Feiyingli paused slightly while holding Yukiko's face, waiting for his next words.

  For no reason, Kudo Yukiko panicked. .

  第 241

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

"Sometimes, it's more appropriate to know some truth in advance."

  "If Auntie Eri knew about these things, she could be more careful during this trip to Izu."

  Qiu Xing Qiye smiled meaningfully: "Also, Youxizi, your Xinyi seems to have a big problem with his thinking."

  "If it wasn't for my reminder during that time that I moved into the office as a child, Uncle Maori is not the type to take care of people."

  "So if you are a little careless, Xiaolan will suffer!"

  "Shinichi Kudo has a good idea and hides his identity, but his personality skips and escapes, but it's easy to expose. At that time, Xiaolan will definitely be implicated a lot."

  Feiyingli: "???"

  Seeing her eyes getting worse and worse.

  Kudo Yukiko said weakly: "This..."

  "I think it can be explained."

  Fei Yingli gestured: "Then I will give you a chance to organize your language."

  "But there's only one chance, I think, you understand, Yukiko."

  Kudo Yukiko nodded hastily, her face suddenly changed to a pitiful look: "I definitely didn't come up with this idea."

  "If you want to blame, you can blame Dr. Li. He and Xinyi came up with the idea. I think it's more because he was too lazy to adopt Xinyi. 860"

  "Later, when I found out about this, several days had passed."

  "At that time, for the first time, I used the identity of Edogawa Bumyo to warn Shinichi well."

  In the face of great danger, Yukiko Kudo decisively chose to dump the blame.

  no matter what.

  Think about your own life.

  All were pushed onto Dr. Agsa and it was over.

  After all, the two are adults with a lot of experience, even if they are eager to try and want to fight here, but hold on.

  In the end, it ended with Yukiko Kudo pitifully covering her red right cheek.

  I don't know if it's an illusion.

  They failed to fight, and Qiu Xing Qiye's eyes flashed a pity look.


  It must be an illusion...

  "Wait later, go back to your room and take care of you..."


  "Dad, you really are. If you didn't get up too late, we could have taken the earlier train. As a result, we also encountered a case. It is noon now."

  While the three were chatting, Qiu Xing Qiye took out some biscuits, snacks and the like, and the chat was in full swing.

  A group of five familiar figures came upstairs, and before they saw the figure, they could hear Xiaolan (bjai)'s gloomy complaining.

  At certain moments, Uncle Maori can be very powerful.

  But most of the time, Uncle Maori is a model for pitting teammates.

  "What can I do, it's not last night's meal..."

  "I felt uncomfortable in the second half of the night, and then fell asleep in a daze."

  Seemingly feeling the murderous aura in Xiaolan's eyes, Mouri Kogoro quickly chose to change the subject: "Don't say it, Izu is really a good place for vacation."

  As soon as he came to the second floor, Maori Kogoro couldn't help being attracted by the girls in cool swimsuits on the beach outside the window.

  "No loss, no loss, so many beautiful young ladies!"


  Xiaolan held her forehead speechlessly.

  Yuan Shan and Ye, who were beside her, couldn't help but took her hand and moved away from him a little.

  As for Conan and Hattori Heiji behind him, they just ignored the uncle, and the two were whispering.

  "Oh!? Beautiful young lady."

  "I didn't expect to see you for such a long time, you are still like this."

  In the sigh of Mouri Kogoro.

  Suddenly, a familiar voice with irony sounded in his ears.

  Following the sound of the voice, three familiar people were looking at him with strange eyes in the restaurant by the window.

  "Hello, long time no see, Kogoro." Kudo Yukiko greeted warmly.


  "You Xizi??"

  "And... Qiye! How did the three of you end up together?"

  After taking a few glances at the empty plates and ice cream on their table, Mouri Kogoro rubbed his eyes fiercely. If it weren't for the familiar voice, he almost didn't recognize it.

  Is this Concubine Yingri, who has completely recovered from her youth, definitely his undivided wife?

  Qiu Xing Qiye is young.

  Kudo Yukiko is also like this, it is simply unscientific!

  Girls are very good at maintaining and caring about their skin problems. Kogoro Mouri is very clear, but the scene in front of him really surprised him.

  Not only Mouri Kogoro.

  Conan, who had been chatting privately with Hattori Heiji, was stunned when he saw the young Kudo Yukiko after hearing the familiar voice behind him.

  "What the hell!"

  "Isn't it like this the last time we met?"

  "Could it be that during this period, mother did cosmetic surgery? But that can't have such a powerful effect..."

  A lot of acquaintances.

  Everyone had to change a table for eight people.

  "Waiter, first a few cups of black tea with ice." Qiu Xing Qiye greeted.

  "Okay." The waiter waiting at the door bent over.

  At this time, the atmosphere in front of the table was a little weird.

  Neither Maori Kogoro nor Concubine Yingri, who is sitting opposite, can't stand each other, especially now that one is young and beautiful, and the other has become an uncle.

  Xiaolan also has a six-piece set at home, but Mouri Kogoro and Conan mostly use shampoo and toothpaste.

  There are several bottles of shower gel at home that are not fake. The one that Xiaolan took home was not much. It was said that it was very expensive. The two of them didn't dare to use it.

  After all, the water of life ingredients added in this six-piece set are not many.

  We all know what mass production is, as long as it doesn’t have a big impact on the effect, no matter what it is to manufacture, precious materials are eager to make two copies of one material.

  So in effect, these six-piece sets do not have the effect of increasing life expectancy.

  It has the effect of whitening, recovering injuries and making the body younger, but this is under the condition of long-term stable use, if it is used up, if it is not used again.

  The body will gradually return to its original state in about a week.

  The advantage is that if you use it all the time, you can still look young even when you die at about a hundred years old.

  Or how to say businessmen seek profit.

  With such a small bottle of shower gel, how many days can it last at most?

  When you run out, you have to spend 300 million to buy a new one.

  Even the richest man will be fine in a short period of time. Over time, if he accumulates purchases, the cost will definitely be a terrible astronomical sum.

  There are product features in the box.

  It is also for this reason that after discussing with Yusaku Kudo, Yukiko Kudo sent him a set of products and asked him to find a 'trustworthy' friend to study.

  There is no plan to let both of them use the product all the time.

  At one point, Yuu Kudo couldn't use it, and in the lighthouse country, now that even freedom is a problem, it doesn't make sense to restore your physical state to youth.

  Second, just to maintain Yukiko Kudo's normal expenses, it is a huge amount, which can be called a bottomless pit. No girl will want to change back to her original state after enjoying her youth.

  It is said that Yuu Kudo is now trying to make money, and while avoiding certain forces, he is still considering whether to write a few more works in double or triple and publish them.


  With his financial reserves, it seems that he can't support it for a long time.

  High-tech products are good though.

  But it costs money! .

  第 242

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

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