Chapter 104 Breakthrough (Please Customize)

Wu came to Shen Hanfei’s office, and when she saw Song Ziyan, she still had an angry expression.

“What are you angry about?

“This is not your company?

“How about you transfer part of your company’s equity to Han Fei?

Wu Chen made a joke.

“Speak the truth!”

“What should we do now?”

“Could it be that the 55% of the equity should be owned by someone else, that’s all Han Fei’s.”

Song Ziyan gave him a white look and asked Wu Chen to think about it.

“Let’s do this first!”

“I’ll think of a way later.”

Han Fei didn’t want Wu Chen to be embarrassed.

She didn’t think there was much to be done about it.

“Actually, there is still a way.

Wu Chen smiled.

Through deduction, he already knew everything, and now he wants to find the evidence.

“any solution?”

Han Fei and Song Ziyan looked over.

“I’ll do something first.”

“I’ll tell you later tonight.

Wu Chen didn’t want to say it now.

He seemed to come to Han Fei’s office just to say such a few words, and then he left.


“Why don’t you say it now?”

“Isn’t this urgent?”

Song Ziyan watched Wu Chen leave and couldn’t help complaining.

It’s better not to show up, it’s worse when you show up.

“He doesn’t say it, maybe there is a reason for him.”

Han Fei is not in a hurry, not even at night, or 330 hours.

She has confidence in Wu Chen, maybe this time, Wu Chen will surprise her again.

When Wu Chen disappeared, he disappeared for a day, and even Song Ziyan called him four or five times in the middle, but he didn’t answer.

He didn’t reappear in Han Fei’s office until five o’clock in the afternoon.

“where did you go?”

“No phone calls.

“I thought you were kidnapped.

Song Ziyan was still waiting for Wu Chen to tell her what to do.

go “!”

“It’s not too early.”

We “eat first, then I’ll take you to a place and you’ll know the answer.”

Wu Chen said with a smile.


Song Ziyan couldn’t help but say.

But there was no way. Anyway, Wu Chen didn’t say anything.

After a simple meal, Wu Chen really took them to a place.

Yunfei Teahouse!

Wu Chen walked in with Han Fei and Song Ziyan.

“Mr Wu!!

A waitress came over.

“Is the person I dated here yet?”

Wu Chen asked her.

“It’s already here, and he’s still asking when you’ll be there.

The waitress nodded.

“I have arranged a private room for you.

“Let the waiter take you there.”

“I’ll talk to people first.

Wu Chen said something to Han Fei and Song Ziyan, and walked to a (cgdj) room alone.

Song Ziyan wanted to follow, but was stopped by Han Fei.

“He didn’t ask us to come over.”

“It’s probably not very convenient.

“We’ll wait for him in the private room.

She said to Song Ziyan.

“It’s mysterious, and I don’t know what to do.”

“Think I wanted to know?”

“I don’t want to.

Song Ziyan was curious, but she put on a disdainful expression on her face.

Wu Chen walked into another private room, but when he entered the door, he dialed a mobile phone.

Without hanging up, he walked in.

In the private room, it was ashamed that it was one of the five senior executives who got the equity of Caihua Jewelry Company, and I don’t know how Wu Chen invited him here.

“Mr. Dong Yang!”


Wu Chen greeted with a smile.

“It’s you?”

Dong Yang’s expression darkened when he saw Wu Chen.

“Mr. Dong knows me?”

Wu Chen smiled.

Mr. Wu “!”

“What are you kidding?”

“I’m from Caihua Jewelry Company, how could I not know about you?”

Ge Yang obviously knew that Wu Chen was the boyfriend of Han Fei, the boss of Intime Jewelry.

“Now that you know.

“Then we can talk.”


Wu Chen sat calmly opposite Dong Yang.

“Mr Wu!

“I don’t think we have anything to talk about.

“I don’t want you to ask me to meet again in this way.”

Dong Yang stood up with a cold face, as if he was about to leave.

He didn’t want Zhang Ying to know that he was meeting Wu Chen here.

“Mr. Dong!”

“The incident with your company’s Chen Minghua last time.”

“You should know?”

Wu Chen continued to smile.

Dong Yang knew that Wu Chen was talking about the last time he was at the Ginkgo Restaurant, exposing Chen Minghua’s profit in the company.

Although he was not there at the time, he also knew that Chen Minghua’s end was tragic.

“Mr. Wu!”

“Are you threatening me?

“But I’m not Chen Minghua, and I’m not in charge of purchasing rough stones and jadeite.”

With a dark face, he said to Wu Chen.

“Mr Dong!

“You know I’m an ordinary programmer.”

“I actually found a lot of information, including Chen Minghua’s information, and also your information.

Wu Chen said slowly.

“Mr Wu!

“Then I’d like to hear it.”

“What did you find?”

Dong Yang couldn’t stop, and pulled his head back.

“Mr. Dong is in charge of jewelry agency in the company.

“On June 15th, Mr. Dong received two million privately to reduce the cost of jewelry agency of Fandi Company.

“On June 18, Mr. Dong received 3 million privately, which reduced Taiya’s jewelry agency fee.”

“On July 9, Mr. Dong received 1.5 million privately, which reduced Changkai’s jewelry agency fees.”

Wu Chen was not in a hurry, not in a hurry, and told Dong Yang’s affairs one by one.

Ge Yang paused for a while, then cold sweat began to form on his forehead.

These things, he always thought that he was very secretive, and he didn’t even say anything about his wife at home.

but now!

These are not hidden.

Wu Chen seemed to know everything about him.

When did ordinary programmers become so powerful?

“how do you know?

Dong Yang suddenly stopped talking.

The more he said, the more mistakes he made. He knew this truth.

“I know a lot more.”

“Do you know why I asked you to meet at night?”

“I just went to check during the day, and those agencies also gave evidence. Would you like to see more of your information?”

Wu Chen took out a document from the bag he was carrying and handed it to Dong Yang.

Of course, these documents are all photocopies, and he will not take out the real documents.

Dong Yang took a few glances, and there was more sweat on his forehead, which has more evidence of him.

These “if I hand it over to the police.

“Enough for you to go in and spend a while in jail.”

“Do you want me to do this?

Wu Chen asked lightly.

From beginning to end, his tone was so flat.

Dong Yang was silent for a moment.

“Mr Wu!

“What do you want to ask, what do you want me to do, I will promise you.”

He bowed his head.

Huayang guessed that there must be some conditions for Wu Chen to ask him for an interview, otherwise there is no need to meet him if the materials are directly handed over to the police station.

“What’s the matter with the equity transfer contract signed by the five of you and Zhang Ying?”

“You think about it before you answer.

“This is also your last chance.

Wu Chen started his own question.

“That share transfer contract.

“It’s actually fake. The signature on the contract was not signed by us.”

“The real equity is still in Zhang’s hands.”

Dong Yang is very honest this time.

Zhang Ying killed two birds with one stone. He used a fake contract to deceive Han Fei and lost 55% of his equity.

Because it is a fake contract and the signature is invalid, these high-level executives do not actually have shareholder rights, they only have a name.

Zhang Ying can revoke their shareholder names at any time.

All this, Han Fei and Song Ziyan heard clearly on the phone.

A smile appeared on Han Fei’s face.

With Huayang’s testimony, Zhang Ying will be completely out of Caihua Jewelry Company this time.


Will not give Zhang another chance!

ps: ask for monthly pass, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward, ask for sharing, ask for customization

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