Chapter 125 Something is wrong [Please customize]

early morning.

in the bedroom.

Sunlight came in from the window.

Shen Xiao raised Bai Zhe’s arm, stretched her waist, and then opened her eyes.

My head hurts a bit!



I drank alcohol?

Shen Xiao shook her head and thought about it, and she remembered.

Yesterday, I was with Wu Chen and others, as well as Xie Qingrong and Zhu Dongwen. Everyone drank shochu at Han Guo Restaurant.

The wine tasted light and quite-intoxicating.

Maybe I drank too much at that time, and it seemed that I went to the tea house with Wu Chen, but I can’t remember what happened after that.

Who sent me home?

Shen Xiao thought about it for a while, and Wu Chen also knew about his home, and it was estimated that he sent him back.

It was also the first time for her to drink han country soju, so next time she can’t drink so much,

Shen Bi was also careless, originally according to her alcohol intake, there should be no problem.

But the wine is not the same, the degree of intoxication is not the same.

This is the second time I’ve been drunk in front of Wu Chen, and it’s a bit humiliating.

Shen Xiao was in a trance for a while, wearing pajamas, and sat up.


She called out tentatively, but didn’t answer.

Her eyes saw a note on the table beside her.

“You were drunk, I helped you back to the bedroom and changed your clothes outside, but the clothes inside were not changed.”

“There’s hangover soup in the fridge, you can drink it as soon as it’s hot.

“I’m going back.”

The signature is Wu Chen.

In front of Shen Jun, Wu Chen seemed to be standing in front of him explaining.

She felt very warm in her heart, looking at the pajamas on her body, it was true that the nei clothes inside were not changed.


You should still be seen a lot.

Her face flushed red, but this time she wasn’t as alert and vigilant as last time.

She should now know Wu Chen better and trust Wu Chen more, he is not the kind of person she thinks.

If that was the case, the last time I was in my own home, I would have been bullied.

But that time, nothing happened to her.

On the contrary, it was Wu Chen who asked someone to take care of her, and even slapped each other in the face.

Last time Wu Chen also made hangover soup for herself. She still remembers the taste of hangover soup, sweet and sour, delicious.

Shen Xiao felt a little stupid when she thought of this, she wanted to drink now.

Get out of bed.

I walked to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and there was indeed a bowl of hangover soup.

She warmed it up in the microwave.

drink into your mouth.

Same as last time.

After drinking the hangover soup, the headache feels much better.

Shen Xiao made a simple breakfast for herself and went to the Thai Group.

When she arrived at the Tiantai Group, she saw a Koenigsegg still parked downstairs, which was Wu Chen’s car.

Shen Xiao recognized the car and wondered why Wu Chen didn’t come to pick up the car.

She thought about it, took out her mobile phone, called Wu Chen, and expressed her gratitude to him.

After all, Wu Chen sent her home yesterday and made the hangover soup.

“Shen Ye!”

“What’s up?”

Sober up “Is your head still hurting?”

The call was quickly connected, and Wu Chen’s voice came from there.

“It doesn’t hurt.”

“Thank you for the hangover soup.”

“Boss, when are you coming to pick up the car?”

Shen Xiao asked, she knew that Wu Chen would not come every day.

“Today I.”

“I’ll send someone over later.”


Wu Chen replied, there was a sudden pain in the phone.


“What’s wrong with you?”

“You don’t seem to be feeling well?”

Shen Ye heard that Wu Chen’s voice was wrong.


“I am.

“Just take a day off.”

Wu Chen paused over there, as if he had something to say.


“Are you home alone now?”

“I’ll come and see you!”

Shen kid wondered if Wu Chen was sick.

“I’m fine.”

“You don’t use it.


Wu Chen made that weird sound again.


“You don’t leave.”

“I am coming over now.”

Shen Xiao stopped talking and hung up the phone. Unfortunately, she didn’t have Koenigsegg’s car key, otherwise she could drive directly to Wu Chen’s car.

She finally drove her own car and left Hetai Group.

When she was leaving, she called Xie Qingrong and told herself that he was going to Wu Chen’s place.

Xie Qingrong naturally would not object.

Empress Shen had an intuition, Wu Chen must be sick.

Men are not like women. Sometimes they will fight back when they get sick. She is a little worried.

I thought that if Wu Chen’s condition was not good, I would still persuade him to go to the hospital.

Shen Xiao knew Wu Chen’s home, Wu Chen told her the address, but she went there for the first time today.

After asking a few people, I found Wu Chen’s community.

knock on the door.

Someone opened the door from inside.

Wu Chen was a little helpless, he said not to come, but the woman didn’t listen, but came anyway.

The key is!

He was on the phone just now, and something was hard to say.

How to say?

Are you going to tell me about your serious injury to me?

It hurts to say, oh!

“Since Shen was standing at the door, it was impossible for him to keep people out.

“come in!”

“The room is a bit small.

“I’m going to move in a while.”

Wu Chen said to Shen Jun and asked her to come into the house.

Shen Xiao didn’t care about the situation at Wu Chen’s house, she knew that Wu Chen lived alone.

Her eyes mainly focused on Wu Chen.

Wu Chen looked a little uncomfortable.

“Stop standing at the door.”

“I’ll pour you water.

He went to the kitchen.

“What’s wrong with you?!


“How did you get hurt?

This time Shen Xiao immediately realized that something was wrong.

When Wu Chen was walking, his posture was a little weird.

Wu Chen looked at Shen Xiao and thought that you probably don’t remember what you did.

But he didn’t say it well.

Shen Xiao was also a little puzzled.

I care about you.

I will ask you why you were hurt.

What do you mean by me?

Shen Xiao thought of this, and suddenly his heart moved.

Could it be that Wu Chen’s injury has something to do with me?

She took a closer look at Wu Chen’s walking posture, and suddenly her face was a little red, as if the injury was wrong.

“yesterday I?

“What have you done?”

She asked out of nowhere.

“You remember?

Wu Chen’s words undoubtedly confirmed Shen Jun’s guess.

“I can’t remember.”

“what did I do?

“You tell me!”

Shen Xiao stared at Wu Chen and asked.

“Actually nothing.”

“You’re just not careful.

“It hurt me a bit.”

Wu Chen was stared at and couldn’t help, so he had to say something.

“Boss, please be clear.

Under the urging of Shen Ye, Wu Chen vaguely introduced the process of his serious injury.

Before Shen Xiao finished listening, she understood in her heart, and her face was flushed.


“I stepped on it?”

Shen Xiao looked down at her feet.

When she entered the room, she had already changed into a pair of slippers. The slippers were relatively large and covered most of them, revealing only the crystal white heels.

Did the feet make a mistake last night?

Left foot?

Or right foot?

Either foot is on the wrong place.

“How about I accompany you to the hospital?

Shen Xiao blushed and looked up at Wu Chen.

Although it was unintentional, it was still my responsibility after all, and I shouldn’t drink so much soju.

“Don’t go.

Wu Chen shook his head.

He didn’t want to go to the doctor, it would be too embarrassing to do that.


Do not want to lose face in this regard!

Besides, he feels much better now, and he didn’t notice anything abnormal, just that his walking was a little unnatural.

Wu Chen thought that it would be good to rest for a while. Today’s affairs are all cancelled, and Han Fei is not going to go there, so as not to be laughed at by the two women.

He is ready to rest at home for a quiet day.

“Let’s go take a look anyway?”

“just in case?”

Shen Ye didn’t finish his words, but Wu Chen should understand the meaning.

If there is a problem in that area, it will be serious.

“Don’t go.”

Wu Chen insisted.



“I come!

Shen Hou mustered up his courage, and his face turned red.

“You come?”

Wu Chen’s eyes widened.


how did you come?

“follow me.

Shen Ye suddenly grabbed Wu Chen into the bathroom.

after a long time.

She blushed out.

After checking.

no problem.

everything is normal.

Wu Chen followed and walked out with a strange expression.

“You’re all right.

Shen Xiao pretended to be calm and said.

“I know.”


“I’m at a loss.”

Wu Chen doesn’t seem to be reconciled.

“what did you eat?”


“I just suffered.”

Shen Xiao blushed almost dripping with water.


“I think.”

“I’m ruined.

Wu Chen thought about it and said.

“There are no outsiders here.”

“you do not say.

“I will not say.”

“Who would know?”

Shen Jun looked at the door when she said this, she was worried that Lu Hei and Xu Jingwu would suddenly walk in.

“Can it still be like this?”

Wu Chen was a little helpless.

“What else do you want?”

“I won’t tell you.”

“I’m going back to the Thai Group first.

Shen Ye felt that he couldn’t stay at Wu Chen’s house any longer.

She went to the door, changed her shoes, and pushed open the door.

Hurry up!


ps: Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a collection, ask for flowers, ask for an evaluation, ask for a reward, ask for a share, ask for a custom port.

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