Shimokasa Minaho: "That's not necessarily true. Mr. Qiu Xing has a distinguished status and must live in a big place. Our salary should be lower, so there should be hope."


  The chat between the sisters sounded very interesting, not about what they said, but about the tone of their voice.

  As if talking to himself.

  In order to avoid embarrassment, Qiu Xing Qiye walked out. When he came back, the footsteps made a little louder, and the sisters Shimokasaho Nami, who heard the sound, stopped chatting and looked at the door...  .

  When they saw that it was Qiu Xing Qiye who came here, the two quickly said respectfully, "Mr. Qiu Xing, do you have any special breakfast you want to eat?"

  In their minds, the purpose of the owner coming to the kitchen is nothing more than this.

  "It's enough to get some porridge for breakfast, and put some sugar in it. It's not at your own home. Just click on it."

  Qiu Xing Qiye said directly: "Besides, my invitation yesterday is still valid, do you want to think about it, if you come to work in my house, you will include room and board, and the monthly salary will be guaranteed at 500 million R yuan. If you do a good job, you will improve. There will be various benefits, such as magic props and a dream-like living environment.”



  If nothing else, this number alone really surprised the sisters.

  After reacting, Shimokasaho Nami and Shimokasa Minaho hurriedly bent over happily and said, "In the future, please take care of X2."

  It doesn't matter how much the salary is, the key is to have a future.

  Their parents died in a car accident. Just the two sisters, they basically have no daily expenses.

  "Okay, let's make breakfast first, then go back to your room to pack your luggage, and then let's go back together. If you want to get uniforms, you can buy them again when you go back."

  "To be honest, this old western style maid outfit, in my eyes, is not as good-looking as the sweater you are wearing now. 0.5 is formal, it is really interesting, but the style is really outdated."

  Qiu Xing Qiye left the kitchen after a brief exhortation.

  "It's great, it feels like a dream."

  "Well, that is to say, Mr. Qiu Xing still remembers the invitation last night, it was really good."

  "I'll call him 'Master' in the future."

  "I understand, and being able to follow a real magician may not necessarily be the help our parents gave us in the spirit of heaven."

  Despite the joy in their hearts, the expressions on the faces of the two twin maids tried their best to suppress and remain calm.

  After all, Su Fanghongzi had just died.

  Even in view of how good she was to her sisters in the past, in this mansion, she is still her maid, and the work for the last period of time is still done with heart. .

  第 170

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

"Officer Mumu, I see, maybe it was the cursed power of Xiaobull's mask that was at work last night."

  In the early morning, Kogoro Maori, who had been searching all night, with dark circles under his eyes, shrugged his head and pushed all this to the 'curse' as if he was joking.

  What is rare is that this time Mu Mu Shisan did not refute his words.

  In the past, when he encountered similar strange cases, if he dared to say such a thing, he would definitely be scorned by Mu Mu Shisan.

  "Anyway, Brother Maori, you've worked hard too. I just saw that the breakfast in the hall is ready, so hurry up and eat some."

  Mu Mu Shisan said solemnly: "I will write a report on the process of this case later and report it to the superior. If there is no accident, you can leave here later."


  Mouri Kogoro glanced at his old partner in surprise.

  This time, does the other party seem to be serious about his joke?

  Cursing or something does sound incredible, but Kogoro Mouri thinks that 18 is just a special technique used by a murderer.

  It's just that with his ability, he couldn't figure out this method at all.

  After investigating the case, the breakfast is still not to be missed, just when Maori Kogoro is going to have something to eat first, when the search will continue.

  I saw Qiu Xing Qiye walked downstairs.

  Thinking of this young man's mysterious identity, Mouri Kogoro, who might give him some inspiration, asked tentatively, "Qiye, why did you come down? Could it be..."

  "Could it be something?" Qiu Xing Qiye gave him a strange look when he heard the other side's words: "I'm just going to the east wing to wake Xiao Wai for breakfast."

  "Uh..." Mouri Kogoro was speechless.

  Is this young man so big-hearted?

  After all this happened, how dare you let that little girl continue to sleep in the house?

  "Qiu Xing... Mr. Right, the situation here in the Mask Room is a bit problematic. To be on the safe side, it's better to go around directly from the first floor."

  Mu Mu Shisan kindly reminded.

  The two of them are standing outside the mask hall now, and the silver-white doors on both sides have been closed.

  "No problem." Qiu Xing Qiye didn't care about this, he walked right in front of them, went through the stairs to the first floor, and walked out the door.

  Seeing Qiu Xing Qiye, the young man didn't come to give him any clues, Mouri Kogoro was not disappointed, but sighed secretly in his heart, this case, if there is no accident, should become a 'unsolved case' and be closed.

  It is impossible for him to get a monetary reward from the Metropolitan Police Department by solving the case.


  Outside the gate of the mansion, two policemen stood behind the door to guard the east gate and the west gate. Even the east wing was guarded by police officers all the way up.

  This is also to avoid another accident.

  When Qiu Xing returned to the room on the third floor of the east wing, Hai Yuanai was still sleeping soundly on the big wooden bed.

  The wooden bed made of tree brand magic power, and it was used by himself, Qiu Xing Qiye of course compressed its magic power to the limit, and the entire wooden bed was full of life force.

  Ordinary people often sleep on it, which not only has a good life-extending effect, but also protects against all diseases. Life energy can also effectively improve the impurities in the human body, so that cells can get better rest.

  The benefits are not many.

  However, such a wooden bed, after Qiu Xing Qiye picked up Little Lolita, decayed, withered, and disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  The magic inside has been recovered by the tree card.

  Even if he doesn't like this thing, he can make a lot of it at will, but he will not leave it to others.

  "Don't you remember?" Qiu Xing Qiye amusedly stretched out his hand and pinched the little girl's cheek in his arms. The touch was soft, as if he could squeeze out water with a little force.

  Often taking the water of life and the products made by the water of life, and the wooden bed at home are all strengthened by Qiu Xing Qiye with tree cards.

  It can be said that living in his home, even if he often stays up all night, it is difficult to have bad skin!

  "Sleep a little longer, what are you doing when you wake up so early?" Hai Yuanai muttered, and arched comfortably in the familiar and warm embrace.

  This little girl sees it very clearly. As a child, even if she wakes up, no matter what she does, she has nothing to do with her. Wouldn't it be delicious to sleep for a while?

  Qiu Xing Qiye didn't bother her anymore, just put the clothes in the room into the space ring, leaving a small padded jacket on the little guy.

  Then returned to the hall on the third floor of the west wing.

  "A carefree child is good." Looking at the fragrant Huiyuan Ai sleeping in Qiu Xing Qiye's arms, Xiao Lan, who was stirring the rice porridge with a spoon to make it saccharified faster, flashed a look of envy on her face. look.

  Look at them, they didn't sleep well because of the cursed mask.

  As for Haibara Ai, she slept until dawn without touching anything terrifying or exciting.

  Children should be protected.

  But look at Conan again. Until now, Xiaolan has never seen this little brat in the hall. She can guess where he is without thinking.

  Not at all worrying.

  Whatever happens, just leave it to the adults. As a child, can't you sleep in the room obediently?

  Have to run to the scene of the crime.


  With Conan's thinking, Xiao Lan feels that she doesn't understand at all.


  After having breakfast.

  Mu Mu Shisan has also received a 030 response from his superiors, and the case is closed.

  Among them, Xiaobull's mask will disperse it, and the high-level Metropolitan Police Department will send someone to deal with it properly!

  At the corner of the stairs, Conan, who was secretly listening to Mu Mu Shisan's report, had a look of depression on his face.

  "That's all for Uncle Maori."

  "Why is the police officer Mumu starting to do this now?"

  "This case, no matter where you look at it, it's a little weird, but it's not a joke to say that ghosts are haunting?!"

  Just when he was constantly discussing in his heart, at a critical moment, he contacted Dr. A Li through the landline and asked him to help investigate [Hongyan Company] and finally got a result.

  Unfortunately, this result did not satisfy Conan.

  He has basically cracked the murderer's modus operandi. Although there are many things that make no sense, the key evidence and the motive for committing the crime have not been investigated clearly.

  At this time, he faced only two outcomes.

  One: Try to deceive the murderer, tell all the modus operandi of 'that person', and see if you can find any flaws in his words.

  Success rate of this method: less than 20%.

  Two: Accept this result and let the murderer go unpunished.

  "I hope the murderer hasn't dealt with that 'thing', otherwise..."

  With Conan's character, naturally he would not choose two.

  Give it a try!


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