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Yu Xinghuo was stunned, just staring blankly at the bright eyes, smiling like a flower at Shen Qiang’s Weisheng 1000 Dai, in this brief moment, there was no anger, no annoyance in his heart, some was just that kind of simplicity The joy of the heart and the heart was inexplicably tight, and the admiration that the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Because at this moment, the 100 flowers and the beautiful girl 1000 demi had made him feel that even breathing would scare her.

Beautiful face, slender and tall posture, and a bright smile, in this brief moment, Yu Xinghuo has completely ignored everything, only the pure and beautiful Weisheng 1000 Dai in his eyes.

Shock, admiration, and the original full of hatred turned into nothingness when I saw Weisheng 1000 Dai.

In the cultivation field, there is no shortage of pure beauty.

Especially among the major cultivator Aristocratic Family, beauty is not scarce.

The reason is very simple.

Cultivator has the ability that ordinary person does not have, so in terms of spouse selection, it is often better than ordinary person. In this case, their children usually have better appearance.

So ordinary level of cultivation beauties can be said to be very much, but really few ugly girls.

The minimum standard is also eye-catching.

So pure beauty, although it can indeed attract Yu Xinghuo’s eyes, is only second only, and it is difficult for him to make him tempted by this.

As Yu Xinghuo, one of the 4 Xiao Danqing, is definitely a successful person in the cultivation field.

There is no shortage of fame, status, wealth.

The cultivator who wants to marry is even more proactive.

Everyone, pretty daughter in a humble family.

As long as he is nodded, everything is not a problem.


This Yu Xinghuo road to success is also very bumpy.

He is not from Great prestigious families, as for pill concocting, it is also a patriarchal book published by the ancestors. It has been cut off for 2 generations. No one can refining medicine, so he has met too many people since he began to rise to the present. Things.

Because of his wealth, status and ability, there is never a shortage of beautiful women who adore vanity.

But he looked down.

Despite his age, he always wanted to find that kind of pure love with no flaws.

So he found out that 100 flowers and women are 1000 births.

As the reputation is not obvious, but the transcendent position of the cultivation field First-Class Sect.

100 Hua Yu Nu, not always there.

The last 100 flower jade girl, when she appeared in the cultivation field, was 300 years ago.

Because the selection of 100 flowers and jade girls is extremely demanding, not only to have a beautiful face, but more importantly, to have a pure and flawless heart.

So in the cultivation field.

100 The flower jade girl represents the chill of a jade-like woman.

So in the past 5 years, Weisheng 1000 Dai has been recognized as one of the three Goddess in the cultivation field.

Almost the perfect partner for all young cultivators.

But a pity.

overwhelming majority cultivator, not at all qualified to court her.

100 Hua Gong also did a perfect job of protecting her.

So this is what happened when Yu Xinghuo went to the door to raise his relatives.

100 Yu Xinghuo was very angry with Hua Huazhu’s rejection.

Shen Qiang, the guy who attracted the eyes of Weisheng 1000 Dai, also made Yu Xinghuo resent, even including Weisheng 1000 Dai, was also listed in Yu Xinhuo’s mind as a person who must take revenge.

So he wants to fight Dan Qiang.

He wants to win.

He wants to let Weisheng 1000 Dai and 100 Hua Gong regret to miss him.

He also wants to let 100 Flower Palace Master, after knowing the error, actively give Weisheng 1000 Dai to him.

Countless scripts are planned in his mind.

But now, when he met Weisheng 1000 Dai again, the hate in his heart collapsed, and some were just bright with eyes.

“Jade girl, please hold your steps!” he said, unable to bear. ,

Weisheng 1000 Dai dismissed him disgruntledly.

But Shen Qiang looked at him slightly surprised.

At this time, Shen Qiang had heard the sound transmission of Zuo Lianghao: “Boss, the one wearing glasses is Yu Xinghuo.”

“Let’s go eat.” Weixing 1000 Dai, who hates Yu Xinghuo abnormally, fearing that Yu Xinghuo would tell her the story of Shen Qiang, so she hurriedly said.

Shen Qiang said with a smile: “Okay.”

Take Weisheng 1000 Dai and Bai Jiao away.

At this time, seeing Weisheng 1000 Dai ignored him, inexplicably depressed, but did not dare to blaze Yu Shengxing of Weisheng 1000 Dai, and when she saw Shen Qiang, she ignored her and couldn’t help but yell aloud: “Shen Qiang, see me I want to go without saying a word, are you too supercilious?”

Shen Qiang, who didn’t want to ignore him, smiled: “You are here to fight against me, you want to win me, so I can’t be in conc concting in my whole life, and I want to humiliate me as everyone in the cultivation world. alchemy level, in this case, I did not lay down the mountains of daggers and seas of flames, to give you a horse, it is already benevolent, right, how do you think I will be hypocritical to ask you to greet you with my hypocrisy, and say to you brother for a long time? “

Yu Xinghuo was shocked, and then coldly said: “The ceremony is not wasteful, if you don’t treat me like a guest, I will leave. The ridicule of the cultivation world must be Shen Qiang.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang’s eyes cooled down and said: “If you don’t say this, it would be reasonable to at least give you a cup of tea he he, since you say that, then it is free, go to the auditorium yourself Poke a corner, no tea, no smoke, nothing.”

“Shen Qiang, could you think that when you are together, you can act wilfully?” Yu Xinghuo was furious.

Shen Qiang chuckled: “Yes, I’m the master of my site, and I’m not a hypocritical Yue Buqun. Seeing you is uncomfortable, I still need to laugh with you? Stop dreaming, the only thing you can do now is to wait for me come back.”

Looking at Yu Xinghuo with angry eyes, Shen Qiang turned around with a smile, and said with a smile: “Of course, if you feel that I am humiliating you, and you can’t accept it, then you can go now, I will When you have already conceded defeat.”

“Fart!” Yu Xinghuo exasperated: “How can a famous person like me lose to you like rubbish!”

“Then shut your mouth.” Shen Qiang looked at him coldly and said: “I hate others to stab me in the dark, and you not only scold me online, but also instruct people to scold my friends, I send any Medicine The post of Refining Master challenge is to let yourself pop out, so you’d better give me some rules and don’t force me to feed the minced loach.”

Hearing this, Yu Xinghuo was confused: “What are you talking about? Where did I secretly scold you? Where did I scold your friend?”

Shen Qiang coldly said: “Do you think I am a 3-year-old child? It’s not you who besieged Nalan Tianyu, you will come here to fight against me? And you don’t need to argue, are those words you said, actually I Don’t care, all I have to do is crush you with Alchemy Technique, and then shut up all Medicine Refining Masters in the cultivation field.”

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