No matter how angry they were.

Taiqing and Yuanshi could only look coldly at the Western Church and the Green Travel Palace, and finally sat down again helplessly.

At this point, the matter of the human race entering the East has become a foregone conclusion.

They can't stop it in a short time.

It is impossible for me to take action myself with Jie Yin and Zhunti stopping me.

Taiqing stared at the Green Travel Palace, and his eyes collided with Tongtian's in the void.

"This traitor!"

He cursed bitterly, furious.

If Tongtian was on the same side as them, Ren Huang would have died a long time ago. Jieyin and Zhunti could only stop two people at most, how could they stop the third one?

But now, it was too late to say anything.

Tongtian saw the coldness in his eyes, smiled back, and turned back to the Biyou Palace.

The past scenes appeared in his mind.

Unspeakable emotions emerged in his heart.


Tongtian suddenly sighed and laughed at himself.

"Do you know how much I hoped that you, my elder brother, could stand up and speak for me when Yuanshi and I were arguing about our respective paths?"

"Inaction... Inaction?"

What does inaction mean?

When he and Yuanshi were arguing fiercely, he didn't care at all and even sided with Yuanshi. Is this inaction?

The luck of the human race was damaged and they were extremely anxious. Is this inaction?

Tongtian shook the wine gourd.

The wine brought from Kunlun Mountain, the wine brewed by Taiqing himself.

Now, it's dry.


The wine gourd rolled on the ground. Tongtian got up with a little drunkenness and crushed the gourd with one foot.

At the moment of separation, he had already decided.

No one should think of standing in his way again.

He will prove that he is right.


Western religion.

After noticing that Taiqing and Yuanshi's gazes had disappeared, Jieyin and Yuanshi laughed again.

After laughing, the faces of the two saints became a little more serious.

The situation was already very clear.

"From now on, it seems that none of us can move."

"We can only rely on the human race."

Jie Yin's eyes showed a trace of worry.

In this war between the human race and the witch race, they can only serve as a"deterrent" force.

If they take action, Taiqing and Yuanshi will definitely intercept them.

Similarly, they will also intercept Taiqing and Yuanshi.

In this case, there is actually no need to take action.

Everything can only rely on the human race itself.

"Brother, please be open-minded. The human race is already very strong. They were able to defeat Gong Gong. Their strength is enough to rank among the top of the myriad races in the prehistoric world."

"Ren Huang is a man of great talent and strategy, and he has all kinds of methods that we cannot understand, so it won't be so easy for him to get into trouble."

Zhunti spoke gently, but he just shook his head.

"Do you know what the two things I am most worried about are?"

"First, the human race is too dependent on us."

"Second, the human race no longer depends on us."


The human army.

Ren Huang adjusted his breathing and gradually stabilized his injuries.

Gonggong fled, but the battle here is not over yet.

When Gonggong revealed his true form, the two green pythons and the black dragon on his body were all at the Daluo level.

Even the black dragon was in the late Daluo stage.

The two pythons and the dragon were still fighting the last trapped beast.

After Ren Yi collected the source water on the battlefield, he immediately threw himself into the battle, and cooperated with the white dragon Yicong to quickly capture the black dragon alive with the momentum of a pincer attack.

Li Xiao and Ren Shi also captured two green pythons alive.

The spoils of war of the human race are rich.

They are: two green giant pythons in the early Daluo stage. The two pythons are in tune with each other, and when they attack together, they can burst out with terrifying combat power.

A black dragon in the late Daluo period. According to him, he was a member of the dragon clan who survived the Longhan catastrophe by chance. After the catastrophe ended, he suppressed the sea eye, accumulated merits, and washed away karma like other dragon clan masters.

As a result, Gonggong ran into him at the sea eye and forcibly captured him.

In addition, there are 10 billion tons of origin water, hundreds of millions of tons of ancestor witch blood, 100 tons of essence blood, and three drops of heart blood.

These are all good things!

The origin water is one of the ten great divine waters in the prehistoric world. It contains the origin of water and is the most primitive and purest divine water. It can be used for any purpose. The ancestor witch blood is also a treasure. After refining, it can comprehend the fragments of the law and strengthen the body. It is effective for practitioners below the Golden Immortal.

Even for the Golden Immortal, as long as the quantity is a little more, it will be of great benefit.

However, it will also be eroded by the evil spirit in the blood, and it will take a lot of time to wear it out.

The strength of the essence blood is thousands of times that of ordinary blood!

It contains more laws and has a stronger effect on strengthening the body.

As for the heart blood, this does not refer to the blood of the heart, but the most precious blood.

Every drop of heart blood damaged will greatly damage one's own combat power, and if it does not borrow the treasures of heaven and earth, Gonggong will have to spend at least one yuan to cultivate again!

When Ren Huang learned about these gains, he couldn't help but smile. It is true that a horse cannot grow fat without night grass.

So many treasures can be produced from a Gonggong.

If the entire witch clan is defeated, how much will be gained?

It can be seen that the benefits of war are really huge.

Not only the resources owned by each race, but also the strong themselves are rare treasures.


Must fight hard!

Use war to support war, and create a bright and clear world!

Ren Huang silently said in his heart.

【The host opens the gift bag and obtains the following items:】

【Taixuan Realm】

【Thousand Refining Mysterious Skills】

【Special Building: Altar of All Creation】

【[Human Emperor Magical Power: One Victory Forever]

Four major rewards.

Taixuan Realm is a rare treasure. After using it, the two warring parties can be trapped in another world called the other side. This world can withstand the battle of the highest saint level.

Only when one side completely perishes can the other side escape.

It is a treasure of desperate efforts.

Ren Huang's expression moved, and he thought of other places.

It can... protect the environment.

Looking at the land that was devastated by them and everything was wiped out, Ren Huang felt that it was still very useful to have such a treasure.

When fighting, there is no need to worry about destroying your own territory or the territory you are about to occupy.

Qianlian Xuan Gong is a magical skill for cultivating the flesh. If you practice it to the extreme, you can become a saint in the flesh.

The Altar of All Things, as long as you put a treasure into the altar, it can be converted into another treasure of slightly lower value.

Ren Huang doesn't know how to judge this value.

But what is certain is that this is a good thing.

As for the last Human Emperor Magical Power, it is interesting.

This magical power can make Ren Huang instantly increase his combat power by a hundred times when fighting against an enemy he has defeated before.

As long as the opponent loses to him once, he will always be defeated by him.

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