"What's the matter?" Takagi Shibuya, who was staring at the computer, froze for a moment.

  "Of course, look at Officer Sato, who now picks up his phone and texts each other again. Such a thing has never happened before, okay!"

  The policeman gestured to him.

  Takagi Shibu poked his head out and glanced over there. It was exactly as he said, Sato Mikazu was typing seriously, and it could be seen from the smile on the corner of her mouth.

  She was clearly in a good mood at this time.

  "It's not necessarily about falling in love with someone, maybe Officer Sato is sending messages to someone at home?" Takagi Shibu said as a matter of course.

  The police officer was stunned, and was shown his face by his peculiar brain circuit, but in order to achieve his goal, with the support of many companions behind him, he had to reply silently: "Even if you send a message to your family, you don't need to do that. How long?"

  "Plus it's not the first time."

  "According to some gossip from Officer 327 Chiba, the case of 'Morning Silang' that Officer Sato uncovered a few days ago involved her sacrificed father, Chief Justice Sato."

  "In that case, it is said that it was solved with the help of a handsome young man. Combined with these circumstances, don't you understand the truth?"

  In just a few short sentences, Takagi Shibuya, who was a good-natured man and had absolutely no experience in love, couldn't help but believe a lot.

  "What a big deal, I'll see it when I go to see it!"

  Takagi Shibu nervously took the folder on the side, and under the police officer's malicious eyes, he walked towards Sato Miwako.

  In their position, ordinary police officers like them would not dare to mess around in front of their bosses.

  Shibu Takagi was different.

  After all, he is also the Minister of Inspection, isn't he!

  "Sa... Officer Sato, I have finished all the information about the shopping mall robbery."

  Takagi Shibu came to Sato Miwako step by step.

  "Excuse me." Sato Miwako put down the phone temporarily, took the document and read it carefully.

  Takagi Shibu didn't dare to stay in place for a long time. Before leaving, he vaguely saw that a line of fonts being edited was displayed on the screen of the mobile phone.

  "I can't do it in two days. The case at hand has not been completed. In two days, I will contact..."


  Takagi Shibu felt his little heart shattered!

  Does your beloved goddess already have someone she likes?

  When did you meet?

  Could it be that it was really in the case of Chou Silang?


  第 220

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

For the next two days, Emperor Sengu did not choose to do anything.

  The Metropolitan Police Department has already raised twelve points of energy.

  For this reason, Sato Mikazu always wanted to ask Qiu Xing to have dinner for seven nights without pushing it again and again, plus other cases involved.

  Working more than 15 hours a day, with almost no time to rest, is also very hard work.

  School is out this afternoon.

  Xiaolan, who has club activities, did not go to Qiu Xing Qiye's house after the end, and it was rare that she returned to the Maori Detective Office earlier.

  When she came back, the door of the office on the second floor was locked.

  "It's normal that Conan hasn't come back at this point. Dad is also true. He didn't send me a text message when he went out to work on a case."

  Xiaolan sighed, bent down and put the handbag on the ground, took out the key from inside to open the door.

  "Huh! This is?"

  As soon as she opened the door, she noticed the envelope caught in the crack of the door, and Xiao Lan picked it up and walked into the office.

  【Xiao Lan's personal initiation】

  "Written for me?" As soon as Xiaolan had doubts in her heart, she was brought back to her senses by the strange smell in the house.

  As far as I can see, the messy living room, the table is full of finished beer and the leftover bento.

  Unlike usual, Mouri Kogoro was not in the office.

  Xiaolan frowned slightly, put the envelope aside temporarily, put on a stain-resistant apron and started cleaning.

  Less than ten minutes.

  Xiao Lan, who cleaned the office very efficiently, had the intention to sit on the sofa and curiously open the envelope.

  [Tonight, at 8 o'clock, the cinema under the Mihua Municipal Building will be seen. 】

  - Kudo Shinichi

  Read the contents of the envelope.

  Countless question marks suddenly appeared in Xiao Lan's mind.

  "Xinyi, what the heck is going on? He said a few days ago that the case is really troublesome and can't go away, and he's back now?"

  "I'll come back when I come back. What does it mean to ask me to watch a movie at 8 o'clock in the evening?"

  Although Xiaolan is very simple and not fake, she is not stupid. At night, watching movies, one man and one woman, most of these things happen to couples.

  If it were the previous her, she would pass without any hesitation.

  It's different now!

  She already has someone she likes in her heart.

  After hesitating for a while, considering that she hadn't seen Kudo Shinichi for a long time, Xiaolan still decided to take a look, if she really asked her to watch a movie or something.

  The big deal is to come back.

  After all, they are good friends who grew up together, and the other party is likely to have managed to make time together. If they don't even see each other, it is really not good.

  Opposite the office.

  In a building, he quietly observed the situation in the house through the glass, until after confirming that Xiaolan had seen the contents of the envelope, with a grin that was about to take revenge, Emperor Sengu left here.

  He didn't know.

  Fortunately, the time he set was not 0:[-] in the morning.

  At 8 p.m., it was still lively in the urban area, and Xiaolan could barely agree to go there.

  If it was the early morning, Xiaolan would not even pay attention to it.

  It's not that I can't see you in the future, so it has to be that time?

  It's normal to think about it.

  Now, after two days of investigation, the Metropolitan Police Department has noticed him.

  In the original book, it was Moriya Teiji, who accurately learned about Kudo Shinichi's birthday from Xiaolan, that he deliberately chose the early morning time to let the bomb explode.

  He is now.

  It has been noticed by the Metropolitan Police Department that the fire at the Kurokawa, Mizushima, and Yasuda homes a few days ago, all of which came from the incident he wrote back then.

  Although for now, the Metropolitan Police Department will only suspect that someone may be deliberately targeting him and destroying the buildings he designed before.

  For this reason, people from the Metropolitan Police Department have visited his house several times in the past two days.

  The longer it drags on, the easier it will be to show off.

  On that day, he played against the Kudo Shinichi Metropolitan Police Department, and after he won a small victory, he was busy for two days.

  Installed all the explosives in his hand on the remaining targets he was going to destroy, and prepared to do it once and for all tonight.

  One of the biggest scenes.

  It must be placed on the side of the Mihua City Municipal Building.

  "It's a pity ' ' ."

  "Originally, I wanted to end it with a huge fireworks in the early morning, but the amount of gunpowder was still a little less."

  "Being able to blow up the building is the limit..."

  Emperor Sengu shook his head and left here in an unremarkable ordinary car.


  All the while, he hadn't noticed.

  In the shadowed place, a pair of eyes that shone with scarlet rays of light stared at him quietly until he left.

  The rest of the shadow ninja soldiers are good, but they don't have the ability to break people's hearts, otherwise Emperor Sengu will not wait for the curtain to open at night, and they will stage a wave of suicide by jumping off the building during the day.


  In tonight's explosion, after protecting Xiao Lan, they can also know who the murderer is.

  Even if Qiu Xing Qiye doesn't do anything afterwards, they will deal with this behind-the-scenes mastermind!


  Conan, who didn't know that there was a big move tonight, is still having a good time at Dr. Agasa's house.

  In his thoughts, since his uncle went out to handle the case, he was not at home.

  Then even if Xiaolan comes back, she will pack her things and go to that guy's house in Qiye, maybe she won't come back at night.

  That being the case, he didn't want to stay in the office alone.

  Maori Detective Agency.

  Although she has decided to go and see her, Xiaolan is still a little guilty, lest she be seen by a classmate or acquaintance, and then it will spread to Qiu Xing Qiye.

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