Chapter 124 Seriously Injured (Please Customize)

“As long as Li Zairong can be imprisoned, I am willing to do everything for you, and I am willing to be your spokesperson.”

Sheng Min He knelt down in front of Wu Chen.

Wu Chen stared at Sheng Min He for a moment.

“Get up!”

“Remember everything you said!”

Hope “You don’t forget.

He said in a low voice.

“I will not forget.”

Sheng Minhe raised his hand and swore, and then sat down opposite Wu Chen again.

“Mr. Wu!”

“Let’s put Li Zairong in jail.

What do you need me to do?”

He was a little impatient, waiting for this day, he waited too long.

“You first deal with the company’s affairs here.

“You still need to go back to Han country for this matter.”

“I will go with you at that time, and I will also make arrangements here.”

Wu Chen said lightly, he already had a plan in his mind.

But this plan cannot be accomplished by Sheng Min Hyuk alone, and this matter cannot be known to more people.

He himself had to go there in person, although he would not come forward, but he would do it in secret.


“Then I’ll arrange things here in the next few days.”

Saint Minhyuk nodded.

There are also some things on the side of Shengenxi Company, and he can’t just leave.

“We are in the country of Han, can we really deal with Li Zairong, is there really no problem?”

He thought about it for a while, and then asked a question without worry.


“As long as you follow my arrangements and plans.”

“Of course he will go to jail.

Wu Chen smiled, confident.

Next, the two of them lowered their voices and began to discuss the time and some arrangements of the @han343 country.

After all this was settled, it was already two hours later.

The compartment door opens.

Wu Chen and Sheng Min He walked out side by side.

The two looked relaxed and seemed to have a good conversation.



“you and him?

Jin Zaicheng ran over and asked different questions.

When he saw the expressions of the two of them, he had a bad feeling.

“In Chengjun!”

“Because of your mistake, from now on, you will no longer be the company’s OEM quality inspection specialist.”

In addition, “You have to apologize to Mr. Wu and the colleagues of Hetai Group!

When Sheng Min Hyuk saw him, his face became serious.

His words also said that the Shengenxi brand will continue to cooperate with Hetai Group and will continue to entrust Hetai Group as an OEM.


Jin Zaicheng was disappointed in his heart, he noticed Sheng Min Hyuk’s face and didn’t dare to say more.

He knew that Sheng Min He, a man, always said one thing.

“Mr. Wu!”

“For what I did before.”

“my apologies!”

Jin Zaicheng bowed deeply to Wu Chen.

Then he went to Xie Qingrong, Zhu Dongwen and others, still apologizing.

“Mr. Wu!”

“I also apologize to you.”

“I will take care of my subordinates.

Sheng Min Hyuk also bowed to Wu Chen.

As for the real relationship between him and Wu Chen, both of them tacitly agreed without saying a word.

all of these!

Bao secret is also required.

After Sheng Min Hyuk apologized, he quickly left with Kim Jae Seung and his (cgdj) people.

He wants to arrange the affairs of Sheng Enxi’s company as soon as possible, and then leave for Han country.

He can’t wait to start his revenge plan.

Wu Chen also left with Xie Qingrong and Shen Xiao.

No one asked Wu Chen what he was talking about with Sheng Min Hyuk.

Shen Xiao also didn’t ask.

She just looked at Wu Chen’s back.

This man is getting more and more mysterious!

But also!

more and more charming!

This thought welled up in her heart, and her face seemed to be even more rosy!

She thought it was what she felt in her heart, but when she walked out of the tea house, there was wind blowing outside the door, and she felt that she blushes even more.

Not right!

Shen Ye followed and almost fell.


Fortunately, Wu Chen was beside him and reached out and grabbed her.


Shen Xiao stood up, took two steps, and then slumped again.

Wu Chen was already paying attention to her after passing the previous time, but this time he moved faster.

“What’s wrong with you?”

He looked at Shen Ye, and saw that Shen Jun’s face was red.

Why is this woman blushing?

It doesn’t seem normal?

“I’m fine.

Shen Ye waved his hand and tried to support his body, wanting to go alone.

“Mr. Wu!”

“Miss Shen Xiao drank a lot of soju in the restaurant just now.”

“If you drink too much soju, you will get drunk easily.

Xie Qingrong stood aside and reminded.

He was a bystander, and Han Guo soju was light to drink, but it was actually very fast, and it was actually very easy to get drunk.

Shen Xiao had drank a lot just now, and it was nothing in the teahouse, but now when the cold wind blows, her drunkenness flares up.

“have to!”

“It’s my fault.”

Wu Chen patted his head.

If you don’t have anything to drink han country shochu, that wine is just average.

Forget it”, I’ll send her back.

Wu Chen can only be responsible to the end at the moment, or else Shen Bi will go home alone, he will not be relieved.

In addition, there is no one to take care of Shen Xiao’s family.

“To take her home.

Xie Qingrong nodded, but did not say much.

He felt that the relationship between Wu Chen and Shen Jun was a bit unusual, but he would never say such a thing.

Wu Chen and Xie Qingrong separated, Lu Hei drove, and Xu Jingwu sent them back to Shen Xiao’s house.

It was the community where Wu Chen went to find Shen Ye for the first time. During this time, Shen Ye lived here.

She also seems to like it here, because it symbolizes a new beginning.

As for Wu Chen’s Koenigsegg, he is still in the Hetai Group, and he will just let Lu Hei and the others drive back tomorrow.

Back in Shenye Community, Lu Hei and Xu Jingwu helped Wu Chen and helped Shen Xiao home.

The two did not stay, and left directly.

Wu Chen looked at the backs of the two, opened his mouth, and finally didn’t say anything.

never mind!

I can take care of myself alone.

He didn’t go to the aunt Wang last time for help.

Of course, he didn’t dare to touch Shen Ye’s clothes for fear that Shen would be misunderstood.

The scene last time made him have lingering fears, this woman is crazy, it is still very scary.

He helped Shen child to the sofa and let her lie down for a while.


At this moment, Shen Xiao suddenly murmured.

A common reaction to drinking at this time is thirst.

Wu Chen was not surprised, he went to the kitchen and wanted to pour a cup of hot water for Shen Xiao.

But the water in the kettle is already cold, cold water is not good for the stomach, especially for drunk people.

It was hard for Wu Chen, he filled a pot of water and set it on the gas stove to burn it.

The gas stove has a big fire, and it boils quickly, just a few minutes.

Wu Chen didn’t leave the kitchen, just waiting inside.

Just then, he heard movement in the living room.

Wu Chen walked out.

The scene in the living room made Wu Chen a little stunned.

Shen Ye might be extremely thirsty, but he never waited for water.

She even got up from the sofa to find water to drink.

The key is!

You’re not taking water, that’s red wine!

This silly bitch, drinking confused, drinks red wine as water.

The bottle of red wine has been drunk for most of the time, and it’s almost empty.

Wu Chen sweated and hurried over.

“Don’t drink.”

“It’s not water.”

“This is wine. You drank most of the bottle.”

He wanted to grab the bottle and prevent Shen Ye from continuing to drink it.

“Return my water.

Shen was completely drunk and confused, and the drunk man was so strong that he swooped over,

Wu Chen was caught off guard and fell directly to the ground.

Fortunately, he was not high off the ground and fell on his back, but he didn’t feel uncomfortable falling.

The two were so close, Wu Chen could even smell the fragrant wine in her mouth.

Shen Xiao fell into Wu Chen’s arms and was not honest.


“Give me water, I’m dying of thirst.”

While waving his hands, trying to grab the wine bottle back, he was still murmuring in his mouth.

“This can’t be drunk, the water will be ready soon, you wait.

Wu Chen could only raise his hands high, unable to persuade him to laugh or cry.


Still can’t drink!

More confused than men when drunk.

He didn’t want to give Shen Xiao red wine any more, it would make her drunk more and more drunk, anyway, she couldn’t let her drink any more.

But this woman Shen Xiao didn’t stop and kept tossing.

You are on me, can you not avoid your feet?

You see you have avoided both shoes.

What are you doing with your bare feet?

Are you still going to climb?

where are you going?

That’s my leg, that’s not a tree.

You don’t want to climb.

Did you like to climb trees when you were a child, especially small trees?

All right!

Do you think of me as a small tree now?

You stepped on my knee.

You are still stepping up.

Wait a moment.

Don’t put your foot in the middle.

That can’t be stepped on.

I hide!

I dodge!

I will hide again!




You hurt me badly!

ps: Ask for monthly pass, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward, ask for sharing, ask for customization.

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