Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter Nine hundred and seventy first Yanyan seems to be hiding something from me

Chen Yuan was very nervous, but she had to do what Xia Yan ordered with all her heart, but facing Lin Fan, Chen Yuan felt a little guilty for no reason.

In short, not only Lin Fan saw Chen Yuan's sneakiness, but even Xiao Ye saw it.

Chen Yuan has been staring at Lin Fan since Lin Fan entered the company's gate, but it's not the kind of staring that is upright, but sneaky peeking, confirming that Lin Fan has been in the company, and then coming back after a while Confirm it.

Not only Lin Fan couldn't bear the sight of this kind of behavior, but even Xiaoye couldn't stand it anymore, so he quickly pulled Chen Yuan to the tea room and asked, Yuanyuan, what are you doing? Why have you been staring at Brother Fan today?

It's still so sly, it's a problem for people to see it!

Fortunately, Brother Fan didn't bother with Chen Yuan, otherwise a bad-tempered artist would have gotten angry if he was stared at by an assistant.

Chen Yuan also complained bitterly in her heart, she really wasn't in charge of surveillance, but she had to listen to Xia Yan's arrangement.

It's all right now, with her behavior exposed, Chen Yuan can only blame herself: What, I haven't seen Brother Fan for a long time, Sister Xiaoye, don't you realize that Brother Fan is getting more and more handsome? Hahaha!

Xiaoye wanted to roll her eyes: Do you know what your words, plus your behavior just now, look like?

like what?

An illegitimate meal with an evil plan!

Chen Yuan:! ! !

I'm not! I don't! I definitely don't have any unreasonable thoughts about Brother Fan! Sister Xiaoye, you have to believe me!

Seeing that Chen Yuan was in a hurry, Xiaoye stopped teasing her: Okay, okay, I know you don't have any thoughts about Brother Fan. But your behavior is still very misleading!

Speaking of this matter, Chen Yuan could only shut up.

After all, Xia Yan can't be confessed, right?

But there are some things that don't need to be said, others can find out what's going on.

Did Yanyan tell you to look at Brother Fan?

As soon as Xiaoye said this,

Chen Yuan's expression changed, and Xiaoye was even more sure that she had guessed correctly: Did Yan Yan quarrel with Brother Fan?

Chen Yuan's face softened, and then doubt appeared in his eyes.

Xiaoye knew: There is no quarrel, why did Yan Yan ask you to help look after Brother Fan?

Chen Yuan was about to collapse: Sister Xiaoye! You are a god!

How do you see these things on my face? Is the answer written directly on my face?

Xiaoye waved her hand and said, I'm not a fairy, but your expression is too rich. And I believe not only I can see it, but Brother Fan can also see it.

That's why Lin Fan tolerated Chen Yuan's surreptitious observation of him, but pretended he didn't notice anything. He probably wanted to use Chen Yuan's side to numb Xia Yan, so that he could know what Xia Yan was up to.

But these things are beyond Xiaoye's control. In fact, after confirming that Xia Yan didn't have any trouble with Lin Fan, Xiaoye didn't plan to take care of it anymore.

It's also a kind of fun for young lovers to fight awkwardly.

Anyway, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, and others will join in and get bored, Xiaoye is still very self-aware.

That's why I mentioned Chen Yuan: Anyway, that's it, don't make it too obvious. If other people in the company can see it, I'm afraid Brother Fan will lose face.

As a man, you have to give him enough face outside, and he won't really take it to his heart no matter how you make trouble at home.

Chen Yuan nodded listlessly: I see, Miss Xiaoye, I will pay attention to the influence.

Xiaoye patted Chen Yuan's shoulder sympathetically: sandwiched between the boss and the boss's wife, this kid is really pitiful.


On the other side, Zhou Yue also clearly saw it: You are absent-minded today. I just saw Yanyan's assistant poking around behind you. Why, did you two quarrel?

Lin Fan didn't expect Zhou Yue to see through his concern so quickly.

But Lin Fan didn't feel ashamed and angry after being seen through, but he was a little relieved. After all, if Zhou Yue didn't reveal this matter, Lin Fan really didn't know who he should talk to. trouble.

Zhou Yue pointed it out directly, but Lin Fan had an opening to vent: There is no quarrel. I just feel that Yanyan is hiding something from me.

In fact, Lin Fan didn't ask Xia Yan not to have any secrets about him, after all, people should have their own space and secrets.

Lin Fan himself has kept the two huge secrets of time travel and system, which have been a huge psychological burden all these years, so he has no nerve to ask Xia Yan to know everything about him.

It's just that Xia Yan has always been so enthusiastic and straightforward, and he has Lin Fan in his heart. In this relationship, Lin Fan is the passive person, and Xia Yan is the dominant one.

So once there is any change in Xia Yan, it can easily affect Lin Fan's mood.

Yes, in the final analysis, Lin Fan is still that sensitive, not so confident otaku. Even with so many things supporting him now, Lin Fan became stronger from the inside out.

But in the emotional world, Lin Fan was still led away by Xia Yan.

Fortunately, Zhou Yue can still understand Lin Fan's mentality of worrying about gains and losses, because generally more talented people have richer inner worlds and think more than ordinary people.

To be honest, with Lin Fan's talent, Zhou Yue felt a little strange that he didn't become eccentric, even hysterical, or had some special hobbies or taboos.

Of course, Lin Fan's normality might be a manifestation of his abnormality.

While spreading his thoughts, Zhou Yue comforted Lin Fan: Then if you care, why don't you ask her directly? With Yan Yan's personality, as long as there is anything you want to know, she will definitely tell you everything.

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment: Yes, why didn't I ask directly?

Are you worried about the answer you get, not what you want?

Still think that Xia Yan might lie to herself?


Lin Fan seemed to understand something, so he couldn't sit still: Mr. Zhou...

Go for whatever you want, Zhou Yue said with a smile, Anyway, you are here, but your heart is not here. It's better to go and settle all your affairs, and then come back and make an album with peace of mind.

Lin Fan sneered: Then I won't be polite. Teacher Zhou has worked hard, and I will be back soon.

Zhou Yue waved his hand, Lin Fan was no longer polite, got up and left directly.

Looking at the back of Lin Fan leaving, Zhou Yue took a cup of tea and took a sip slowly, before he couldn't help laughing and said: Young people, that's right, after all, these two young people combined are not as old as me!

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