第 171

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

Just when Mu Mu Shisan went to the hall on the third floor to announce the results, telling these guests that they could leave after eating.

  Conan found the opportunity to mysteriously drag Kogoro Mouri to another bedroom on the third floor.

  The layout of this bedroom is exactly the same as that of Su Fanghongzi.

  "Little devil, why did you ask me to come here?" Kogoro Mori asked in confusion.

  "Uncle, look at the vase in the corner." Conan pointed to the wooden cabinet in the corner. There was a vase on the wooden cabinet.

  "Is there anything here?" Kogoro Mori walked over without hesitation.

  He didn't notice that behind him, Conan had turned on the anesthesia watch, and the pointer was quietly aimed at his neck.


  "Ah?" Mouri Kogoro's body froze, and within a second, his mind gradually fell into darkness.

  Next, quickly posing and attaching the button launcher, Conan found Takagi Shibu and asked him to prepare according to his own words.

  After a series of tasks were completed, Conan came to the lobby to inform Mu Mu Shisan and asked him to take someone to the next door.

  "No way?"

  Mu Mu Shisan took it with a stiff expression, and everyone who had eaten half of the meal came to the next door.

  As soon as he entered the room, he saw Mouri Kogoro bowing his head to them.

  That familiar sleeping position.

  The corners of Mu Mu Shisan's eyes jumped!

  "Brother, are you sure you're not playing with me? I just reported the situation here to my superiors, but you told me that it wasn't a ghost at all?"

  For the first time in his life, Mu Mu Shisan didn't want to see him like this.

  Because once Maori Kogoro deduced that the case was indeed a homicide, he used some means to disguise himself as a ghost.

  As the top officer in charge of this case, it would be fine if he hadn't reported the situation here just now.


  Mu Mu Shisan could almost already predict what he would look like after he was 'unemployed'.


  "Cough, since everyone is here, I will make a long story short. I believe everyone has noticed that this room has exactly the same layout as Ms. Su Fanghongzi's room."

  "Officer Takagi, it's time to start!"

  Mouri Kogoro (Conan) used a voice changer to hide in a corner and started his invisible behind-the-scenes act of coercion.


  Outside the other closed door of the house, Shibu Takagi prepared a rubber band as instructed by Kogoro Mouri, first threw a dagger inside, and then followed.

  A blood-red mask was thrown in through the gap of the blinds.

  I don't know if it's an illusion, even through the gloves, whenever he touches these masks, there will always be a sense of unease in his heart.

  At the same time, Conan continued to start his own explanation: "As you can see now, each mask is calculated at about 1.5. Adding up 200 masks, how thick can it be...?"

  After speaking, 200 masks were thrown in through the lattice gaps of the blinds.

  After noticing this scene, Lanchuan Dongya's face was a little ugly at first, but when he thought of the various supernatural phenomena that happened tonight, the tension in his heart slowly dissipated.

  Regardless of whether this supernatural phenomenon is haunted by ghosts or something else, from the results, it is undoubtedly very beneficial to him.


  "Mom, is that you?"

  A very bold idea suddenly appeared in Lan Chuan Dongya's heart.

  That is to say, Qiu Xing Qiye was holding Haiyuan Ai and watching Conan pretending to be forceful with interest. With the magic card in hand, he was saying that he was naturally invincible.

  Even if his teammates are too pitiful, he can completely move them.

  However.. I believe that if he knew what his teammate was thinking at the moment, he might regret choosing to help him.

  God TM mother! !

  At this time, the little loli in her arms also woke up and was watching this technique with relish. Even if it was only half completed, she could probably guess the result in her heart.


  Why are these masks all red?

  If I remember correctly, wasn't it all white yesterday?

  And... with this pungent bloody smell, how much blood did Su Fang Hongzi have?

  And in this way, there is no reason for all the masks to be stained with blood, so...

  The smart little girl raised her head thoughtfully and glanced at Qiu Xing Qiye.

  Although she guessed something, she wouldn't say anything silly at such a time.


  Soon, 200 masks were passed into the room one after another, followed by Takagi Shibuya on the other side pulling the rubber band fiercely, all the masks twisted like a long snake, and finally stacked one by one.

  The mask at the front, the dagger is only a few centimeters away from the dummy on the bed.

  This scene.

  Indeed, many people present were amazed.

  Before Conan could speak, some smart people looked a little weird.

  Katagiri Masaki: "This method seems to be able to successfully kill Ms. Su Fang Hongzi, and since you can reason like this, a Maori detective, then the important reason for Ms. Su Fang Hongzi's death must be the neck, right?"

  Afterwards, under the persuasion of Qiu Xing Qiye, the three of them did not see the tragedy at the crime scene with their own eyes, but now through this 'performance', it is not difficult to deduce something.

  Matsudaira Mori: "If Ms. Su Fanghongzi is really the murderer who used this method to kill, then the murderer who can use this method must be someone among you living in the east wing."

  Nagahara Haruka: "But...if I read it right, by relying on this method of killing, can we really guarantee that all masks can be completely stained with blood?"

  "Yes, Maori brother, your reasoning is indeed very exciting. You can use this method to kill people. It is normal for the mask in front to be stained with a lot of blood of the dead, but all the masks are stained with blood, which is not that simple."

  Mu Mu Shisan's chubby face gradually became weird: "Also, the follow-up mask recycling work will also become very difficult, right?"

  "In addition, according to the data detected by the forensics class, Su Fanghongzi died at about 3 o'clock, and the time when you found the body was less than 20 minutes away from the time of death."

  "In such a short period of time, the murderer didn't have time to take back so many masks, right? Not to mention that these bloodstains have been tested, and they are all from Ms. Su Fanghongzi."

  "." Well, listen to me first. "

  Conan, who had long anticipated such a situation, was not surprised: "These tricks by the murderer look really incredible. I haven't seen it with my own eyes, and it's hard for me to imagine how quickly he took back these masks."

  "But the murderer's method has an obvious drawback, that is... he needs to take away the mask of the Masquerade Hall, and he must find a way to get the key. Just the key to the east wing is enough."

  "Am I right? Mr. Lanchuan Touya!"

  "Even if you find a chance to back up the key to the mask hall, there is absolutely no way to clean it up in such a short period of time after the incident."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Lanchuan Fuyuya with a conditioned reflex.

  "What are you talking about, Mr. Mauri, according to your reasoning, I do have the ability to do this."

  "But let's not say that I was still in my room at the time. Even if the murderer was really me, I didn't have that much ability. In such a short time, I recovered the mask and put it back in the hall, not to mention All of them are stained with Teacher Su Fang's blood."

  Another real question.

  Lan Chuan Dongya's psychological quality is obviously good.

  The occurrence of the follow-up supernatural events gave him strong confidence. If all the masks (good Li Hao) were scattered in the room at this moment, he would have absolutely nothing to say.

  The self-confidence of Lan Chuan Dongya.

  It made Conan's heart sink in the dark.

  This is without a doubt the worst possible outcome!

  Solving a case is all about evidence, without evidence, even if you reason out the murderer's modus operandi and know that he did all these things.

  You have nothing to do with each other.


  that's it.

  After a stalemate of about 10 minutes.

  Qiu Xing Qiye, Katagiri Masaki, Matsudaira Mori and other irrelevant people drove their cars and left the mansion.

  Only Aanchuan Touya and Mouri Kogoro were left in place. As a good girl, Xiaolan did not take the opportunity to take the car and leave together.

  In addition, it was the subordinates of the thirteenth sect of Mumu who investigated all the pipes and rooms in detail, even outside the mansion.


  This is bound to be fruitless.

  Because the backup key was unknowingly taken away by a soldier of the Shadow Corps early in the morning.

  This is one of the strengths of Lan Chuan Fuyuya.

  As the murderer, he was blank, let alone others. .

  第 172

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

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