Only a very small number of people in suits stand at the pinnacle of society.

  Most of the white-collar workers in suits and ties do it every day, all kinds of low-key days in front of customers.

  Ironic, yet realistic.

  However, disgust is disgust, and it is not worn every day, plus it is the kindness of Mingmei and the others, Qiu Xing Qiye will naturally not refuse.

  Don't say anything else!

  When you go out and participate in formal occasions, it is better to dress brightly and brightly, otherwise you will look very unfit.

  The color of the suit is black, which is more suitable for Qiu Xing Qiye.

  It's not dark black. Wearing that, and wearing sunglasses, can easily be mistaken for a security guard or something.

  Looks good in style.

  Wear it with a tie and a shirt of the same color.

  In addition to Qiu Xing Qiye's favorite black, sisters Miyano Akemi and Shimabukuro Junhui, who knew him well, also bought light gray styles.

  He doesn't hate either.

  In terms of age, Qiu Xing Qiye is now 17 years old, but in terms of appearance, it is definitely not the white face of Kudo Shinichi.

  But the masculine mature type.

  After a set is finished.

  Miyano Akemi couldn't help sighing: "Handsome!"

  Shimabukuro Junhui smiled and said: "I think it's better to let Qiye wear formal casual clothes to participate in the afternoon tea invitation. Wearing this suit is too mature."

  "Isn't it better to be mature?" Qiu Xing Qiye reached out and gently raised the smooth chin of Junhui Shimabukuro, who was closest to him.

  "I think it's pretty good." Miyano Akemi looked at this scene with shining eyes.

  Just took the camera to take a picture.

  The current Qiu Xing Qiye has changed from the gentle temperament of the big brother next door in the past.

  Sister Shimokasaho Nami, who was quietly hiding at the corner of the stairs and peeking out her head to look this way, shyly reached out and covered her eyes.

  It was the size of the crack in the hand that exposed their curiosity and gossip.

  "It's just right, it's almost time, Mingmei, let's go and prepare lunch first. Who of you will go to the afternoon tea party with me later?"

  Looking at Shimabukuro Junhui, she was shivering like a frightened deer, and her face quickly turned crimson.

  Qiu Xing Qiye asked.

  "I think Akimi is more suitable." He quickly took a few steps back, and the shy Shimabukuro Junhui, who was teased by this random action, almost ran away without turning around.

  This girl still knows too little.

  At present, at home, you can pull it out and add face to yourself. Indeed, Miyano Akemi is more suitable.

  She is three years younger than Shimabukuro Junhui in grade, but she does have a lot of knowledge.

  Hoonami and Minaho are completely little girls, it's ok for them to be maids...  

  In this regard, Shimabukuro Junhui is a little better than them.

  "Then Mingmei can come with me this afternoon."

  After Qiu Xing Qiye thought for a while, he made up his mind.

  "By the way, what about little Pikachu, why didn't you see it?"

  "Yesterday we let it follow him to Neverland, and now he doesn't want to come back." Shimabukuro Junhui explained.

  Obviously, his guess just now was wrong!

  "It just so happens that I also need to go to Neverland to release the two silly bears."

  Temporarily changing the suit, Qiu Xing Qiye invited: "This time, I have harvested two black bears, one big and one small, any of you would be interested to see them together?"

  "Black bear?"

  Shimabukuro Junhui looked interested.

  But don't rush to see them, anyway, after Qiu Xing Qiye places them in Neverland, they won't be able to escape.

  Miyano Akimi is cooking.

  Sister Shimokasaho Nami is also helping.

  Qiu Xing Qiye simply went to Neverland alone.

  On the way, when passing through the attic on the fourth floor, you can also observe through the holiday villa, the small loli is working hard.

  "Pickup pickup!"

  Just after passing through any door to the sky loft of Neverland, Qiu Xing Qiye stood at the fence and looked down, and saw a yellow electric mouse playing with lightning recklessly.

  From time to time, the tail is raised high, and a burst of electric current strikes the top of an apple tree with precision, knocking down a fruit.

  Wild Pikachu is finally wild in 2.2.

  There is a huge surprise with the domestic habits.

  Even if Qiu Xing Qiye kept it in the villa for a few days, it would not change its wildness at all, compared to the environment in the house.

  It still prefers the wild.

  "Well, it's the same for letting it survive in Neverland. Anyway, I come here often."

  Seeing this scene, Qiu Xing Qiye also dismissed the plan to bring it back later.

  Descend to the island via a purely natural hydrodynamic wooden elevator board.

  Sensing his breath, the cute yellow-skinned electric mouse ran frantically towards this side with his four short legs and short claws.

  when he came here.

  I saw a huge black unknown creature standing in front of its owner.

  The loyal guardian Pikachu immediately let out a cute roar.

  Pickup! !

  A lot of yellow lightning keeps gathering on the body.


  第 214

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

Qiu Xing Qiye was also taken aback by this sudden scene.

  Fortunately, he reacted fast enough to resist the blow with his ability to be immune to lightning.


  The mother and son of the black bear, who had just been released, hugged each other uncomfortably.

  unfamiliar environment.

  a strong sense of danger.

  They shivered with fright.

  But the little Pikachu, who was the 'rat' involved, tilted his head in confusion, as if he didn't quite understand why his master wanted to help this big monster.

  In terms of size, even a little black bear is no smaller than it. In addition to the burly stature of bears, little Pikachu is not a thin type at all.

  But the combat power, ten adult black bears, can't withstand the lightning attack of this little guy.

  "These two can be your companions in the future, they are friends."

  "You can't bully them."

  Qiu Xing Qiye picked up little Pikachu and rubbed his hands on its head constantly.

  Not easy.

  Breaking free from the master's hands, little Pikachu looked at the two black bears, one big and one small, curiously.

  In terms of IQ, the black bear is not as good as the Pokémon, a race that can directly understand human speech and is better trained, but it can also understand some simple gestures.

  At present, there are no natural enemies on the island, not even hares and pheasants, so these three little guys can play freely on it.

  For a while.

  Little Pikachu took the bear away smoothly.

  "The fruit trees on the island can satisfy your hunger in the future. If you are hungry, some fish and shrimp will be washed up on the left beach from time to time, enough for you to eat."

  "Remember, you are not allowed to attack humans. All who can get here are my relatives." Qiu Xing Qiye touched the head of the big female bear.

  It is very well-behaved. As an adult bear, and it has lived for a long time, its intelligence is almost comparable to that of Pikachu.

  Moreover, although the environment here is very unfamiliar to it, the good smell that keeps drifting in the air makes it intoxicated.


  After a grateful roar at Qiu Xing Qiye, the mother bear couldn't wait to run into the jungle, ready to get acquainted with this beautiful place.

  to be frank.

  Bear hair doesn't feel very good.

  Bear can.

  The adult bear's hair felt like a brush, and Qiu Xing Qiye preferred to touch its nose compared to the hair.

  After finishing the pair of bear mother and son, Qiu Xing did not forget to sprinkle the picked pine mushrooms before leaving for Qiye Qiye, and let the wind card control them to float into the forest.

  Use tree cards to apply life magic to the trees on the island.

  Many of the trees that had been squandered by little Pikachu and had few fruits started to bear fruit crazily. After a while, they bore a bunch of fruits evenly.

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