Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 991 Get out of the way, the big ship is coming!

Lin Fan's filming progress is going smoothly, and the popularity of Bright Sword in China is also increasing day by day, and the ratings of Shanghai Satellite TV are also rising steadily.

When it came to the finale of Bright Sword, the ratings directly exceeded 5%!

With this achievement, he is definitely the king of the drama of the year.

Of course, the premise is that Lin Fan himself didn't suddenly throw out another blockbuster drama and compete with him. However, before Bright Sword was broadcast, Lin Fan had already said in an interview that he probably wouldn't have the energy to cast TV dramas within two years.

Therefore, this kind of thing that fights with oneself will not happen.

It's just that Bright Sword has come to an end, and the audience is once again in the embarrassing situation of having no drama to watch. After all, after watching a good drama with real feelings, one always feels that something is missing, and one feels a little unmotivated when watching other dramas.

This also has a lot to do with the fact that the quality of the subsequent film and television series cannot be compared with Bright Sword. As long as the successor series can be above the excellent level, the audience will not be so resentful.

And just when the audience was full of resentment and began to scan Bright Sword, wishing to use a magnifying glass to study every detail of the show, Earthman Studio released the second wave of promotion for the new movie.

This time it's a three-minute trailer.

In the trailer, the retro carriage is parked on the pier, the door is opened, and a gloved hand is stretched out, and someone reaches out to gently support the owner of the hand, and gently helps her out of the carriage.

The camera zoomed in, revealing a beautiful face under the huge brim of the hat.

A luxurious cruise ship docked quietly at the pier, and men and women in gorgeous western-style dresses slowly boarded the cruise ship along the gangway.

In the beautiful melody of My Heart Will Go On that everyone is already very familiar with, on the calm sea, there is another small boat floating beside the cruise ship. The comparison between the two makes the cruise ship more luxurious and huge .

But as soon as the camera turned, a young man ran excitedly through the crowd, and the sun shone on his face. For a moment, he didn't know whether the sun was more dazzling or his smile was more shining.

The big ship sailed smoothly, young men and women met on deck,

They got acquainted, got to know each other, and fell in love together without any accidents, and spent a very happy time on this luxury cruise ship.

But the next moment, a huge wave swept in, and the turbulent seawater poured into the cabin. Countless people were fleeing in a panic, but they were still swallowed by the seawater!

The disaster-like scene, the doomsday-like scene, and the real suffocation brought by the sea water swept in, all of which immediately attracted the audience's full attention.

The trailer also came to an abrupt end at this time, leaving everyone with a huge suspense: What's going on?

How could it be a beautiful journey at sea, and it turned into a disaster?

What happened to the hero and heroine in the end?

Did they escape from birth, or were they buried in the sea together?

It has to be said that Lin Fan's movies still understand the audience's psychology very well.

If this movie only has the obvious love between the rich daughter and the poor boy presented at the beginning, then the audience may not necessarily buy it.

But the disaster mode in the second half made this movie clearly different from ordinary love movies, and made people curious to find out.

Coupled with the good reputation accumulated by Lin Fan, the hit rate of this trailer directly exceeded 100 million as soon as it was released. The topics about this movie on major social platforms also seemed to spring up like bamboo shoots after rain, and they were full of it in an instant. All over the mountains and plains.

What's more, the theme song My Heart Will Go On is more interesting the more you listen to it. Now I watch it with the trailer. Good guy, this song has such a background story!

You have to watch this movie when it's released, just for the theme song!

But some netizens also found a problem:

[Yilaozhongshanxiao: Hey, Brother Fan's new movie, why are all foreigners except Brother Fan himself? I remember, didn't Brother Fan never act in intimate scenes with actresses other than Xia Yan? In this movie, this scene is not just about intimacy, right? Is there something wrong with Brother Fan and Xia Yan's relationship? 】

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Oh my God, it's just a movie, you can figure out that Brother Fan's relationship is wrong, why don't you become a screenwriter if you are so good at making up nonsense? Didn't you read the studio's positioning for this movie? This is a movie for all blue stars! Of course we have to find some foreigners to act! 】

[Ming people don't fart: I think what you said upstairs is wrong. It is not necessary for foreigners to star in movies aimed at all blue stars. We Chinese people can also act in international movies! However, Brother Fan also has his own considerations in casting a foreigner this time, just look at the heroine's costume. 】

[Growing flesh is a kind of thing: yes, yes, the heroine's costume is obviously the costume of the last century in the west, so this movie should also tell the story of the last century in the west, so I found foreign actors play these important roles. And those corsets and big bustles are always a bit nondescript for us Chinese people to wear. 】


Huaxia's netizens and fans discussed the fact that other actors in Lin Fan's movie were Westerners except himself, it was quite reasonable to discuss it.

But for overseas fans, what is there to discuss?

This must be a movie made by Lin Fan specially for us overseas fans. It must be specially made for us by Lin Fan in order to repay our support for him all the time!

Do not accept any objections!

Of course, the netizens in Huaxia are not convinced, why did they shoot it just for you? This is obviously because the plot of the story happens to be in a Western background.

Come, come, let's have a good break.

Overseas fans plug their ears: I don’t listen, I don’t listen!

This back and forth, the two sides quarreled like this, and by the way, it also completely brought up the popularity of the movie, so that some passers-by who didn't pay attention to this aspect knew that Lin Fan had another movie to be released.

Yang Hongxia saw that the netizens were arguing hotly, so she added another fire.

[Earthman Studio: Fan Ge's new movie is scheduled for summer, and all Blue Stars will be released simultaneously! This summer, let us witness this unique love together! 】

Summer file?

As soon as the news came out, the fans didn't react, and the other film crews were caught off guard first!

This Lin Fan, is he having trouble with the summer vacation?

Why do you have to choose the summer file when there is a movie?

Can you give us a way to survive?

All of a sudden, many production crews announced the schedule one after another, either releasing it earlier or postponing it, and some simply moved the schedule to a few months later.

In short, for one purpose, no one wants to be Lin Fan's stepping stone.

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