Girls love to hear compliments.

  After the simple contact, Fei Yingli had to admit that Qiu Xing Qiye did have a special temperament in him.

  Aside from the fact that there are always all kinds of beautiful girls around him, if Xiaolan can really date him, it is definitely the best choice.

  "Really, why do you think so much? If I remember correctly, doesn't Xiao Lan have a crush on the young man in Yuxizi's family who only knows how to solve cases?"

  "I guess I thought too much before. Xiaolan just regarded Qiu Xing Qiye as a good friend."

  Little did she know that her little cabbage had already been changed by Fei Yingli's thoughts very quickly.

  Before he officially met Qiu Xing Qiye, he was still thinking about how to persuade his daughter to stay away from this young man as much as possible, otherwise he would suffer a loss sooner or later.

  Now, he has unknowingly said good things for Qiu Xing Qiye.

  In addition, the only thing that makes Fei Yingri a little depressed is that her face is not as thick as Kudo Yukiko's best friend.

  Looking at the slightly intimate name of 'Youxizi' for Qiye Yiyi, despite the age gap, the two of them can play like good friends.

  Only she.

  Because of the direct confession of identity, as an elder, one must maintain a certain dignity.


  To put it bluntly, it is to pretend to be calm and arrogant to ruin your life!

  ...... 0

  If it was her in the past, there was indeed a huge generation gap with the younger generation, but now it is different.

  Her mental state has also been adjusted back to a young state, even if she becomes a best friend with her daughter, instead of maintaining her adult personality every day.

  The only beach chair was given to Feiyingri to sit on and rest.

  Qiu Xing acted like a conjuration in seven nights, and he took out two small wooden stools from nowhere. He really did not regard Fei Yingri and Kudo Yukiko as real elders at all.

  It's just because I just met Fei Yingri, who is a bit cold and warm-hearted, and I have been in contact with Haibara Ai's woman, so I'm a little more polite.

  In the case of only Yukiko Kudo, let alone stand up and give way.

  At this time, Yukiko Kudo might be a professional massage therapist for verbal benefits.

  "Is this magic?" Fei Yingli looked at the wooden stool under which the two of them sat with interest.

  "No, this is magic, haven't you heard Xiaolan mention it?" Qiu Xing Qiye's hand flashed, and a plate full of cookies appeared.

  He said politely, "Would you like to try it?"

  "Are you sure this isn't some kind of magic trick?" Fei Yingli was surprised.

  Thinking about it carefully, when she met with Xiaolan before, she also had a good understanding of Qiu Xing Qiye. At that time, Xiao Lan explained that she was a magician.

  But in her understanding, it should be a relatively good magician.

  Fortunately, as a lawyer, she has a strong ability to accept, and it is not that she has not learned about some strange cases before, such as the [Hidden Corpse Case in Deep Mountains] that left a deep impression on her.towel.

  第 238

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

【Case of Hidden Corpse in Deep Mountain】

  The deceased was a 19-year-old girl studying at Rice University.

  Surprisingly, it was the parents who were far away in Osaka who called the police. They said in unison that their daughter had died, just above a hill in the suburbs of Rice Flower City.

  At first, the people from the Metropolitan Police Department took this matter to heart, and just randomly sent two police officers to the hill as instructed by the girl's parents.

  Later, when the body was actually dug up, this matter gradually attracted attention.

  Even the girl's parents could tell the identity and age of the murderer, and the murderer they identified was the owner of a small convenience store in Mihua City.

  There is no connection whatsoever between the two parties.

  And judging from the time of death and the time of the school girl's disappearance, the convenience store owner has always had an alibi during her disappearance.

  In the case of insufficient evidence, the Metropolitan Police Department cannot arbitrarily arrest people. "Eight Zero Three"

  Even if it was later investigated that the girl had been to this convenience store, but it was only once, it should not cause so much friction.

  The Metropolitan Police Department said it was an investigation, but it was fruitless for a long time.

  The parents didn't know where they got the news, so they went straight to the door of Feiyingli's office and asked her to take the man to court.

  In this case without the slightest clue of evidence.

  No matter how well Fei Yingli is familiar with the order, he knows that this lawsuit will be lost.

  But who would have thought that she also had a dream that night, and under the guidance of a girl who could not see her face, she understood the motive of the convenience store owner.

  It's amazing.

  After that, she didn't know if her head was twitching or she actually believed the reality of this dream.

  And in the end, the lawsuit was won very easily.

  It was also at that time that Fei Yingli vaguely understood that the world might not be that simple, but since then, she has never encountered anything similar.

  The world is so big.

  There are so many things that cannot be explained by science.

  She's not so deadheaded.


  "Actually, the so-called magic is really magical and true, but more, it is people's curiosity, like bringing an ancient person to modern times."

  "Whether it is a high-rise building or a walking vehicle, these things in the eyes of the ancients will have the same psychology, just get used to it slowly."

  Qiu Xing Qiye's explanation is very simple and easy to understand, and the two seem to be similar.

  But in essence, there is a big difference between the two.

  It is true that people can quickly adapt to the existence of magic, but who would not want to master this kind of power.

  Ancient people can also learn interesting content by adapting to modern society.

  What about magic?

  It is not difficult to use its existence, but it is not so easy to learn it, right?

  However, Feiyingri and people like Kudo Yukiko have one thing in common, that is, they are content with their knowledge, and it is good to have the opportunity to learn magic, and it is not mandatory to have it.

  What if you are not satisfied.

  Now there are many people who know the true identity of Qiu Xing Qiye, among them, there are many who are envious of you, jealous of you, and even the power of hands, but the result is.

  After listening, Fei Yingri and Kudo Yukiko's hands were not slow, and a plate of small cookies was quickly wiped out.

  "No wonder the snacks Xiaolan gave me are so delicious, so is this also the effect of magic?" Fei Yingli looked in the direction of the sea without changing her expression.

  As if to say, this plate of cookies is not for me.

  The first time we met, people were polite, but she took it seriously, and she ate a plate of biscuits cleanly, which could not help embarrassing her as an elder.

  In contrast, Yukiko Kudo was completely unaware of this, and after eating, she blinked at Qiu Xing Qiye.

  Seeing that he had no idea of ​​continuing to come up with anything at all, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes: "Speaking of which, Qiu... No, Qiye, why are you here?"

  "Yesterday, when I bought ingredients at the convenience store, Xiaolan drew 10 coupons here at once. She couldn't use them all herself, so she gave me one."

  Qiu Xing Qiye explained that there is nothing to hide, as long as she doesn't come with Xiao Lan, it won't cause any suspicion.

  "Only now, it seems that Xiaolan has not come yet."

  "Maybe it was a delay on the way." Yukiko Kudo didn't doubt anything.

  The same goes for Feiyingli.

  Delicious dim sum.

  Flowers that effectively maintain their condition.

  Quickly heal wounded potions.

  Just her side, because of Xiaolan's relationship, indirectly received a lot of help from Qiu Xing Qiye.

  There will only be more on Xiaolan's side.

  For example, the six-piece suit that Yuxizi gave her, worth nearly 2000 million R yuan, was available to Xiaolan for free, and it was definitely not only that.

  With so much care, Xiaolan will give out a hospitality coupon, which is nothing at all.

  Even Xiaolan will be attracted by Qiu Xing Qiye's temperament, Fei Yingli will not be surprised now...  

  It is not clear how many concubines Yingri, like Qiu Xing Qiye, are in total in modern times, but there are definitely not many of them.

  With such a status bonus, he has a good personality and is very polite...

  If it was her, if I could get to know Qiu Xing Qiye earlier, there would be nothing to do with Mouri Kogoro in the future.


  The three chatted and laughed for a while.

  Except for being a little cautious when they first met, Qiu Xing Qiye didn't take the age of the two parties seriously at all, and now they are basically in a young state.

  Many topics can be discussed very well.

  During this period, from time to time, when someone passed by here, they cast an envious look at the three of them.

  With the situation of Mouri Kogoro and Conan, Qiu Xing Qiye could still think of what might happen on their way and be delayed.

  It was Yuan Shan, Ye, and Xiao Lan who also invited them. It's almost noon and they haven't come yet. They can't be on the same high-speed train, right?

  Want to know, impossible!

  One departs from Osaka.

  One starts from Rice Flower Market,

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