Journey to the West has not yet been filmed, but Emperor Vision has already aimed at this drama, and immediately won the first round of broadcasting rights of this drama, which made Yang Hongxia feel more face and at the same time full of curiosity: Zhou Director, are you so optimistic about Journey to the West?

There is not even a shadow of this drama yet, so you rush to buy the rights to broadcast it, aren't you afraid that the final product will not meet your expectations?

But Zhou Yang said with a smile: Mr. Yang, you haven't been to the Emperor Vision Building recently. If you have, you will know how popular Journey to the West is with us!

Now every time Zhou Yang goes to work, he can see his friends around him, who carry a copy of Journey to the West with them, and read the book in his spare time.

Not only do they watch it by themselves, but they also often discuss the details with each other. Now the whole topic of Emperor Vision is Journey to the West. If anyone has not watched this movie, he will not be able to join everyone's topic.

Many people also bought a copy of Journey to the West for their children and urged them to watch it. Even if the child is still young and can't understand it, he must take time to explain the content to the child.

This one has just been released, and it hasn't passed the precipitation of time. Once it has passed the test of time and can still exude its own artistic brilliance, then Zhou Yang feels that sooner or later, this work will become an officially certified classic in China and be recorded in history.

Therefore, this is no longer a question of whether to be optimistic or not, but that Emperor Vision must win the right to broadcast this drama, and guide audiences across China to correctly understand the values ​​​​in Journey to the West.

Yang Hongxia could see that Emperor Vision was bound to win this time, and specially sent out an acquaintance Zhou Yang as a lobbyist, it seemed that it was going to play the emotional card.

However, if the price offered by Emperor Vision is not much different from that of other TV stations, Yang Hongxia is still more inclined to Emperor Vision.

In any case, being able to be on the God's Eye is itself a recognition of the drama Fengshen Yanyi, and it is also an honor.

As for the ratings, there is no need to worry, Emperor Vision has never been a vegetarian.

It's just: Fengshen Yanyi is easy to say, because of Director Zhou's face, even if I lose money, I can't let Director Zhou return empty-handed. But Journey to the West hasn't started shooting yet, so I really can't do Lin Fan's job. host.

Hey, how can I make you lose money? When talking about business, of course, both parties need to be mutually beneficial, so that the business can last for a long time. Zhou Yang just opened his mouth to say polite words, If Mr. Yang is worried about Director Lin, it doesn't matter.

I happened to be looking for him too, by the way.

For his own sake, Lin Fan would most likely agree to it.

As for the price issue, I will leave it to the financial department to deal with it. Anyway, I am a broker. I have negotiated the intention. Whether it can be achieved in the end is not up to me.

Of course, Zhou Yang was still very happy to see this matter succeed.

So Yang Hongxia brought Zhou Yang to Lin Fan's crew. The crew was filming at the moment, and the two of them didn't bother anyone, they stood quietly watching everyone work.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Lin Fan to finish a shoot, and Liang Wen quickly reminded Lin Fan: Mr. Yang and Director Zhou are here.

Then take a rest for half an hour. Lin Fan had just finished a scene with a lot of emotional fluctuations, so he just took this opportunity to take a rest.

Yang Hongxia also came forward with Zhou Yang. Zhou Yang took the initiative and said, Director Lin, I came for Fengshen Yanyi and Journey to the West. No matter what, you can't let me return empty-handed.

Facing acquaintances, Lin Fan has always been generous: Fengshen Yanyi is no problem, you just need to discuss the price with Sister Xia, I guarantee that you will never suffer a loss if you buy it back.

But Journey to the West has not been filmed, and I can't say what the final quality will be. Mainly, I'm a little worried that the show will go over budget.

After watching the samples of Fengshen Yanyi, Lin Fan had already decided that when filming Journey to the West, he must produce all the big scenes according to the requirements of the movie, and strive to make a TV series into a movie. Same effect as the movie!

In this way, the cost of this drama is really hard to estimate.

Lin Fan also didn't want to make a loss-making business. If he sold the broadcast rights in advance, he would inevitably be bound by the cost and funds during filming, and in the end he had to compress the post-production special effects in order to control costs.

The quality of the works produced in this way may be greatly reduced.

But on the other hand, if Lin Fan finished filming Journey to the West before selling the rights to broadcast it, he would not have such worries.

And there is absolutely no worry about not being able to sell this drama after filming.

That being the case, Lin Fan really didn't want to sell the broadcasting rights in advance, causing such a big constraint on himself.

Zhou Yang understood that Lin Fan had high hopes for Journey to the West, maybe he wanted to make a TV series as a movie.

If Emperor Vision bought the broadcasting rights in advance, it would not help Lin Fan, but hinder Lin Fan's performance, especially in terms of production costs. A good show lost money instead.

Zhou Yang also often has this feeling.

After all, whether it's filming TV series, movies, or variety shows, the budget has always been a headache.

Every director hopes that he can have an unlimited budget and perfectly present the effect he wants. But the reality is often not as expected. In many cases, the crew has to bow down to the budget and finish filming a work by picking and searching.

Zhou Yang is no exception.

So Zhou Yang can understand Lin Fan very well, and is willing to take a step back because of Lin Fan and change his request: The price needs to be discussed by professionals. I just talk about an intention. To put it bluntly, if Director Lin wants to sell the Broadcasting rights, or when it’s time to sell the rights, we can be considered as soon as possible.”

Lin Fan understands that Emperor Vision wants a right of first refusal, and hopes that he can give priority to Emperor Vision when the prices and conditions offered by everyone are similar.

It's the same as when Yang Hongxia asked herself for the right of first refusal of the song.

This can be discussed.

That's easy to say, for Director Zhou's sake, Emperor Vision must be given priority.

Yang Hongxia saw that the two parties had reached an agreement, so she took over the specific signing work, checked the details with the professionals brought by Zhou Yang, and finally signed the first-round exclusive broadcast rights contract for Fengshen Yanyi.

As soon as Emperor Vision signed the contract, it announced directly through Chaobo:

[Huaxia Dishi: Lin Fan's new work The Romance of the Gods will soon be available on the Divide channel, let's walk with you into the magnificent myths and legends of King Wu's defeat of Zhou and the deification of gods on behalf of the heavens! 】

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