Even the pine mushrooms that were just sprinkled grew a lot.

  This thing, even if there is only one left to eat, under the life magic of the tree card, it can quickly multiply into countless numbers.

  After doing all this.

  Qiu Xing Qiye returned to the villa with satisfaction.


  At noon, after lunch, after a short rest.

  Qiu Xing Qiye changed into a black formal suit.

  Miyano Akemi also dressed up carefully for a while, putting on a pure white chiffon dress, and wearing a pair of silver high heels on her feet.

  His black waist-length hair was tied with strips of white bandages.

  The hairstyle is a bit archaic, combined with modern clothing changes, it is not too beautiful.

  With such a girlfriend by her side, it is not as simple as having a long face.

  Qiu Xing Qiye could almost imagine that at the afternoon tea party, he and Ming Mei would madly attract the attention of all the guests.

  "Mingmei really, when did you buy the clothes?"

  Shimabukuro Junhui, who had changed into the red and white witch uniform, watched the two leave the villa with envy on her face. Her long shawl and hair are now a little longer than when she left Mermaid Island.

  The long hair reaches the waist, although it is a little difficult to manage, but it is really beautiful.

  Even Shimokasaho Nami sisters are considering whether to grow their hair longer, but it's really not good. It's not bad to try it first to the extent of getting a shawl.


  Driving the Red Queen.

  In less than half an hour, Qiu Xing Qiye arrived at his destination.

  Miyano Akemi held his arm cordially, and the two of them had just arrived in the courtyard, which was completely symmetrical to the left and right, and looked really beautiful.

  I saw Mouri Kogoro, Xiaolan, and Conan, and Moriya Teiji, who had a mustache and looked rather old-fashioned.

  Today's Xiaolan obviously also went through Osaka, wearing a blue dress of a high grade, and no stockings on her legs.

  Just like Mingmei, women with good body and skin are so confident.

  Wear a pair of low-heeled shoes on your feet.

  At her age, high-heeled shoes are a bit uncomfortable to wear.

  "Excuse me, are you...?"

  After seeing Qiu Xing Qiye and Ming Mei, the perfect couple, Morigu Teiji, who was chatting with Mouri Kogoro, lost the motivation to continue chatting, and hurriedly greeted him.

  In his professional eyes, this couple is very much in line with his aesthetic.

  "First meeting, I'm Qiu Xing Qiye."

  "The one next to me is my wife, Qiu Xing Mingmei."

  Qiu Xing Qi Ye said this.

  It really shocked Xiaolan and Conan.

  Especially Xiao Lan, who was secretly preparing gifts for Qiu Xing Qiye, suddenly felt extremely sad.

  "Qiye is already married?"

  As for Conan, the kid was not happy because of it, even though he also thought that it was true, that way, the other party wouldn't keep prying on his Xiaolan.

  "It turned out to be Mr. Qiu Xing. Welcome to my afternoon tea party."

  Sengu Di Er warmly greeted: "Then, Maori Detective, everyone, please come with me next."

  Aside from his inner passion for architectural metamorphosis, in other places, Morigu Teiji is also worthy of his status as a professor of the Department of Architecture of Dongdu University.

  Whether it is from politeness or calmness in tone.

  Even if in fact, he is not very familiar with Qiu Xing Qiye, but in order to better hold this afternoon tea party, after hearing that the other party is a very good 'magician' in 260.

  The invitation letter that should have been written by hand is absolutely full of sincerity.

  "I didn't expect that the maid at Qiye's house was already pretty enough. This dress is much prettier than Miss Yoko!! I'm envious."

  "In this way, I have to find a way to make Xiaolan not be blind."

  Mouri Kogoro thought strangely.

  A few people followed behind Sengoku Emperor II and passed through the very beautiful castle.

  Xiaolan couldn't help but slow down a bit until she was on par with Qiu Xing Qiye. After she hesitated for a while, she couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "Qiye, are you married to Sister Mingmei?"

  This girl's eyes kept flashing, as if she was about to cry in the next second.

  Eyes are the windows to the soul, especially for a young cute newcomer like her who doesn't know how to hide at all, Qiu Xing Qiye can see through her heart almost at a glance.

  nervous, anxious, anxious...

  Qiu Xing Qiye naturally wouldn't choose to tease her in such a situation: "Where do you think, I'm only '17' this year, okay?"

  "It was Mingmei who knew that I was going to participate in such a more formal afternoon tea party, so she specially dressed up to save face for me."

  A perfect wave of explanation.

  By the way, even the reason why Miyano Akemi couldn't use her real name at the party was also explained in it.

  "That's it." Xiaolan looked overjoyed when she heard the answer.


  第 215

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

Xiaolan really won't hide her emotions.

  Seeing how happy she was, her steps couldn't help but brisk.

  Miyano Akemi smiled softly and said in a low voice, "Our family's Qiye charm is really too great, you see Xiaolan is fascinated."

  This girl's mentality is really good, and there is no jealous reaction at all, she doesn't look like a little loli.

  But in this case, Qiu Xing Qiye naturally knew what to say.

  Smiling, she stretched out her hand and pinched Mingmei's face: "Does this include you?"

  "Of course!"

  Miyano Akemi raised her head slightly and boldly looked at Qiu Xing Qiye.

  "That night..."

  The occasion was wrong, and Qiu Xing Qiye didn't make any bold moves, just spit out a word.

  Miyano Akemi was stunned in an instant.

  In terms of love, Qiu Xing Qiye has never been stingy to show his advantages to attract the opposite sex, but he has never been too proactive.


  The impact on the girls at home is undoubtedly huge.

  Name is not important.

  Whether Qiu Xing Qiye sees himself or not is equally unimportant.

  The important thing is that they all want to guard him for the rest of their lives.

  "Qiye, if you have a 'need', you can find me."

  "However, my sister's body is in the state of her childhood after all. You can't bully her too much."

  Trying to calm down the beating heart, Miyano Akemi whispered in a low voice.

  "Have you found it?" Qiu Xing Qiye laughed dumbly.


  "But I'm the elder sister of 'Shibao' anyway. I don't know much about my younger sister, not to mention her recent performance. There are a lot of things that are not right."

  The two chatted in a low voice behind.

  In the front, Emperor Morigu led the crowd through the passage in the center of the beautifully shaped castle to the back garden. There were already dozens of guests here, and they formed small groups to chat there.

  More than half of them are people who have indirectly received his help.

  "There are snacks and drinks that I have carefully prepared on the courtyard table, please do your own thing, I hope you can have fun 々".

  Sengu Di Er said with a smile.

  Qiu Xing Qiye naturally wouldn't be polite, just after a short conversation, he will not only be able to steal Lolita in the future.

  Although Miyano Akemi's bold reaction just now exceeded his expectations.

  But in his sense.

  It is his style to go step by step and enjoy every day well. Through the accumulation of time, it is just a matter of time.

  It's just that this time may be a little earlier than he expected.

  Fast food tastes good though.

  But the real delicacy always takes a lot of time and care to make.

  as normal.

  After the introduction, Emperor Morigu should leave here and greet the new guests at the door.

  At this time, he had no intention of leaving at all. Under his eyes, Xiao Lan, who was thinking about whether the gift she was going to buy yesterday was suitable or not, had to temporarily dismiss her thoughts.

  He picked up a biscuit and tasted it from among the several exquisite desserts at the table.

  A real artist will be more or less paranoid in character.

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