Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 992 The moonlight is just right, and the sun is shining!

[News from our newspaper: It is reported that as soon as the news that Lin Fan’s new movie was scheduled for the summer vacation came out, several big-budget movies had already announced rescheduling, and even famous directors threatened that if there was Lin Fan in the summer vacation, there would be no Lin Fan, and if there was him, there would be no Lin Fan. pan……

How did Lin Fan rely on his own strength to make himself a thorn in the flesh of many directors? This matter has to start with A Chinese Ghost Story...]

Movies that have been scheduled for the summer vacation have been withdrawn one after another. This incident has caused quite a stir in the film industry. Even many directors and managers who have withdrawn are ridiculed by others for being timid.

But these directors and employers don't care whether others laugh at themselves or not, after all, no one wants to have trouble with money.

Lin Fan is coming aggressively. For ordinary movies, it doesn't matter if the production cost is not high. These big productions are originally aimed at the top of the box office, so there is no need to go head-to-head with Lin Fan.

After all, if you face head-to-head, you may end up in complete defeat.

This kind of fiasco that can predict the end before it even started, there is really no need to get hotheaded, you have to go up and try it.

Of course, there are those who take the initiative to give in, and there are also those who take the opportunity to touch porcelain.

Some movies, which were not big productions in the first place, saw this trend, and in line with the principle of not being too popular, they all threatened to tough the end with Lin Fan and talk about the box office.

This kind of wording that doesn't require any publicity fees, and doesn't need to bear any consequences, can gain Lin Fan's popularity and get more exposure for his film. Why not do it?

So, as if they had discovered the traffic code, one director after another let out their words, clamoring to have a try with Lin Fan's new movie, and there was a lot of commotion.

At first glance, there was quite a bit of momentum, as if Lin Fan had provoked the anger of the public.

But for these people, Lin Fan didn't bother to talk to them. After all, if he really wanted to care about these people who touched porcelain, then Lin Fan didn't have to do other things.

But what Lin Fan lacks most now is time, he has no time to talk to these people at all.

Lin Fan just wanted to say one thing, so he got out of the way, the big ship is coming!


Commercial blockbusters are hard to shoot,

, because it is not only necessary to shoot big scenes that are loved by the audience, but also to capture the charm of the protagonist and the brilliance of each supporting role.

If there are many characters in a movie, the appearance, position, personal characteristics, etc. of each character must be designed.

These things, under Lin Fan's system plug-in, have reduced the difficulty to the minimum, but it is not so easy to actually implement the things in the mind into the camera.

What's more, Lin Fan has already begun to have a deeper understanding of movies. He is no longer like he just started filming A Chinese Ghost Story, almost copying the original movie, only adjusting some details and shooting techniques. .

But it's different now. Lin Fan began to understand the movie he was about to shoot at a deeper level, which led to copying the original version, which was far from satisfying Lin Fan's inner needs.

The strong desire to create filled Lin Fan's heart, which not only did not allow Lin Fan to advance the shooting process better, but also delayed the progress.

Lin Fan had no choice but to suspend today's filming to give the crew and himself a vacation to adjust his mood.

Then, as if blessed to his heart, Lin Fan's cell phone rang, and he received a video call from Xia Yan.

Without even thinking about it, Lin Fan connected the video call, and immediately Xia Yan wearing a mask - Chin?

What are you doing? Lin Fan was curious.

Xia Yan was almost fully armed, with a mask, hat and glasses, and a full set of equipment, and the shooting angle was also very strange, not her face, but her chin.

Or the chin covered by the mask.

Dangdang! Xia Yan added a sound effect to himself, Guess where I am?

Although Lin Fan didn't want to admit it, sometimes he couldn't help but wonder if his wife's IQ would occasionally return to her infancy: The big white wall behind you must be in our new home.

Ah, why are you so smart, you guessed it all at once! Xia Yan was surprised, but only all at once, Our new home is finished, I came here specially, and I want you to take a look too.

Xia Yan said while switching the camera, and then Lin Fan saw a familiar yet unfamiliar house, which was still very simple, with only a layer of white paint on the walls, the floor had just been laid, and there was a lot of rubbish all around. Not cleaned up.

But such a simple house gave Lin Fan an unspeakable sense of security.

At the same time, with the movement of Xia Yan's camera, there is also a memory that has been settled deep in his heart and has not been touched for a long time, slowly floating up.

Lin Fan seemed to see the mottled time, old but clean furniture appearing in the room one by one, and the figure of the woman busy in the kitchen, and the man lying in the room because of his poor health, As for the young self, he sat obediently in the living room, doing his homework.

The summer wind blew in through the window and rang the wind chime on the window sill. A man's low cough came from the room. The woman in the kitchen hurriedly dropped everything in her hand and trotted back to the room.

I didn't need anyone to order me, I silently put down the pen in my hand and went to close the window.

But when he walked to the balcony, he saw many children playing together downstairs. They seemed to have seen him, and they all waved to him, signaling that he would also go down together.

But for himself, he shook his head lightly and closed the window.

...I asked the decorators, and they said that our new house will be fully renovated in two months. But if we live in it, we have to wait a little longer. It's better to hang it for a year or so , so that the residual formaldehyde can volatilize...

Xia Yan's voice brought Lin Fan back to reality. Listening to Xia Yan's energetic voice, Lin Fan felt a little heavy in his heart because of recalling some past fragments, and Xia Yan gradually comforted him.

And the little boy in the memory also held his father in one hand and his mother in the other, smiled at himself, and then slowly disappeared before his eyes.

...I heard that green plants remove formaldehyde, but I don't know if it's true. You said, how about we plant a lot of green plants at home after the decoration is completed? Come here once a week to water and then fertilize What……

Lin Fan's heart suddenly became very steady, and he no longer felt like he was floating in the air and had nowhere to go: Watering once a week is too diligent, we may not have time to come here. Otherwise, it would be better to plant some drought-resistant plants. How about watering it once a month?

Well, you're right! Then come once a month!

Lin Fan and Xia Yan are separated by half a blue star, but at this moment, the two hearts cling to each other without any barrier, sharing their respective emotions.

The moonlight in Shanghai is just right, and the sunshine overseas is also very bright.

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