Chapter 105 Progress [Customize]

Huayang said that his equity transfer contract was false, and he would cooperate with the certification in the future.

He didn’t dare not testify.

Wu Chen held his documents in his hands.

As long as these materials are handed over to the police station, he will definitely go to jail.

After Dong Yang left, Wu Chen returned to the private room where Han Fei and Song Ziyan were.

“Everything just now, both of them heard over the phone.

The next thing, Han Fei can handle by herself.

Seeing Wu Chen come in, Han Fei raised her eyes, and her heart was filled with an inexplicable warmth.

This man, today, is probably running around for this matter.

His expression, in fact, also had a hint of fatigue.

“Big hero, drink water.

Song Ziyan smiled and handed a cup of tea to Wu Chen.

“This is thanks?”

Wu Chen took the tea and joked.

“My second Miss Song’s tea, not everyone can drink.”

Song Ziyan Tsundere said.

Well, “, then I have to appreciate it.”

Everyone was talking and laughing, Wu Chen drank the tea in one gulp, he was really thirsty.

“You are really amazing, such a big thing has been done.

“The woman Zhang Ying.”

“If I knew that you ruined her good deeds, I would definitely hate you, but I like it.”

Song Ziyan praised again.

“I didn’t say that.

“I’m an ordinary programmer.”

“I can investigate…

Wu Chen smiled.


“Your words make my ears calluses.”

“Can you put it another way?”

Song Ziyan picked her ears and obviously didn’t want to listen.

She also stopped inquiring. Anyway, there were some mysterious things about Wu Chen that could not be explained.

The more mysterious things are, the less mysterious it is.

Although she was still a little curious.

the phone is ringing.

Song Ziyan looked down at her phone, this was her ringtone.

“In the middle of the night, why did the old man call at this time?”

she was dissatisfied.

But she still answered the phone and said a few words.

“I have to go, the old man has something to do with me.”

Hanging up the phone, she turned around and said to Wu Chen and Han Fei.

“Is Uncle Song okay?”

Han Fei asked with concern.


“The old man is very boring.”

“He just likes to annoy me with boring things.”

Song Ziyan said it after all, and left.

The father and daughter quarreled, and their relationship was still unusual.

Let’s “Let’s go!

Han Fei also stood up.

The two also left the private room.

Wu Chen drove and sent Han Fei back to her residence.

When they got to the place, Han Fei didn’t get off immediately.

The car in front of me was parked in a dimly lit place.

The lights in the car were turned off, and Wu Chen reached out to turn it on.


Han Fei stopped him.

Wu Chen glanced at her.

“Thank you for today’s event.”

Han Fei also looked at Wu Chen, her eyes were crystal clear and shining.

“Thank you, am I not your boyfriend?”

Wu Chen smiled.

“As we talk, our relationship is about to come true.”

Han Fei sighed.

She also gradually got used to Wu Chen being by her side. If Wu Chen was not there one day, she would miss it a little.

“Don’t think so much, a year is still a long time!”

What Wu Chen said was an agreement between the two parties.


“It’s very long!

Han Fei sighed again.


She suddenly leaned forward and made a bold move again.

She is a strong, self-reliant woman who will do what she wants to do.



like the sea!

Like starlight again!

Of course, the jerky feeling is a little better than last time.

One minute!

Two minutes!

I do not know how long it has been!

“You’ve made progress!”

Wu Chen praised.

“It’s just a reward.

“I did not mean.

Han Fei’s statement was exactly the same as last time.

She got out of the car and left.

“A reward?

Wu Chen also murmured in his mouth.

Then smile!

Drive away!

behind the car!

Han Fei turned back, watched the car go away, and pursed her lips.

She was blushing in the dark.

This bastard!

Are you praising my progress?


Zhang Ying returned to Zhang’s house.

She was called back overnight by Zhang Yunting.

She also had to come back, unless she was no longer the Zhang family, she had to listen to the Zhang family.

In the living room, the atmosphere was dull and depressing.

No one spoke.

“Do you know why I called you back?”

After a while, Zhang Yunting spoke up.

There was a hint of anger in his voice.

Han Chongshan embarrassed himself, and let the Zhang family humiliate it.

The juniors below even dared to disobey their orders behind their backs.

When he heard the news, he already had a plan in his heart, he wanted to kill a hundred people for this kind of thing.

“I…I don’t know.”

Zhang Ying’s face turned pale, and she lowered her head.

She actually had a hunch in her heart, but she still held on and resisted in her own way.

“do not know?”

“What did you do you don’t know?”

“You forged contracts and forged equity transfers to the company, don’t you know?”

Zhang Yunting’s hand patted the table heavily.

His voice was mixed with thunder and rain.

“Who said that?”

When Zhang Shu heard this, his face turned even paler.

“Don’t think that what you do is unknowingly, and no one knows.”

“The Han family already knows about you and knows that it is fake that you transferred your equity to the company’s top management.

“The phone calls have come to me, asking the Zhang family to give an explanation.

Zhang Yunting was also questioned by Han Chongshan, so he called Zhang Ying back overnight.

 …for flowers  …

He must deal with this matter immediately, otherwise, the Han family will carry out the people behind them, and the Zhang family will not be able to eat and walk around.

After all, he was still afraid of those big men.

“I did it wrong, I admit.

“But I don’t understand why we give equity to the Han family.”

“It’s not good for our Zhang family to strengthen the Han family.”

Her voice trembled slightly, but she still defended herself.


“You think you’re right?”

“Are you still wrong?

Zhang Yunting said in a deep voice.

“I am right.”

Zhang Ying raised her head and said.

“Clap your mouth.

Zhang Yunting glanced at Zhang Ying, then looked around, and said in a deep voice.

A bodyguard stood up.

“I will do it myself.

Zhang Shu also knew that she was wrong, and she should not hide this from the Zhang family and Zhang Yunting.

But she was worried about telling the Zhang family that Zhang Yunting would object, which is why she took the risk alone.


She hoped to hide from everyone, but failed.


Zhang Ying stretched out her hand and slapped herself fiercely.

This slap caused five bright red finger prints to appear on her cheeks.

“not enough.

Zhang Yunting did not see Zhang Shuo’s expression of admitting defeat.

la la


Zhang Ying is a woman who is ruthless to herself and others.

She heard Zhang Yunting say this, raised her hand, and slapped herself a few times!

After a while, her cheeks started to swell!

After more than a dozen hits, she stopped.

There was already blood on the corner of Zhang Ying’s mouth.

“Do you know what’s wrong?”

Zhang Yunting asked coldly.

“I am right.”

Zhang Ying insisted this time.

“Since you’re right.

“Then sign it!”

“From now on, the equity of Caihua Jewelry Company will return to the Zhang family.”

Zhang Yunting waved his hand impatiently and asked someone to put an agreement in front of Zhang Ying.

He no longer worried about Zhang Ying, and planned to take back Caihua Jewelry Company and then hand it over to the Han family.

“what about me?”

Zhang Ying asked.

“You’re free when you sign.”

“You won’t be the Zhang family anymore.”

“Where do you want to go, the Zhang family will no longer interfere.”

Zhang Yunting’s face was cold, and his words directly expelled Zhang Ying.

He could not tolerate any Zhang family challenging his authority. If Zhang Ying dared to do so, he could only be driven out.

“I do not.”

Zhang Ying was terrified, she left Zhang’s house with nothing.

Zhang Yunting didn’t say more, waved his hand, someone came over and forcibly pressed Zhang Ying’s finger on the agreement.


Professor Zhang!

Was thrown out of Zhang’s house!

ps: Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a collection, ask for flowers, ask for an evaluation, ask for a reward, ask for a share, ask for a custom~mouth.

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