He already knew about his youngest son being hunted and killed, and if the old man hadn't just shot and killed the hotel staff in time.

  Now this adult bear can't come here alive!


  "I'll help you treat the injury to your right eye." Qiu Xing Qiye pressed his big head with his left hand and lowered it a little. In his right hand, a horse talisman appeared out of thin air.

  The pattern on the spell lights up quickly.

  In the blink of an eye, the black bear slowly opened his blind right eye.

  Just when Qiu Xing Qiye retracted the horse charm from the villa into the space ring, a dark shotgun slowly protruded from the woods on the side.

  "Amazing young man, can he tame an adult wild bear? But... it's a pity, it will be my prey!"

  Because of the angle of view, the 'little black man' hiding in the forest didn't see the recovery of the black bear's right eye, he could only see the black bear's left eye.

  After a low murmur.


  A loud gunshot resounded through the surrounding forest.

  Under the tossing of the little kid, he inexplicably came to the second line of defense, that is, the faces of Conan and others in the hunting area changed in 550 colors.

  But in place.

  The eyeballs of the man who had just pulled the trigger and shot were about to pop out.

  What did he see?

  When his bullet was about to hit the black bear's head, it was like an invisible barrier, and it stopped firmly in mid-air about a few centimeters away from the black bear's head.

  And in the eyes of Huiyuan Ai who possesses magical power, there is a very strange color tone in that small area.

  This is the power of the time card.

  That small piece of time was directly stopped there!

  "Where did the brainless hunter come from?" Qiu Xing Qiye glanced at the jungle with a frown.

  With a thought, the fire card flew out.

  With the release of the seal.

  In the blink of an eye, accompanied by a painful roar, the little black man who had not yet appeared directly turned into a group of human-shaped flame monsters.

  Under the scorching flames, the painful sound only had time to make a sound, and the whole person was burned to ashes. Under the high temperature, even his shotgun directly turned into a mass of molten iron.

  destroy all evidence.

  Even if Conan discovers this mass of molten iron, it is impossible to speculate that someone spontaneously ignited in broad daylight.

  If it wasn't for the Silent Hill card Qiu Xing Qi Ye thrown into the mirror space at home, I believe it won't be long before he can get a considerable amount of energy points!

  For the first time, the faces of the sisters Nami Shimokasaho, who witnessed the decisive killing of their master, turned white.

  Such scenes, Haibara Ai was already used to it.

  Encountering such a brain-dead, killing him directly would be a bit cheaper for him.

  Didn't you see them beside the big bear?

  Even if you don't see that the big bear has been tamed by Qiu Xing Qiye, you shouldn't choose to do it easily, just the firepower of that garbage shotgun.

  Killing Bear with one shot is no problem.

  But the big bear is different. If it doesn't die and causes it to go crazy, then, if it is an ordinary person, it will end up in a very dangerous situation.

  No one can say what the big black bear who is in a state of rage will do!

  That person definitely did it on purpose!

  After briefly comforting the two bears, Qiu Xing Qiye directly put them into the space ring.

  Inside time stands still.

  Therefore, as long as there is enough space, there is no problem in releasing living creatures. In principle, it is similar to the flash freezing technology to make people hibernate, but it is definitely much safer than the latter.

  As for the other descriptions that space rings cannot hold living creatures, Qiu Xing Qiye can only say that it is completely mindless and set.

  Time is completely still inside, what is put in, what is taken out, are you still worried that living things will be suffocated to death?

  The two black bears arrived, and just when Qiu Xing Qiye was about to take Hui Yuanai and the others away from here, they saw Conan and his party rushing here.

  There are quite a few people.

  Also followed by a hunter in a work uniform.

  "Qiye, why are you here?" Panting heavily, Conan looked at Qiu Xing Qiye and the others with a bewildered expression.

  "It's not that we heard (bifg) gunshots, we just came over as we happened to be picking mushrooms nearby."

  Qiu Xing Qiye asked very casually: "Compared to this, Dr. Li, I didn't say that the hunting area is dangerous, why are you bringing the children here?"

  "It's not Yuan Tai, he thinks there are more pine mushrooms here, so he turned in. Fortunately, we met this hunter." Dr. Li smiled dryly.

  "That's why I don't like children." Qiu Xing Qiye murmured.

  Kojima Motota, who heard this, was a little unconvinced.

  "We have almost collected the pine mushrooms here, and we are about to return to the hotel. Would you like to join us?" Qiu Xing Qiye, who was too lazy to stay here for a long time, asked casually.

  "I also collected a lot of pine mushrooms." Kojima Motota proudly showed a large pot of mushrooms in his hands.

  The meaning is obvious.

  Since all of you adults can come here to collect.

  Why can't he!

  This child has no regrets at all.

  "Then let's go back together." Seeing that there were so many, Dr. A Li, who had more than enough to mix into his meals, no longer had the idea of ​​continuing to pick.

  Motota Kojima's actions just now really frightened him.

  Seeing this scene, the staff who were holding a shotgun and prepared to persuade these daring guests to go back were also relieved.

  "Let's go, Minami, Mina."

  Qiu Xing Qiye greeted the sister who was still a little pale, and noticed that a certain little kid was staring at his little loli, he simply hugged Hui Yuan Ai in his arms.

  Little Loli's cute appearance.

  Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko kept grinding his teeth with envy, and kept saying in his heart, "That's just Haibara-san's brother, that's just Haibara-san's brother, I still have a chance..."

  It is not uncommon for children to mature early these days.

  But it is a bit too much for the original author to force CP.

  Handsome boy groups such as Conan and Kuaidou, Conan and Heiji are still very popular.

  But Haibara Ai and Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko...

  Come on, have you ever seen an adult who has real feelings for a child?

  No matter how well a child behaves, no matter how mature, in the eyes of adults, it can only be exchanged for one sentence: "This child is really well-behaved and sensible."

  such evaluations.

  Children like beautiful or handsome big sisters and big brothers. This is called precocious puberty. When they grow up and get in touch with the society more, they will find that they used to be a frog in a well.

  There are more beautiful young sisters and handsome little brothers outside!

  And adults love kids...

  It's called BT, pedophile...

  Not to mention, Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko used to like Ayumi, and he was still young, so he had a simple personality and could play together when he was young.

  Friends are friends. When they grow up, they are just like them, with a pockmarked face and a potato head. How many beautiful young ladies who have never seen the world will fall in love with them? .

  第 208

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

Go back to the hotel smoothly through the normal 'gateway'.

  The accompanying hunter, named Yasaka Kiyoshi, has been working here for several years now because he likes to hunt, and his family introduced him to work.

  The hotel had obviously already explained who was the most expensive among the guests this time, so along the way, he was polite to Qiu Xing Qiye.

  "Mr. Qiu Xing, our hunting area is still dangerous. Next time, if you are interested, you can ask the hotel to arrange hunters to accompany you~"

  "In addition to the hunters in our hotel, there are often some people who like to hunt animals to stay here. Their personalities are because of hunting wild beasts all the year round, some of them are not very easy to get along with people!"

  "When I just saw an old man, I also found out that one of my companions was shot by someone, so I'll have to go to the police later..."


  This middle-aged man is still very talkative.

  It was not until he returned to the hotel that he quickly said goodbye and went to the police.

  Accompanying them was a staff member in the hotel.

  When she took over a lot of pine mushrooms for cover-up from sisters Nami Shimokasaho, and a lot of pine mushrooms in the hands of Kojima Motota.

  Dr. Li also said that he wanted to add money to buy it, but was rejected by Qiu Xing Qiye.

  Anyway, they are together, and they can enjoy the service for a single price, so there is no need to spend more.

  Mushrooms are the specialty here.

  Pure wild, the value is not cheap, of course, it is not very expensive, just a little more expensive than the fruit.

  It is not too expensive to eat here in the origin.

  That is, Dr. Agasa bought a basic package, and the hotel will be responsible for the guests' lunch and dinner, as well as breakfast in the morning.

  The food is common and inexpensive.

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