Afterwards, Qiu Xing Qiye also briefly explained the process of his party last night.

  Xiaolan shared the story of her running many training classes in the afternoon.

  Everyone has different experiences. At this moment, we share and chat together. Before we know it, Xiaolan didn't realize that in front of Qiu Xing Qiye, the topics he talked about became more and more bold.

  Sometimes, even the little secrets between some girls don't mind sharing with him.

  But this innocent little girl hasn't noticed anything wrong.

  Suzuki Sonoko noticed, but she only occasionally glanced at Xiaolan jokingly, and didn't say much!

  The maids and witches in Qiye's house were all so beautiful and good-natured, so Suzuki Sonoko was still very stressed.

  Pulling her best friend into battle was an idea she had long ago, but now it seems that she hardly has to worry about it...

  Even at home, when parents often eat together, they give her various hints, and if necessary, they can let her sister graduate in advance.

  It can be said.

  As long as they can catch up with Qiu Xing Qiye, they don't mind pushing both of their daughters into the pit.


  To be precise, it should be a boost.

  Suzuki Sonoko's little thought, as parents, they can naturally see it.


  at the same time.

  The Metropolitan Police Department was also busy doing a group, and Mu Mu Shisan didn't breathe a sigh of relief just after finishing the 'Xiaobull mask'.

  Received an urgent task from the superior.

  Not only the area of ​​Rice Flower City, but also the gems of Cupido City and many cities in Kanto have been stolen by unknown forces...  

  The same goes for cities like Osaka in Kansai!

  All the thieves are uniformly dressed, powerful and difficult to deal with, many times stronger than the phantom thief Kidd!

  Phantom Thief Kidd is difficult to deal with, but at least he is alone.

  But the group of people last night, according to rough statistics, will definitely not be less than dozens of people, and even hundreds of people are possible.

  Hundreds of people, organized, planned unification, and thefts are still carried out in multiple cities in Neon.

  Even if the gems are not lost in the end, they are basically found nearby, but it is not a small matter to injure the guards.

  "Headache, this matter, just by looking at it, you know it's not that simple!" Mu Mu Shisan put down the information with an ugly face.

  But as a police officer with good professional ethics, even if he knew that the matter was very difficult, he still had to bite the bullet and dispatch his subordinates to the places where they had been stolen to conduct on-site investigation and data collection.

  Didan Elementary School.

  Conan, who had just arrived at the school, was also thinking about this, especially since those people were all dressed in 'black clothes', which easily reminded him of that mysterious organization.

  The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't sit still. He didn't even wait for class time, so he quietly chose to 'skip class'.

  Haiyuan Ai, who was opening a biology book, noticed his actions and did not stop her. She hadn't thought about Qiu Xing Qiye yet about what happened last night.

  If Conan wants to investigate, he will investigate.

  She was [-]% sure that it had nothing to do with the Black Organization.

  Anyway, the 1.9 who will be beaten afterwards is not her!

  Not just Conan.

  Jianggutian High School.

  Kuroba Kaito was also a little unable to sit still.

  But he is relatively more rational than Conan.

  "The identities of those people are not that simple. You'd better not get involved easily."

  Koizumi Hongko gave him a reminder.

  With Kuroba Kuito's skills, she couldn't say that she would need his help to investigate in other ways after a while. She didn't want this young man to be involved in these trivial matters.

  "Do you know the situation of those people?" Kuroba Kaito asked suspiciously.

  "In short, it's hard to deal with, the other party is not an ordinary person." Koizumi Hongzi didn't explain much.

  After the Qiu Xing Qiye dungeon 'hanging', Kuroba Kuito clearly understood the seriousness of the matter all at once.

  But if the other party's purpose is really that gem.

  He is going.

  Still go.

  still go..


  第 180

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

Neon public security is not very good. For this morning news, if the Metropolitan Police Department cannot solve the case in a short time and capture those people, its prestige will definitely suffer a lot.

  In the eyes of ordinary people, there will be remarks such as 'waste' and 'incapable'.

  no way.

  In the dark, the Metropolitan Police Departments of various places began to contact detectives who were familiar with each other to help analyze the case, in order to obtain useful information as soon as possible.

  To say that the Metropolitan Police Department has no talents at all, it is not necessarily true. There are many internal affairs talents with rich knowledge, such as Shiratori Ren Saburo, who likes to show off and looks down on others, but his ability in this regard is indeed extraordinary.

  In terms of combat power, Sato Miwako is also very strong as a girl. She usually takes the lead in catching robbers and the like.

  But there are really no talents in solving cases!

  This can't be blamed for the fact that the Metropolitan Police Department is such a big official force so bad, it's really that the background of Conan's world is set like this.

  It can be said that once you join the Metropolitan Police Department, no matter how talented you are, your IQ will be forcibly suppressed to the level of ordinary people.

  Otherwise, 18 private detectives, as well as the so-called high school detectives, would have no living space.

  Conan will also have no room to play!

  On the other hand, looking at those wild detectives, even some little detectives who are not in the mainstream, their performance will not be too bad.

  However, because of the movement made by the Sombra Soldiers, many detective talents have received invitations to join the Metropolitan Police Department in various places, including some characters who appeared later in the original work.

  For example, Koshisui Nanatsuki, Tokitsu Junya, Hakuba Tan, and even Hattori Heiji, all received information from their father and went to the Metropolitan Police Department to help after school.

  Among them, Conan is no exception!

  Although he can't appear as Kudo Shinichi, but as Conan, as long as he can get the latest information, it won't make much difference.

  With so many talents gathered all at once, even the black-clothed organization, during this time, if they dared to attract attention, they would be chased and beaten.


  Qiu Xing Qiye, who didn't have any staff in the official forces, didn't even know about it.


  He certainly wouldn't mind sending some ninja soldiers in black to play with the detectives.


  in the afternoon.

  After school, due to the incident that the Metropolitan Police Department named "Theft of Extraordinary Jewels", after school, even club activities were not held.

  Even Suzuki Shiro directly rejected all the activities today, and hid at home obediently. There are some magic pages that Suzuki Sonoko got from Qiu Xing Qiye.

  With the security force composed of veterans, there will be absolutely no problem in terms of security.

  for this reason.

  It is rare for Suzuki Sonoko to have a good rest today.

  After school, take the car of Qiuxing Qiye with Xiaolan and return to Qiuxing Villa.

  On the way, I could see a police car whizzing past from time to time. Suzuki Sonoko sighed: "It seems that this is strengthening the 'patrol'! Moreover, affected, the flow of people on both sides of the street is much less than usual."

  "Does it feel like a war is about to take place?" Qiu Xing Qiye was joking as if nothing was happening.

  What the Ninja Soldiers do, looking for them, has nothing to do with me, Qiu Xing Qi Ye!

  "It's definitely not going to be a war. We're not one of those small war-torn countries, but there's bound to be a battle between that huge, unknown organization and the Metropolitan Police Department last night."

  Suzuki Sonoko said with a strange expression: "Judging from the current situation, the hiding place of that organization is obviously very hidden. It has been so many hours, and the Metropolitan Police Department has not found them."

  "But it's rare for me to find time to have a good time. From this point of view, I still need to thank them?"

  "Sonoko, it's still a bit too much to say that. Anyway, neon is better for peace. Now, people are panicking on the streets..."

  Looking at the situation outside through the car window, Xiao Lan lowered her head and looked at her phone.

  "That's right, but Xiaolan, what are you looking at? You are so focused." Suzuki Sonoko's face flashed a touch of gossip: "Could it be that it was a text message from your little lover?"

  "Garden!! What are you talking about..."

  "Not at all.."

  Xiao Lan felt inexplicably tight in her heart, and reflexively glanced at Qiu Xing Qiye who was driving in front of her.

  She also didn't realize why she did this, but she didn't want him to misunderstand anything because of it!

  I don't know.

  Her actions, in the eyes of Suzuki Sonoko, were so... suspicious.

  "That's right. It was a message from my father, saying that I was going to the Metropolitan Police Department to handle a case. If the situation is complicated, I may not be able to go home tonight. Let me solve it outside tonight for dinner."

  Xiaolan said with a faint look: "Also, Conan is also with him, so I don't have to worry about anything, and Conan skipped class today, not to mention that I didn't go to the cram school I worked so hard for him yesterday."

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