What if there is a misunderstanding at that time?

  After thinking about it, she still edited a text message and sent it to Sonoko Suzuki to ask her opinion.

  Suzuki Sonoko didn't seem to be busy over there, and the reply speed was very fast.

  "." Strange, that kid Kudo is back?Didn't you say that the case would be solved in a certain black chief state? "

  Xiaolan was ashamed.

  I don't know how many versions this brain has made up. In her opinion, shouldn't Kudo Shinichi be in the lighthouse country?

  What the hell is the Black Emirates?

  Xiaolan: "Yuanzi, don't break the topic, and give me a suggestion. After all, I'm a friend who grew up together. If he really rarely comes back, I'm embarrassed to refuse."

  Suzuki Sonoko: "You're stupid~ The key problem is not that people who are familiar with (good money) will see it and cause some unnecessary misunderstandings."

  "Since that's the case, you can go to Qiye directly. After meeting Kudo, you can chat casually. Wouldn't it be beautiful to watch a movie and have dinner with Qiye?"

  That's a good idea.

  Xiaolan's heart moved, but considering the time, if it was so late, she would eat dinner, watch a movie, and then what? ?

  Thinking of scenes in some movies is bitter.

  Xiao Lan's face quickly turned red with layers of blush.

  no no no...

  She admitted that she may have fallen in love with Qiye, but the development of this subtlety is too fast!

  the other side.

  Suzuki Sonoko, who was bored watching TV in her bedroom at home, was still urging her best friend to take that step first.

  Even if Xiaolan finds out the truth later, it will be too late.

  But she obviously doesn't know that the pure and incomparable best friend in her mind is many times stronger than her theoretician when her thoughts become dirty! .

  第 221

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

He thought about it for a few minutes with his blushing face.

  Xiao Lan finally made up her mind.

  However, before calling Qiu Xing Qiye, she quietly contacted Jun Hui.

  If I remember correctly, Sonoko told her before that if the two of them are together, next weekend will be a perfect opportunity.

  And if it is a single person, her luck has always been very good. This week, next week, it seems that there are several days that are excellent lucky days.

  Whether it's a confession, a gift, or a date, it all goes smoothly.

  It was the exact time, which she didn't remember at the time.

  Xiaolan is now just asking Jun Hui how things are going today.

  Just watching movies or something is not suitable, but if you count gifts, it will be different!

  At the same time Xiaolan asked Jun Hui.

  Sonoko Suzuki, who received her last message, also knew her plan.

  "That's right, Manlan. You might get some miraculous effects by sending gifts in advance. Unfortunately, it will take some time to prepare my gifts. Otherwise, ask Sister Junhui to find a suitable time in advance."

  "Next weekend, it will be a little longer after all!"


  Don't let Xiaolan wait for a long time.

  After receiving the information, Junhui Shimabukuro, who was playing games with Qiu Xing Qiye, put down the game console mysteriously and ran into the changing room.

  Shimabukuro Junhui: "Xiao Ran, your fortune is very good these days. 803, especially tomorrow, I will summarize and send you simple forecast information."

  【Today: Xiaoji】

  Suitable for: wish, confession..

  Not suitable for: moving house, doing business, having children, blind date..

  【Tomorrow: Good luck】

  Suitable for: wish, confession, love, travel..

  Not suitable for: building a new home, moving, lost and found, studying..

  Shimabukuro Junhui: "The accuracy of my divination results here is much more accurate than those in those shrines, and the results of divination in many shrines are all cloudy and foggy, playing word games."

  Speaking of professionalism.

  Today, Shimabukuro Junhui, who has gods and constantly receives feedback from his belief in divine power, is no less than Koizumi Koizumi, who has magic mirrors and crystal balls in divination.

  And it is more accurate and clearer than her.

  Among them, what Xiaolan naturally doesn't know is that her fortune today is indeed Xiaoji, but it is more reflected in her study and life.

  Shimabukuro Junhui thought that this girl wanted to confess today, so she did it behind the scenes, and it was not bad to be an assist.

  Anyway, whether it is Xiaoji or Daji, this kind of fortune is also useful to ordinary people.

  If Xiao Lan's object of confession is a 'god' like Qiu Xing Qiye, then no matter what the luck of the day (bifg), even if it is a big evil, it will eventually become a good luck!

  "The accuracy rate of people who want to divination gods and practitioners is basically unreliable."

  "I hope my assist can have a certain effect."

  "I just didn't expect that this girl, Xiaolan, seems to be more daring than I imagined. A few days ago, Yuanzi said that the next suitable time would be next weekend."

  After comforting Xiao Lan, Shimabukuro Junhui returned to the hall with a smile on his face.

  Gossip is an innate talent of human beings.

  Especially girls.

  She can't wait to see a big show where a girl confesses to her own god.

  It's a pity that her ability is limited, so far it is very reluctant to perform second-order magic, and it is basically impossible to have a long-range peeping at that time!

  Qiu Xing Qiye's ability is so extraordinary, isn't it normal to be surrounded by a few girls?

  In this regard, Shimabukuro Junhui, who believes in him, sees it more than Miyano Akimi, rather than letting Qiu Xing Qiye be harassed by unfamiliar wildflowers outside.

  Isn't Xiaolan and Yuanzi good girls who know the truth?

  hum! !

  As soon as Shimabukuro Junhui put away the phone and returned to the lobby, he saw Qiu Xing Qiye who was playing a game seriously taking out his phone.

  After quickly tapping his finger on the phone a few times, he took back the phone without any abnormality, and continued to play the game.

  This calmness.

  It really made Shimabukuro Junhui, who knew the truth, secretly laughed in her heart.

  For dinner today, the family ate dumplings that were left unfinished yesterday, and most of them were stuffed with pork and cabbage.

  Girls, especially those with relatively good figures, most of the food tastes still like to be vegetarian, so the taste of the leek and egg dumplings with pork and cabbage filling is not inferior to that of pork and cabbage. Light.

  Qiu Xing Qiye's fighting power alone was naturally inferior to theirs.

  Haibara Ai couldn't come back for dinner today, saying that she was going to eat at Dr. Agasa's house.

  After dinner.

  Qiu Xing Qiye said to Ming Mei and the others, "I have something to deal with tonight. I may be back later, or I may not come back."

  "Then breakfast, do I need to prepare it?" Miyano Akemi asked.

  "Depending on the situation, if I can come back, I will leave a note in the living room." Qiu Xing Qiye said.

  talking room.

  There was always a fascinated smile on Shimabukuro Junhui's face.

  Until Qiu Xing left for seven nights, the smile on her face did not disappear.

  "Sister Junhui, what's wrong with you?"

  Noticing this scene, Nami Shimokasaho's heart tightened.

  "It's okay, I just thought of some happy things." Shimabukuro Junhui patted her face, trying her best to suppress the happy feeling.

  This kind of thing that only oneself knows a secret is really exciting.

  Unconsciously, I don't know if she was influenced by a certain little loli, and now she is gradually becoming a little darker.

  Even Qiu Xing Qiye is now kept in the dark.

  But the truth will eventually come to light one day, and she dares to see her own master's jokes. Now she is very happy, and then it will not be sure...


  Qiu Xing Qiye, who didn't think much about it, simply thought that Xiao Lan wanted to invite him to a movie, and didn't even think about giving him gifts and thinking.

  in his thoughts.

  The progress of prying other people's cabbage by yourself should not be that high, at least it will take some time to do it.

  I don't know.

  At this time, one of the Shuiling cabbage that he was thinking about, after he had pryed it to a certain extent, had completed his self-awakening, and he did not need to continue to work hard.

  He had already run into his vegetable field with long feet.

  As long as he is watered, fertilized, and cared for, he will grow and become more succulent!

  Because of this, Qiu Xing Qiye didn't wear any slightly formal clothes. He just wore ordinary and somewhat loose casual clothes, and drove the Red Queen to the Mihua Municipal Building.

  Beneath this is one of the best movie theaters in Rice City.

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