation between 100 Huagong and Heshenghe as soon as possible, Shen Qiang and Weisheng 1000 Dai’s views are extremely consistent.

That is, if the talks are not good during the day, just talk at night.

In this case, Bian Yi and Weisheng Zhimei sent to Weisheng 1000 Dai’s female assistant, 2 people, each with this group of men, various documents, various details, and had an endless talk.

When it comes to 11 o’clock in the evening, there is still no meaning to stop at all. Everyone slammed coffee and sipped tea, like a war. In the Conference Hall, there was no end of quarrel.

Both Shen Qiang and Weisheng 1000 Dai, who were watching from the sidelines, were abnormally speechless.

“Impossible, 100 Flower Palace wishful thinking, want to take a little bit cheaper in me is a dream.”

“President Shen, I’ve never seen it. You stingy man like you, dignified Heshenghe, big family business, do you need to care about the details?”

Seeing that Bian Yi had an endless argument with the woman, feeling bored and impatient, Shen Qiang quietly pulled Weisheng 1000 Dai, and then gave her a look of going out.

Weisheng 1000 Dai immediately followed Shen Qiang out of the Conference Hall.

“Shen Qiang, what’s the matter?” Weisheng 1000 Dai was surprised.

Shen Qiang smiled and booed, said quietly with a smile: “Let them noisy, let’s go out for dinner.”

Hearing this, Weisheng 1000 Dai was shocked.

Some hesitation.

But looking at Shen Qiang without any hesitation in his footsteps, Meimu had a slight shamelessly spawning 1000 dais, and still followed Shen Qiang crept downstairs.

Go downstairs.

Shen Qiang drove and took her to the food street in the city center. Although it was close to midnight, the food street was still brightly lit.

Because of early spring, the night is also relatively cold.

So Shen Qiang took her straight to hot pot.

In the restaurant, the pure and beautiful Weisheng 1000 Dai, with beautiful eyes and beautiful smiles, talked with Shen Qiang softly and drizzled about Weisheng Zhimei, and at the same time, she used spoons and chopsticks to help Shen Qiang Laid dishes.

She is beautiful under the lights.

She seems to have a sentimental look, always avoiding Shen Qiang intentionally or unintentionally when she is staring at her. The blushing and pretty face does not know whether it is because of heat or coyness. ,

But the smile on the corner of the lips and the dimples on the cheeks are pure and delicate, but they are as bright as diamonds.

So that there was a moment when she smiled at Shen Qiang, the shell teeth under the lips of the cherry blossoms were shiny, and the eyes and brows were all pretty, Shen Qiang’s heart felt a kind of first love for no reason. Feeling.

Very pure. ,

Not luxurious, not romantic, not beautiful and alluring, but refreshing like a spring rain.

“Well, after finishing this matter, I will go back and spend the Lantern Festival with the Master, and then I will go back to school.” Weisheng 1000 Dai Dai said delicately: “I study administrative management, but those courses mean a little bit No, as in Master cultivation in the palace, everything is done step by step, and I feel that there are rules everywhere.”

“You can’t do this, you can’t do that, it feels boring, but you have to insist.”

Looking at the delicate and flowery, like the treatment of close friends, the Weisheng 1000 Dai who confessed her heart.

Shen Qiang suddenly smiled and said: “Indeed, the rules are everywhere, every day must face all kinds of pressure, so sometimes, there are some extraordinary things to relax yourself and reduce pressure.”

Weisheng 1000 was stupefied, then hesitantly said: “No, only when I was in elementary school, I pretended to be ill, so I didn’t go to class. Later, when I started cultivation with the Master, I couldn’t pretend, and I would not catch a cold easily. “

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled.

I took the mobile phone and directly paid for the hot pot restaurant.

After lowering his voice, he said to Weisheng 1000 Dai: “Have you eaten the king meal?”

“Overlord meal? What do you mean?”


Shen Qiang smiled and raised a finger, then whispered: “We will not pay for this meal tonight, have you eaten?”

Weisheng 1000 Daidi was nodded indifferently, still didn’t understand what was going on.

Shen Qiang had already got up and lowered his voice and said: “We sneaked out without counting.”

“What? Isn’t that a thief?”

Looking at her startled eyes.

Shen Qiang, who smiled and bent her eyes, took her hand, turned around and pulled her away, and whispered: “Don’t make a sound, calm down, don’t let people see that we haven’t settled.”

The pure and beautiful 100 Huayu Weisheng 1000 Dai, in the cultivation world, the watch is pure and flawless, noble flawless Saintess, absolutely no flaws, now I heard that she is going to eat a king meal with Shen Qiang, like making Leave like a thief.

Her heart was peng~ peng~ peng~ in an instant, and she kept jumping, not to mention that she was a good and obedient girl since she was a child, even if it is a rude man who does not count the small sections, knowing that she has not checked out. Sneaking away will also make you nervous.

So Shen Qiang, who took her hand and walked out, clearly felt that her heartbeat was already chaotic than ordinary.

Not only that, when pulling her Shen Qiang and taking her through the bar, Shen Qiang not only clearly realized that her tender palm was already sweating, and even the lovable body was shaking.

Sure enough, eating such a ridiculous meal without paying the bills is such an extraordinary thing, it is indeed too exciting for the 100 Hua Yu Nu.

She was so nervous that her palms were sweaty.

But the fee has already been paid on the mobile phone, so Shen Qiang pulled her and walked out of the hot pot shop unhindered along the way.

Outside the hot pot restaurant, Shen Qiang, who stopped in the cold wind of early winter, turned his head and lost his mind. He didn’t know how to be a good Weisheng 1000 Dai. He ran into Shen Qiang, and then Shen Qiang realized with a smile, Weisheng 1000 Dai, this little girl, although still trembling all over her body, her beautiful eyes sparkle incomparably.

She was nervous, excited, and trembling slightly: “It’s so nervous, so exciting, it feels so strange.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled: “Is it very special? Exciting, feeling that life has suddenly become interesting?”

Weisheng 1000 Dai was nodded with a trembling breath, and then said: “It feels like I have freed myself from all the shackles. This feels good. This is the first time I did this kind of thing since I was small. I was so scared and nervous at that time. , It feels really curious, but I still go back and check them out, after all, they are not easy to make money.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled and said, “I will go to the checkout. You don’t have to worry about this. Now, do you still want to do something extraordinary?”

Weisheng 1000 Dai looked blankly at Shen Qiang, her eyes suddenly lit like stars in the night sky.

“Think!” she said.

And the next second, she plunged into Shen Qiang’s arms, tiptoe, pink lips like cherry blossoms, lightly printed on Shen Qiang’s lips.

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