Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 970 The proprietress asked herself to monitor the boss's whereabouts! ?

Xia Yan came back soon, and as soon as he got home, he gave Lin Fan a big hug. Lin Fan originally wanted to ask why Xia Yan was there, but under Xia Yan's beauty, he just Forget everything.

In the next few days, Xia Yan did not show any abnormal behavior, which made Lin Fan's strangeness disappear quickly.

In addition, Zhou Yue seemed to have chosen an album song for himself, and began to call himself tirelessly. Lin Fan hid for several days, and finally had to answer Zhou Yue's call.

As soon as the phone was connected, Zhou Yue's excited voice came: Lin Fan, I've arranged your albums for you, why don't you come to the company and let's make sure?

After confirming, it is best for us to make these songs right away!

Lin Fan said with a haha: Mr. Zhou just needs to be sure, I believe Mr. Zhou's vision will not be wrong!

Anyway, now you don't want to trick me out of the bed.

Zhou Yue also knew that Lin Fan was being lazy right now, and there was no way to trick him into recording a song easily, so he had to curve to save the country: Of course it's best if you trust me, but I see that your song this time has several songs. The requirements for composition and arrangement are very high.

To be honest, although I can do it alone, I still have reservations about whether the final effect can meet your requirements. It's better for us to talk face to face, I also need to have a clear understanding of your thoughts.

I have to say that Zhou Yue's words really touched Lin Fan's heart. Among the songs that were released this time, there are quite a few of them, and the requirements for arrangement are indeed very high.

Although Lin Fan believed in Zhou Yue's strength, he would definitely be able to produce the effect he wanted, but if he didn't communicate well in advance, Zhou Yue would go in the wrong direction, and in the end he would have to rework and redo. Lin Fan also couldn't bear to toss Zhou Yue The more such old people.

Forget it, seeing that Zhou Yue was so old and still focused on music, Lin Fan decided to curb his lazy cancer for the time being and just go for this trip.

Moreover, the daughter-in-law hasn't heard her new song yet!

So Lin Fan said, That's fine, I'll tidy up and come to the company right away.

Zhou Yue was immediately satisfied: I'm not in a hurry, take your time, anyway, I'll always be waiting for you at the company.

have to,

After saying this, Lin Fan was even more embarrassed to delay.

Daughter-in-law, do you want to go to the company together? Lin Fan asked Xia Yan while getting up, Mr. Zhou is already working on my new album, aren't you okay? Let's take a look at my new song together.

Originally, as soon as Lin Fan mentioned the word new song, Xia Yan's eyes would light up, wishing he could hear it right away, so he hurriedly agreed.

Lin Fan was already ready to welcome Xia Yan who was too excited to throw himself into his arms.


Ah, I won't go today.

Lin Fan:?

Lin Fan's first reaction when he heard Xia Yan's words was to reach out to touch her forehead to see if the child had a fever and was confused.

Wife, are you okay?

Or was it crossed by someone?

New song!

Your favorite, my new song!

I even took the initiative to invite you to listen to the new song, how could you say such a ruthless rejection? Obviously you were not like this before!

Daughter-in-law, you have changed!

Lin Fan looked at Xia Yan accusingly, Xia Yan shrank his head into the bed with guilt, and avoided Lin Fan's sight unnaturally.

What, I haven't slept enough. Yes, I'm just tired and want to sleep a little longer.

Xia Yan shrank into the quilt while talking, as if Lin Fan would lose sight of her as long as the quilt covered her head.

Lin Fan: ...My daughter-in-law must be hiding something from me!

However, Xia Yan's words have reached this point, and Lin Fan really has to pull people up and go to the company with him, so he can only say: Then you sleep a little longer, I will go to the company. What do you want to eat tonight? How about I cook something delicious for you?

Xia Yan quickly refused: I'll go to the company to find you when I've had enough sleep, you're busy with your work, don't worry about me.

That's fine. Lin Fan helped Xia Yan tuck the quilt, Then don't sleep too long, remember to eat on time.

Xia Yan nodded repeatedly, but Lin Fan could see the meaning in his eyes very clearly, it meant that he hoped he would leave quickly.

Lin Fan: I'm so sad, one day my daughter-in-law disliked me so much!

Lin Fan was not in a good mood and after washing up, he left home and went to the company.

And Xia Yan waited for Lin Fan to go out, and immediately jumped up from the bed, found his mobile phone, and directly called his assistant Chen Yuan: Hey, Yuanyuan, where are you? Wait a minute Are you free? I need you to do me a favor!

As Xia Yan's assistant, Chen Yuan's work revolves around Xia Yan. It stands to reason that when Xia Yan rests, Chen Yuan can also rest with her.

But Chen Yuan is more self-motivated, and Xia Yan and Yang Hongxia also intend to train Chen Yuan, so in this kind of spare time, Chen Yuan will come to the company to learn more from Yang Hongxia's assistant, Xiaoye, and learn more. Specific and specialized relevant knowledge, as well as the job.

Of course, if Xia Yan needs it, Chen Yuan will put Xia Yan first.

So after receiving Xia Yan's call, Chen Yuan immediately agreed: Sister Yanyan, I'm in the company, if there is anything I need to do, you can tell me.

It's like this. Lin Fan will arrive at the company in a while. You can help me watch Lin Fan. It's fine if he is in the company all the time. If he leaves the company suddenly, you have to call me immediately. By the way, this Don't let Lin Fan find out about this!

Chen Yuan was at a loss when she heard it: Yan Yan wants her to monitor Brother Fan?

But the meaning in the words is not quite the same. If it wasn't surveillance, why did Yan Yan have to notify her once Brother Fan left?

Could it be that the young couple had a quarrel?

Chen Yuan was still in a daze, Xia Yan added: By the way, this matter must not be known to others!

Ming, I understand. Chen Yuan could only bite the bullet and agree to this matter.

But after hanging up the phone, Chen Yuan was in a daze again, not knowing what to do about this matter. On the contrary, Xiaoye saw that Chen Yuan had something on her mind, so she couldn't help but asked, Did Sister Yanyan have something to do with you? If you have something to do, you can go, I'm busy here.

It's nothing. Chen Yuan laughed.

As an artist assistant, Chen Yuan is a necessary skill to help artists get rid of the paparazzi's stalking, but monitoring other people's whereabouts, this question is a bit beyond the outline!

Especially this kind of thing where the boss's wife asked her to monitor the boss's whereabouts, what should she do!

Waiting online, very urgent!

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