
  Qiu Xing Qiye obviously ignored a fact.

  That is, it is indeed impossible for them to take the same high-speed train, but their destination is the same!

  Among them, Xiaolan and the others were mainly on the train. Someone died of potassium cyanide poisoning. Before the murderer was found, the people from the Metropolitan Police Department could only temporarily control everyone at the terminal.

  Not only that, I ate a cold curry rice last night and drank a little cold water in the morning, and Conan had diarrhea.

  On another train, Hattori Heiji, who came here with Toyama and Ye, was involved in the incident of someone carrying prohibited explosives.

  After the train entered the station, the police officers here happened to be monitoring it together.

  The luck of these two brothers is no one else!

  I haven't seen Xiaolan and the others for a long time.

  On Qiu Xing Qiye's side, he did not use magic to control the surrounding temperature. He came to Izu to enjoy the feeling of a vacation. At most, it affected the coolness of the fruit and when cutting the watermelon, he used a sword card turned into a fruit knife.


  The scorching sun was hanging in the air, even under the sun umbrella, a layer of fine sweat beads appeared on the body tightly sticking to the skin.

  It looks rather tempting.

  "Qiye, do you want to go swimming in the shallow water together?"

  Finally, Yukiko Kudo, who couldn't bear it anymore, invited, "Eri, let's play together."

  第 239

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

"Ah this..."

  "You guys go play first, I have to stay and watch things."

  Fei Yingli's heart moved for a while, but she couldn't let go of her face.

  "Don't worry, I can use magic to take things away."

  Qiu Xing took the watermelon and coconut away with a wave of Qiye Qiye.

  At this time, Feiyingli couldn't find any reason to stay.

  Even the oversized pink towel on her body was ripped off by Yukiko Kudo and handed over to Qiu Xing Qiye.

  There seems to be a faint scent above.

  Fortunately, he was not a pervert, and threw things directly into the space ring.

  Followed by.

  The three of them rented diving equipment in a nearby shop.

  For the sake of Yukiko Kudo and the others, the shop owner kindly reminded: "If you want to dive for a while, you can rent a speedboat and drive a distance into the sea for the best effect."

  "There are no large marine creatures in this offshore area, so you can dive with confidence."

  Qiu Xing Qiye was noncommittal about the store owner's reminder.

  You can try it in the afternoon when you have free time.

  Now, there is no need at all. The distance 1 is about 200/19 meters away from the beach. It is enough to dive and play for a while.

  It's almost noon, it's time for lunch.

  I just don't know if Xiao Lan and the others will be able to get here at lunch time.

  If it's too late, there won't be much time to play.

  Usually before 5 pm, diving and playing by the beach are the best.

  It's a little cold in the night and the sea breeze is blowing. It's suitable for walking on the beach, but not for playing in the water.


  Soon, wearing diving equipment, the three of them wore big fins, and after entering the water, they swam slowly towards the depths.


  Qiu Xing Qiye naturally didn't forget to take off his shirt, revealing his healthy body with no abdominal muscles. He wanted to exercise his abdominal muscles very easily.

  But it's not necessary. It depends on personal preferences. Many people on the Internet boast that girls like eight-pack abs, and many girls follow suit. In fact, in reality, in addition to professional athletes and bodybuilding coaches and other occupations.

  Not many normal people have abs.

  Girls like muscular guys, more likely...

  Muscle man = security.

  The situation in the lighthouse country is because people's genes are like that, and many people will have muscles with a little training.

  Races like the Dragon Kingdom and the Neon are burly and not many in number.

  Underwater, let alone waterproof glasses, even without them, it would not have any effect on Qiu Xing Qiye's field of vision. Not far from him, Kudo Yukiko and Concubine Yingri were very happy.

  That graceful curve is on display.

  About two minutes after the three of them left, several people who were also wearing diving equipment also entered the water and saw their direction.

  Many men who were sunbathing on the beach were all bright.

  "That young man is so happy to be accompanied by two young beauties with such a temperament, especially the skin, it's really good!"

  "It's a mistake, I knew it earlier, I just rented a set of diving equipment, even if I just follow them from a distance, it's not a loss to be able to appreciate the beauty of swimming..."

  "It's too late to rent equipment now, but unfortunately the rental point for small speedboats is a bit far from here, otherwise..."

  Among the men who are sighing, there are also some people with some bad intentions.

  The wealth is not revealed, because it will be missed after being seen.

  Beautiful girls should also protect themselves when they go out. Try not to walk in remote small alleys. If you find yourself being molested by some wretched men, don't panic, just stay in a place with a lot of traffic.

  Be alert to strangers who are approaching, and be ready to call the police at any time, there will be no big problem.

  There are so many tricks out there now.

  Be more careful, it's always right!


  As it got farther and farther from the coast, some fishes began to appear in front of Qiu Xing Qiye and the others.

  All are little fish.

  In the waters near the beach, it is very difficult to see big fish.

  In addition to the small fish, some special products in the ocean such as corals began to appear one after another, and many Qiu Xing Qiye felt that they should be transplanted artificially.

  While providing diving entertainment for tourists, it can also increase the fun of diving for tourists.


  Qiu Xing Qiye glanced behind him with a feeling.

  Four people, also wearing diving gear, were coming straight in their direction.

  Those guys couldn't match his underwater vision.

  From a distance, Qiu Xing Qiye could notice that these people's physical fitness was not average.

  Judging from her hair color and face, she should be a foreigner.

  "For me?"

  "No, no one can be that stupid!"

  "Since it's not me, then..."

  He glanced at Fei Yingri and Kudo Yukiko thoughtfully, but Qiu Xing Qiye didn't think much of it.

  No matter who they are for.

  As long as you dare to come, you will die.

  As the four gradually approached, Qiu Xing Qiye continued to swim forward for a while with Kudo Yukiko who didn't notice anything.

  at last.

  Feeling that it was almost time, Fei Yingri, who was supposed to go back to the hotel for lunch, made a gesture to Qiye and Yukiko, and the three quickly floated up together.

  In the current era, underwater diving still relies more on professional gestures.

  There is no such thing as an electronic writing board.

  "Huh! It's been a long time since I've been free diving. Although I'm a little tired, it's really relaxing."

  Yukiko Kudo, who floated to the surface, took a breath of fresh air, and a happy look was written on her little face.

  Fei Yingli's situation was similar. She felt that even if Xiao Lan couldn't make it here, for about half an hour, just diving and swimming would be a worthwhile trip.

  In daily life, in addition to staying in the bedroom all day and lying dead, as long as it is work, it will accumulate some pressure more or less.

  There is nothing more stress-relieving than relaxing your whole body and enjoying nature!

  Diving, climbing, bungee jumping, going to amusement parks, etc...

  These methods can achieve the purpose of reducing stress.

  "Two 'little sisters', although I don't want to disturb you to take a few more breaths of air before swimming back, it seems that a few uninvited guests have come to us."

  Qiu Xing Qiye pointed to the water.

  "What kind of uninvited guest?" Fei Yingli's eyes narrowed, and she looked at You 930 Kiko in a conditioned reflex. It turned out that her feeling was right.

  At this time, Yukiko Kudo's face was a little pale: "If there is no accident, they should be coming for me!"

  When she met Feiyingli in the morning, she was still pretending, but she still underestimated the determination of foreign forces to capture her.

  Some of my friends are watching.

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