"Hey, Kudo, are you sure that's your mother, not your sister?"

  Hattori Heiji quietly stabbed Conan next to him, his fingers continuously connected to Conan, and he used the Morse code to transmit the information.

  Conan rolled his eyes speechlessly, and replied on him in the same way: "It's my mother, but she's become so young now, I estimate that [-]% has something to do with Qiu Xing Qiye."

  "I heard from my father that this guy Qiye has very high technology in his hands. This kind of product that can restore youth should be one of them."

  "It's just that the price is very expensive. A small bottle of 300 million, 100 ml, may be a technical problem. At present, there is no way to mass-produce it..."


  Hattori Heiji couldn't help but gasped.

  When deciphering Conan's previous words, he even raised in his mind whether he should discuss with Qiu Xing Qiye and buy a few bottles for his mother as a gift.

  By the way, I will give you a few more bottles of He Ye.

  But when you understand the price and capacity and you must stick to these situations.

  He was resolutely cowardly.

  Can't be bothered, can't be bothered...

  His father's position in the Metropolitan Police Department is indeed not low, but the salary is incomparable with those of the businessmen - Ben.

  "It seems that the drug that can make you smaller is still stronger. I haven't seen any side effects for so long!"

  Hattori Heiji took a deep look at Conan.


  Because the atmosphere at the scene was a bit weird, Conan didn't have a chance to say anything to Kudo Yukiko.

  He knew from Yusaku Kudo that his mother was spending a lot of money to buy things from Qiu Xing Qiye.

  But it was the first time he had seen such an exaggerated effect!

  While the two were whispering with their passwords, Qiu Xing Qiye was not idle, lowered his head and adjusted his phone to silent mode, chatting with Yuan Shan and Ye.

  Today's He Ye is still so cute.

  Dressed in a cool short-sleeved shirt with a short skirt, no stockings on her slender legs.

  The hairstyle is still the familiar high ponytail, and the hair behind the head is tied with a blue ribbon.

  My mother has a lot of opinions on my father.

  Xiao Lan is very clear in her heart.

  But as soon as the atmosphere became so stiff, she was also very distressed.

  But his 'boyfriend' is looking down on his mobile phone as if it has nothing to do with him.

  When the time comes, it can be helpful to see the situation.

  Even if there is no way to reconcile the two in the end, at least try it?

  As a result, this is it!

  "It's been a long time since we met, why is it still like this?"

  Feeling helpless, Xiaolan had to take the initiative to stand up and smooth the game: "It's rare to come here for a vacation, Mom and Dad, you can't relax."

  "Ah, it's good to relax occasionally. It's not like a middle-aged uncle who is so old and still likes young girls. It's disrespectful to the old."

  Feiyingli sneered.

  "Hmph." Maori Kogoro replied bluntly: "Even so, it's better than some prodigal women. In order to stay young, millions of millions are spent abroad."

  Ok? ? ?

  To suffer! !

  Conan, who was quietly chatting with Hattori Heiji in Morse code, lowered his head in conditioned reflex.

  In some cases, everyone knows it, but it’s boring to just say it.

  What girl doesn't love beauty?

  Not to mention, what Fei Yingli is currently using are all gifts from Yukiko and free from Xiaolan.

  Even if she did spend it, it was her own money.

  Besides, things are very expensive, but from the effect point of view, everyone knows that it is definitely worth the money.

  In order to be quick, Uncle Maori also worked hard.


  This attack surface seems to be a bit broad!

  Feeling the double bad eyes of Concubine Yingri and Kudo Yukiko, in fact, I was already panicking in my heart, but in face, as a man.

  Maori Kogoro still had to bite the bullet and stand up and hit haha: "Well, I'll go downstairs to see this signature dish, you must have not eaten lunch yet."

  "I'm here for a treat this time!"

  Although he didn't say anything about an apology, this move was somewhat of a step up for himself.

  Looking at the back of him leaving in a hurry, Kudo Yukiko said quietly: "I didn't expect that after not seeing him for such a long time, Kogoro's character doesn't seem to have changed much."

  "I still like to drill the bull's horns so much!"

  "Actually, Dad has changed a lot." Xiaolan weakly said good things for him.

  But within a few minutes, when he saw the entrance of the stairs, Kogoro Mouri waved at Xiaolan with a guilty conscience.

  "Ahaha, my father asked me maybe to help order food, I'll go take a look." Xiaolan's body froze slightly.

  "Is it out of money?" Fei Yingli asked casually.

  "Uh..." Xiaolan didn't dare to answer, and hurriedly trotted downstairs.

  During this time, she earned a lot of money from Qiu Xing Qiye.

  Mouri Kogoro didn't even want to ask her for a point, but the situation in the office was good and bad, and the pay for opening it occasionally was not high.

  This time he really didn't expect that Xiaolan also invited so many friends and Yukiko to come over.

  Otherwise, he would not choose to leave his wallet at home in order to avoid spending money indiscriminately.

  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

  Now, I can't even afford a meal.

  They have already registered their identities with the hospitality coupons. It stands to reason that the hotel will provide three free breakfast, lunch and dinner.

  The benefits of this hotel are also good, and the free three-meal meal seems to be okay, but since everyone said that it is a treat, it is naturally impossible for Maori Kogoro to take a free meal and go right.

  What's more, there are still so many people, since they have said that they are treating guests, the money that should be spent cannot be saved!

  When Mouri Kogoro was not here, the atmosphere in the restaurant instantly improved a lot.

  Conan Mengmeng asked curiously, "Mom..No, there is Xizi..It's not right, Sister Youxizi, did you also receive an invitation from Sister Xiaolan to come and play?"

  He secretly smiled bitterly and felt someone's threatening gaze, and he had no choice but to cry out in his own heart.

  Yukiko Kudo nodded in satisfaction, feeling that her best friend seemed to be looking at Conan a little bit badly, she quickly and affectionately took her arm: "I received your invitation from your sister, Eri, to come here to play. ."


  In order not to be beaten by Conan, it is rare for Yukiko not to tease her best friend.

  "Is that so? What about Qiu Xing... brother?" Conan shook his head and looked at Qiu Xing Qiye curiously.

  This girl's curiosity is like a hundred thousand why, isn't it because he just talked and laughed with Fei Yingri and Kudo Yukiko.

  As for being so vigilant?


  I have to say, Conan, sometimes, his sixth sense is quite accurate.

  "I was by the side when Xiao Lanzhong arrived at the reception yesterday. Why do you think I'm here?" After giving him an explanation at will.

  Qiu Xing Qiye continued to bury his head in editing text messages.

  Conan breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, things were not what he thought.

  For other doubts, wait a moment and find a chance to chat with your mother alone.

  Hattori Heiji was thinking at this moment, is he looking for a chance to get acquainted with Qiu Xing Qiye and see if he can get the internal price, even if the discount is a little smaller.

  Recently, I feel weird with Ye. In the past, when he solved a case, this girl would always be waiting nearby, but these days, when encountering a case.

  He wanted to rush in wholeheartedly, and when the case was over, the girl would be completely invisible in the vicinity.

  So he thought, such a good product, the more expensive it is, he gritted his teeth, and it should be no problem to buy a bottle as a gift.

  Therefore, he did not notice at all that while Qiu Xing Qiye was editing text messages to chat with, Yuan Shan and Ye were also looking at their mobile phones and editing messages from time to time.Small.

  第 243

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

this lunch.

  It can be said to be the weirdest meal Qiu Xing Qiye has ever eaten.

  The specialties here are alright.

  The main thing is that the atmosphere at the table is not very good.

  After a meal.

  Maori Kogoro and the others just came to the second floor after registering the information, so they still need to go back to the room to pack up and change clothes.

  Qiu Xing Qiye, Kudo Yukiko and Fei Yingri don't have to be so troublesome.

  Go straight to the beach.

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