It doesn't taste too bad either!

  It can only be said that adding some special pine mushrooms will make it more delicious.

  Qiu Xing Qiye asked sister Shimokasaho Nami to take enough mushrooms for lunch and evening. In the morning, he still prefers soup with steamed buns.

  After returning to the hotel.

  Lunch will take a little while.

  Everyone went back to their rooms and rested for a while, and someone will call you later!

  It's not bad to have tatami mats on the ground floor, but with tree signs, Qiu Xing Qiye will naturally not treat himself badly. When he sleeps at night, he will get two large wooden beds.



  At noon, in a spacious dining hall, this hotel is quite popular.

  Conan didn't come to eat.

  It is estimated that they followed the police officers who came here and went to the hunting area to search for information.

  On the other hand, the old hunter Masaburo Saga, who had been transferred and threw the card at random in the woods, returned from the hunting area before dinner.

  When he saw Qiu Xing Qiye and his party who were eating right there, a look of gratitude clearly flashed in his eyes.

  This old man is not stupid. After realizing it, how could he not know that he has met a noble?

  After Wei Wei nodded to him, Qiu Xing Qiye continued to eat.

  Rice paired with two or three stir-fry dishes with pine mushrooms, it tastes really good.

  "Honami, when you go back, you can try making a chicken stew with mushrooms with pine mushrooms. It should also taste delicious."

  "Of course, I mean, after all the pine mushrooms are transplanted into Neverland, let them grow for a day or two and they will taste better."

  Seeing that these two sisters' faces still haven't recovered, Qiu Xing Qiye simply gave them some associations to divert their attention.

  After all, they are little girls.

  In the previous case of Su Fanghongzi, Qiu Xing Qiye did not let them witness the scene of the crime with their own eyes, and now it is the first time they have seen such a tragic scene.

  Mental discomfort is normal.

  To this end, Qiu Xing Qiye also took out a few dim sums that were not in stock, and those who saw them had a share. Even Dr. A Li and the others, he did not favor one over the other.

  It is very rare to add five full-attribute foods. With Xiaolan's European spirit, on average, you need to prepare a few ingredients or snacks before you can come across it.

  And increase the happiness value, even less!

  For so many days, Qiu Xing Qiye has only seen it twice.

  The first time was a meat stir-fry, also by Xiao Lan.

  Later, the dish was divided up.

  The second time is the snack, this can be put away, there is no need to eat it all at once, so it can be stored by him.

  "Um...this taste!"

  "So sweet and delicious!!"

  The number of dim sum is not much, the average is three yuan per person, and Conan's share can't wait for him to come back at all.

  I was licked in tears by a few other friends.

  "Qiye, did you do this yourself?" Dr. A Li, who has always been unable to keep his mouth shut, asked enthusiastically.

  The other three little guys were also looking forward to it.

  "I want to know, it can't be me." Qiu Xing Qiye replied: "These desserts are very difficult to make, and the material money alone is a huge sum of money."

  "Understandable!" Dr. Li said with a wry smile.

  If something is so delicious, it's not normal if it's cheap.

  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  With a face full of aftertaste, he slapped his mouth several times. Thanks to Qiu Xing Qiye, he tasted the most delicious dim sum, but also because of him, this delicious food can only become a memory in the future.

  "Not necessarily, I can't eat it at all..."

  Thinking of being not far from Qiu Xing Qiye's house, Dr. A Li silently had a trick in his heart. In the future, if he has time, he will visit him a few more times with gifts.

  There is no doubt that you will have the opportunity to taste such deliciousness.

  You never know how great the temptation of food is for a foodie!

  Qiu Xing Qiye probably did not expect it.

  This random action of his own will lead to such consequences.


  hunting area.

  While everyone else is enjoying their lunch.

  The hard-working Conan is still struggling to find useful clues in the huge forest for his own interests.


  There is no doubt about the identity of the murderer.

  It must have been that time, among several murderers in the hunting area, but who was it specifically.

  He needs more clues.

  it's here.

  The hotel hunter who died was still there, but the body of the bear cub that was slaughtered brutally on a tree branch near him was gone.

  Did the murderer do it?


  Either way, he needs to find clues first.

  And unlike the homicides that happened in the house, the suspects are easier to lock, and the clues are also not difficult to find.

  in this huge forest.

  If there are no useful clues around the corpse, then looking for clues left by the murderer in other areas is almost like looking for a needle in a haystack.

  "Perhaps the subsequent gunshot could clear up some doubts for me, but I was already fast at that time."

  "There is no trace at all at the scene."

  With doubts, Conan returned to the lake again.

  Except for a pool of molten iron that is more noticeable, there are no other traces around here.

  Qiu Xing Qiye personally controls the fire card, and the power is naturally very stable. It is said that it will burn people to ashes, and it will never affect the surrounding trees.

  "Is it possible that someone used to stay here, but in the end, someone with a gun was burned into something like this?"

  Conan sneered.

  As everyone knows, sometimes the more absurd answer is the truth!

  As a detective, he is also very clear about this, but this situation is obviously not in line with common sense.


  第 209

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

Had lunch.

  Dr. A Li took his three children and followed Qiu Xing Qiye for a walk nearby.

  When Conan returned here, he wanted to ask sister Shimokasaho Nami about something, but he was stunned and found that no one could be found.

  "It's a headache."

  "If I remember correctly, the faces of the sisters at that time must have seen something!"

  In order not to miss the slightest clue.

  Conan asked the waiter about the general direction where everyone was leaving, so he touched it.

  at the same time.

  Inside the Autumn Star Villa.

  Maori Kogoro received a case and was not at home.

  Suzuki Sonoko went abroad to talk business with her father.

  My mother is not at the office either.

  Xiao Lan, who was bored by herself, went around and came to Qiu Xing Qiye's house.

  Even if he's not home.

  Mingmei is still there.

  She won't be bored either!

  Together, the three of them put on gardener outfits to help out on Neverland to sort and sort plants.

  Busy until the afternoon, the three people took the wooden version of the perpetual motion elevator back to the sky loft and returned to the villa.

  Little Pikachu was not accompanied by anyone, and was sleeping soundly.

  After drinking some water and eating something, Miyano Akemi simply suggested, "It's okay to work slowly in the afternoon. Shall we go shopping?"

  "Tomorrow seven nights, I'm going to attend an afternoon tea with a professor from the Department of Architecture of Dongdu University. I want to buy him a suitable formal suit."

  "This is not bad." Shimabukuro Junhui couldn't help but light up.

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