The four rewards boosted Ren Huang's spirits.

He immediately gave an order, and the four major legions and the armies of the four dynasties present were divided into two groups.

Zhonglong's Bailong Yicong stayed behind to cooperate with the army of the Xinhuo Dynasty to repair the ground veins at the border, build cities, teleportation arrays, new special buildings, etc.

In Ren Huang's conception, this border is very important. It is a bridge and transit station connecting the East and the West.

He must make this place an iron barrel.

Otherwise, once a strong man destroys this place, the connection between the East and the West will be severed, and the human race will be completely separated and all will be in danger.

In addition to guarding this place, Zhonglong and Bailong Yicong stayed behind for another reason, which was to tame their spoils, the black dragon and the two green pythons.

The strength of Bailong Yicong is closely related to their mounts.

These dragon-blooded mounts cultivated in the West have long been not good enough.

"When can we recruit the dragon race and ride a real dragon? That will be the peak of the White Dragon Yicong."

Ren Huang's eyes were blazing, and his ambition was rising.

With the current strength of the human race, compared with the dragon race, there is really not much difference.

The current dragon race, the strong ones are all suppressing the sea eye.

Among the four seas dragon palaces, the strongest is only Daluo.

"Without a tyrant, the dragon race still reigns supreme. Perhaps... it is not impossible."

"You may go to the Demonic Pavilion. There are more chaos and disasters on the sea, but fewer strong people.……"

He thought of many things in an instant.

A secret order flew out of his hand, disappeared into the darkness, and then disappeared.

Ren Huang stayed here temporarily, eating and living with the soldiers, and set up camp.

Those strongest people were only tribes at the level of Golden Immortal and Taiyi, so he was not in a position to take action.

After settling down, he presided over the affairs of this place, transferred many people from the ancestral court, and re-discussed the system of establishing the human race in wartime.

Time passed bit by bit.

Ren Huang sat in the newly built palace, reading the war report.

It took less than three years.

Ren Yi and others have achieved excellent results.

Three races were destroyed, the human race captured fourteen Golden Immortals alive, more than a thousand True Immortals, 100,000 Mysterious Immortals, and millions of others.

In addition, because of the strong crushing, these races did not have time to destroy their own resources. The human race obtained a large amount of resources and occupied many blessed places.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the human race, these resources are enough to increase the number of practitioners of the human race by three thousandths.

A large number of alien races were sent to the west.

They will spend the rest of their lives in the most difficult places in the west, repairing the earth veins, resisting natural disasters, purifying the demonic energy...

In addition to the three major legions, the armies of the three dynasties have also made great achievements in battle, and have rubbed against many small tribes and gained a lot.

Of course, they are not as powerful as the three major legions.

There are often reports of deaths and injuries that make people regret.

Ren Huang looked at the numbers on the battle report and couldn't help but sigh.

He was stunned, stood up, walked out of the military tent, and looked at the big city that was rising from the ground.

With the blessing of the holy land, this brand new city was built very quickly.

In just over two years, it has taken shape.

Countless practitioners shuttled through it. The professional construction team of the human race had immortals who were good at various spells, and the work was completed at an astonishing speed.

He couldn't help but feel a little better in his heart, his breath was restrained, and the holy robe of the human emperor turned into ordinary clothes, shuttling between the newly built markets.

The hawking around was full of vitality. The racial specialty resources and slaves that had just been conquered were gradually becoming popular among the human race.

"There is nothing good about fighting!"

"Dad and Mom are both on the battlefield. I haven’t seen them for many years!"

"The human race is already very powerful, why do we have to continue fighting!"

"I don’t care. When I become an immortal in the future, I will definitely go find the Human Emperor and ask him to stop fighting. Wouldn’t it be nice for us to live a good life together?"

""Such a big West, such a big city, it's enough!"

A burst of noise came into Ren Huang's ears.

Turning around, he saw a child who looked only three or four years old.

Because there are more and more practitioners, basically all descendants have the blood of immortals, and today's children are becoming more and more intelligent and precocious.

Ren Huang watched them quarreling with interest.

The other children refuted him one after another.

But he insisted on his own opinion and quarreled with other children.

Ren Huang stepped forward and wanted to say something.

Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows.

The next moment, a treasure mirror flew up and became boundlessly huge. It was seen by all the human beings present above the giant city. In the treasure mirror, a thrilling picture emerged.

A giant with a human body and a snake head ran all the way, crashing into countless famous mountains and killing countless lives on the way.

He was covered in blood, but he seemed tireless and did not feel any pain.


The Tianji treasure mirror warned, it seems that Is the thing I have been waiting for so long finally going to happen?

Ren Huang stared at the Tianji Treasure Mirror and couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

What will be the result?

Countless human beings stared at the Tianji Treasure Mirror like him, as if they were in it, becoming tiny ants behind the giant.

He took a step forward, and felt the strong wind and sandstorm clearly.

Gonggong has been running, not daring to stop for a moment.

In more than two years, he has crossed half of the eastern land. It won't be long before he reaches Buzhou Mountain and can return to the Wu Clan.

But... a ray of blood from the bottom of his heart fell from the sky and slashed at him with a sword!

Gonggong's eyes were bloodshot, and he mobilized the murderous energy in his body, mobilized the surrounding oceans and swamps, and the law of water erupted. He exerted the flesh of the ancestor witch and entered the strongest state.


With a sword slash, the true body of the so-called invincible Wu Clan actually had another terrifying crack deep enough to see the bone.

It's... again���A sword!

It was the evil sword refined by the Emperor of Humanity with blood! Are the humans chasing after him?

As soon as this thought came to his mind, Gonggong saw the existence he least wanted to see.

Dijun, Taiyi!

The Ten Great Demon Saints!

Twelve powerful demons descended together and surrounded him from all sides, blocking all escape routes!

I was afraid I was going to die.

This thought emerged in Gonggong's mind for the first time.

The blood sword was too strange. His body was like tofu in front of the blood sword, and everything broke.

But... why?

Why did the demons also have this sword?

Gonggong couldn't figure it out.

He roared to the sky, with endless anger and murderous aura, and slammed towards Dijun in front of him.

As the ancestor witch, as the descendant of the father god.

Even if he died, he would die in battle and die standing!

He, Gonggong, died with honor!


Kunlun Mountain, Jin'ao Island, Wahuang Palace, Western Religion.

Six saints stood up at the same time, their eyes shot towards the place where Gonggong was.

Gonggong cannot die!

At least not now!

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