It all happened so fast.

  Koizumi Hongzi looked at this scene with a gloomy expression!

  If she made a move just now, she might be able to interrupt the opponent's movements, but if the opponent has this kind of means, she is not necessarily an opponent.

  Not to mention her own magic, most of the inheritance is auxiliary and other aspects, and there are not many that can be used in combat.

  Even if she has a lot of fighting magic on her body, it cannot change the fact that...

  Magician, crispy!

  It was not until the figure left that Koizumi Hongzi relaxed a little bit of vigilance.

  "Judging from the perception just now, the other party doesn't seem to be human, and there is no life fluctuation in the body."

  "So, a magic puppet? Ghost?"

  "The other party's purpose is my crown? No! The crown is not worth a lot of money."

  "Could it be..."

  Thinking of some possibility, Koizumi Hongzi quickly took out her crystal ball.

  At this time, outside the castle.

  A mysterious black figure emerged from the ground holding the crown.

  By the moonlight, it slowly lifted the crown, allowing the gems above it to be illuminated by the moonlight.

  After a few seconds.


  The crown was mercilessly thrown on the grass, and the whole body sank slowly.

  After that, it didn't take long for Koizumi Koizumi, who flew out of the window on a broom, to land here and take back the crown again.

  "Sure enough, the result is similar to what I guessed."

  "Is the other party's purpose also for the 'Pandora's Jewel'?"

  Glancing at a certain direction in the sky, Koizumi Hongzi sighed silently.

  For a moment, she suspected that a 'puppet' with such elusive powers would be the product of that person.

  But now she doesn't think so.

  Pandora's gems do have some incredible power that can make people live forever, but so many years have passed.

  Whether this gem still exists in the world, no one knows.

  Koizumi Hongzi had also divination about its situation, but the result that was known was indeed blank.

  Obviously, either this gem has been damaged, or the location where it is hidden is very secret, and it is not so easy to find at all.

  "If it were him, there would be absolutely no reason to look for such a thing."

  "Even if you are so young now, even if you want to live a long life in a few decades, it is not difficult to do it through magic. There is no need to be attached to that gem."

  Koizumi Hongzi's guess is well-founded, but what she doesn't know is that there are really people in this world who are so boring.

  The other party's purpose is not for longevity, but simply interested in the gem mentioned in the original book.


  As a mere shadow soldier, he can easily summon thousands and send a small number out, which will not cause any impact on himself at all.


  this night.

  Shadow soldiers ran almost all over the neon, whether it was a gem that was collected, placed in a safe with high security, or a gem in some ruins.

  Can't escape their claws.

  During this period, there were also some people who discovered the existence of the shadow soldiers, and some sensible people, like Koizumi Hongzi, did not dare to act rashly.

  Such people are basically easy to find the gems in the vicinity after the incident.

  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Some of the more reckless people chose to shoot directly and interfered with the work of the shadow soldiers. Unfortunately, in addition to being frightened, the gems were still easily stolen, and soon, they would be found somewhere nearby.

  That is, Qiu Xing Qiye's follow-up order is that unless you encounter danger early, try not to allow killing, otherwise tomorrow morning, the entire neon will definitely be a sensation!

  Do things to do things.

  It also depends on the situation. If the opponent is a black-clothed organization or some force dares to provoke him, then the matter will not care about Qiu Xing Qiye.

  But the Sombra Soldier's action itself is a 'steal', essentially no different from the phantom thief Kidd who will return the gems afterwards.

  Indiscriminately killing people without too much danger is still a bad behavior.

  People are responsible for protecting the gems, and even shooting is justified!

  even so..

  0 ......  

  Early the next morning.

  When Qiu Xing finished washing up for seven nights and came downstairs, he saw the morning news on the TV that last night, the gem of a certain group was robbed by unidentified robbers, and was later discovered by the guards. After a fierce fight The guards were wounded, but there were no casualties at all.

  This is not the case.

  However, multiple cases happened at almost the same time. According to the statistics after the incident, all the robbers were wearing uniform black night clothes with their faces covered, and they were like ninjas in style.

  The weapons they use are also cold weapons.

  According to statistics, a total of more than 30 guards were injured, some of which were not treated in time, and the injuries were aggravated.

  At present, the Metropolitan Police has been involved in the investigation.

  "Group theft? The recent neon security issue is really getting worse." Miyano Akemi, who was sorting out today's emails on the sofa, didn't look back after hearing the sound of the TV, she just sighed casually.

  Shimabukuro Junhui agreed: "Last month, the wolf of the rice flower, which haunted the rice flower market, and around the rice flower town, has not been caught yet. I think the efficiency of the Metropolitan Police Department is like that."

  Shimokasaho Nami and Shimokasa Minaho obediently helped unwrap the letter without answering.

  They who have been working in Su Fanghongzi's mansion do not know much about the factual information from the outside world.

  "Pika Pika!" Pikachu, who was sitting on the table like a doll, heard the words, and hurriedly waved his little paws and kept patting his belly.

  It seems to be saying, I will protect you, which is roughly the meaning.

  Watching the crowd couldn't help but be amused.

  But no one will underestimate its capabilities.

  Controlling the current and dealing with ordinary people, who can withstand its attack? !


  第 179

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

Had a quick breakfast.

  In order to avoid embarrassment, Qiu Xing Qiye hurriedly took Little Loli to school after brushing a 'bubble' card at 7:[-] sharp.


  Even when he came to school, he couldn't avoid this topic.

  "Xiaolan, Qiye, have you read today's news? It seems that a group of foreign robbers have come to Neon recently. They have organized and premeditated actions against some groups that own jewelry."

  Suzuki Sonoko came to the table of Qiu Xing Qiye with a curious expression on her face.

  This matter seems to be a bit of a commotion. Originally, in the early morning, Qiu Xing Qiye's home TV turned on all the singing channels. Even so, the news was interspersed.

  Xiaolan naturally knew about this. Sitting on the left of Qiu Xing Qiye, who was sorting her schoolbag, she heard Yuanzi's words and smiled bitterly: "Aren't you afraid of Yuanzi at all?"

  "According to the data given in the news, there are at least dozens of people in that group, and their "[-]" skills are still very good, I'm not sure I can beat each other, so many people, What should I do if I meet them when I come home from school in the afternoon..."

  As soon as these words came out, Suzuki Sonoko and Qiu Xing Qiye couldn't help but stare at her in amazement. This strange brain circuit is worthy of you, Xiaolan!

  If it was the plot, according to the development, with her sigh, Qiu Xing Qiye felt that after school in the afternoon, if he met those people, he would definitely not be able to run away.

  Even if they didn't meet them, they would be forced to participate in events related to them for various reasons.

  "Didn't I tell you, Lan, don't we all have the defensive magic items sent by Qiye?" Suzuki Sonoko said speechlessly: "Besides, the people from the Metropolitan Police Department are not vegetarian, so many people from abroad will definitely not be able to hide for long. , will be caught.”

  Qiu Xing Qiye turned his head silently, how could he answer these words?

  The commotion last night seemed to be a little bigger.

  Because Pandora's gems only react under the moonlight, this is also one of the reasons why Kuroba Kuito's father often haunted at night, and was later called the magician under the moonlight.

  Now the shadow soldiers have also returned to sleep in the shadows, waiting for the night to come before they will continue to carry out Qiuxing Qiye's orders.

  Before that, Qiu Xing Qiye hurriedly added a few more orders, and things got a little messy, just like Kuroba Kuito, and afterward it was nothing more than Nakamori Yinsan.

  If there are too many people, the situation will always be too big.

  "I just don't know how Kuroba would react if he saw the news report of last night's incident."

  "With his wisdom, it is not difficult to see the ultimate goal of the Shadow Soldier. At that time, what choice will he make? Tentative? Or take the initiative?"

  "Maybe, maybe the pair of Corgi (Conan + Phantom Thief Kid) can be made some time ahead of the original book, and it's not necessarily a good friend who is also an enemy and a friend!"

  Qiu Xing Qiye thought a little unscrupulously in his heart.

  Anyway, as long as his identity is not exposed, it will not affect his bland and warm daily life.

  Even if the Black Shadow Corps is doing something big, he can still hold it!

  Not only Sonoko Suzuki was curious, other students in the class were also discussing this matter with their good friends at this time.

  All kinds of speculation and reasoning flew all over the sky for a while.

  It didn't take long, and after the interest gradually subsided, Suzuki Sonoko shifted the topic to his performance in front of the camera when he attended the party last night.

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