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Shen Qiang’s eyes are cold and arrogant, his words are domineering, and he cannot be questioned. He unbridledly displays the charm of male masculinity, so that the pure and beautiful Weisheng 1000 Dai, Bai Jiao, and the lithe and graceful mature Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu are all beautiful. He looked at him dazzlingly.

Among them, the most joyful is undoubtedly the pure and beautiful Weisheng 1000 Dai, because unlike Bai Jiao and Ke Bizhu, she does not know much about Shen Qiang.

So at this moment, she saw Shen Qiang’s overbearing power in front of Yu Xinghuo, one of the 4 Xiao Danqings. The strength, like a flame, instantly ignited her longing for powerhouse.

“So handsome, so cool, not hypocritical, tough, masculine, this is the real man! This is the real overbearing president, this is the 10000 demon king!”

She was pleasantly surprised, and was attracted by Shen Qiang.

Yu Xinghuo, who is 4 Xiao Danqing, also froze.

Looking at Shen Qiang’s proud, indifferent look.

He felt it for no reason, that kind of contempt like a king. ,

He felt that he should be angry.

But at that moment.

In the depths of his heart, he inexplicably surged. He was the king, and he despised the feeling of not being disgraceful.

This silenced him.

Seeing Yu Xinghuo’s silence, Shen Qiang smiled and gave 1000 dais to Mimu in surprise, saying: “Go, although it is simple, but I think you should like the staff restaurant of Heshenghe.”

After a while.

Until Shen Qiang walked into the restaurant with the young and beautiful Weisheng 1000 Dai, sweet and petite Bai Jiao, sexy and mature Ke Bizhu.

Yu Xinghuo, who stared blankly in the corridor outside the elevator, suddenly came back to his senses.

At this time, a follower said: “Boss, what to do, this Shen Qiang is so arrogant and unreasonable, let’s go.”

Hearing this, Yu Xinghuo frowned, and then said angrily: “How can I go? Isn’t it like we have already conceded defeat?”

His entourage was silent, and then whispered: “But this Shen Qiang made it clear that he didn’t want to give us a face. You dignified 4 Xiao Danqing, encountering this kind of cold reception is enough to prove that this Shen Qiang has lost all conscience, no humanity, and no half conservation , Is a complete bastard.”

Yu Xinghuo frowned, then coldly said: “What’s the use of telling me, he is so unscrupulous in Shen Qiang, then he should let the whole cultivation community see his ugly face.”

Hearing this, his entourage immediately nodded and took out his mobile phone to go online.

In the restaurant, the pure and beautiful Weisheng 1000 Dai was sitting against the window, looking at it in a funny way, a dining position that was completely indistinguishable from that of ordinary employees, half-cracking a joke, said with a smile: “Shen Qiang , This is the Boss restaurant you’re talking about?”

Shen Qiang laughed: “Yes, it’s special when you sit down, and it’s free when you leave. The staff breakfast is indeed not many, and it’s very simple, but if you want to eat with Yu Xinghuo Dan later, obviously it will cost you. Too much time.”

Weisheng 1000 Dai smiled lightly: “It’s good.”

Bai Jiao looked at Wei Sheng 1000 Dai’s red flutter, her small face with a shy face, could not help saying with a smile: “Of course, with the person you like, you will feel delicious when you eat anything.”

In an instant, Weisheng 1000 Dai was embarrassed again.

Bai Jiao snickered, squeezed Shen Qiang lightly under the table with his hand, and motioned to let Shen Qiang watch Weisheng 1000 Dai.

Shen Qiang laughed, then digressed and secretly glared at Bai Jiao, said with a smile: “Is this Yu Xinghuo really very difficult to deal with? I think he is a bit too believe oneself infallible.”

Hearing this, Bai Jiao’s eyes lighted up, and she smiled whitely at Shen Qiang, saying, “Shen Qiang, you are too unconcerned about the situation in the cultivation world. In addition to the medicine king valley, the cultivation world is currently recognized First-class Medicine Refining Master, there are only thirty two wonderful hands and 4 Xiao Danqing, 36 Medicine Refining Masters.”

“So you don’t want to underestimate this Yu Xinghuo 10000000, he refined the medicine pill level is absolutely first-class, so even if you lose to him, it is not shameful.

Shen Qiang was ecstatic: “You just have no confidence in me?”

Bai Jiao smiled coquettishly and said: “I’m afraid you are under pressure.”

Shen Qiang laughs.

At this time, Wei Sheng 1000 Dai sitting opposite Shen Qiang Bai Jiao with Ke Bizhu looked at Shen Qiang’s smile, but inexplicably uncomfortable, because as the initiator, Wei Sheng 1000 Dai was very clear, Yu Xinghuo came to find Shen Qiang Dou Dan, the real reason is because she said that she likes Shen Qiang, so Yu Xinghuo couldn’t help but find Shen Qiang in trouble.

This made Wei Qian 1000, who was looking at Shen Qiang, inexplicably guilty in his heart.

Especially when I thought that 10000 Shen Qiang lost, it would not only be ridiculed by the whole cultivation world, but also not to live in pill concocting for a lifetime. This cost is so high, the competition with such high risks is entirely contributed by her, but Shen Qiang not only Without knowing it, he smiled and ate with himself.

The weight bearing in Weisheng 1000 Dai’s heart became heavier, so after a little hesitation, Weisheng 1000 Dai said: “Shen Qiang, in fact, I came here so early today, I want to cheer for you and Yu Xinghuo’s Dou Dan. At the same time, I also want to say sorry to you,”

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned.

Despite the embarrassment, the pure 1000 Wei Dai still said: “Because, Yu Xinghuo came to you to fight Dan, not as you imagined, but because I said that you are better than him, so he only …”

These words made Shen Qiang, Bai Jiao, and Ke Bizhu very shocked.

But looking at her awkward look, Shen Qiang smiled.

“I have just said, why it is not important why he came to fight against me, all I have to do is use my pill concocting ability, dignified to crush him, and let all Alchemists in the cultivation circle shut up. This kind of thing is a mischief behind.”

Looking at the apologetic Weisheng 1000 Dai, Shen Qiang knew in his heart that I was afraid that Yu Xinghuo would fight with him, not like the Weisheng 1000 Dai casually mentioned. Something you don’t know about.

However, looking at the apologetic Weisheng 1000 Dai, Shen Qiang’s mood was unreasonably good, because if she said nothing, Shen Qiang did not know anything.

She said this so frankly, if Shen Qiang was to make a fuss about it, it would be too demeanor.

So Shen Qiang said with a smile: “even more how, you said to him that I am better than him, which is in itself an endorsement of me, as for him believe or not, still refuse to accept, that is his problem, you There is no need to apologize for this.”

Saying Shen Qiang a said with a smile: “And, from my point of view, if it is really because of you, that Yu Xinghuo came here, then I have to thank you instead, because I have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. Now, I impatiently want to show my strength, so that the guys in the cultivation world will only talk about the right and wrong behind it.”

“So you don’t have to blame yourself for that, and there’s no need for that.” Shen Qiang said with a smile: “Because I have to give those who question me a little bit of a taste, otherwise, they will always feel that I am bullying well. “

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