Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 924 I actually really want to sell it to you directly

The Earth version of Feng Shen Yan Yi cannot be compared with Journey to the West, one of the four great classics, in terms of writing style or character creation.

Fengshen Yanyi has never been taken seriously in ancient times. Because many people think that its writing style is very ordinary, its ideological quality is not as good as Journey to the West, its stories are often the same, and its characters are also thin.

Although there are still some controversies, it is impossible to determine whether Fengshen Yanyi is a groundbreaking masterpiece or poorly written.

But it's not useless.

The biggest advantage of Fengshen Yanyi is its grand setting and Wang Yang's unrestrained imagination. Among other things, the feat of replacing the heavens to enshrine the gods is enough to overwhelm the stories of other gods.

The ambition of Fengshen Yanyi has always been very big, so big that it wants to recreate a system of gods outside the system of religion and country. The key is that it has succeeded!

Since Fengshen Yanyi, various other god systems on the earth have been suppressed immediately. When it comes to Emperor Taishan, it must be Huang Feihu, and when it comes to God of Wealth, it must be Zhao Gongming. In addition, there is Wenquxing Bigan, and the broom star is Jiang Ziya's wife Ma Shi, and so on.

A god system created by the gods has completely replaced the religion's own god system and penetrated into all aspects of society. This is the greatest victory of Feng Shen Yan Yi.

In addition, Lin Fan had a systematically developed plug-in. On the basis of the original work, he carried out meticulous rewriting and re-editing, adding a more perfect prehistoric system in later generations. At least it is an excellent work.

Moreover, because its world view is grand enough, and its magic weapon system is cool enough—much cooler than the solo fight in Journey to the West, it is very suitable for modern film and television adaptations.

In addition, Lin Fan was willing to spend money on post-production and special effects, so when the sample of Fengshen Yanyi was cut out, everyone couldn't believe that it was actually made by his own animation studio.

Is this special effect as good as a sci-fi blockbuster? Yang Hongxia couldn't help but want to find a calculator to calculate how much the cost of each episode would be.

Anyway, it's my own animation studio, so many people and equipment are not used there, it's a waste. Now it's just a practice. Liang Wen can see it, anyway, no matter how much it costs, Lin Fan will be able to turn it over in the end. Earn back twice as much.

Lin Fan also said: Sister Xia, you can now sell the broadcasting rights with the samples, and strive for a higher price for each episode, and all costs will be returned.

Yang Hongxia said angrily: You don't need to say, when the filming of this drama just started, many TV stations and video websites have already found it.

It's just that the samples hadn't come out at that time, and everyone followed the market price, and for Lin Fan's sake, they increased it a little.

Although the prices of film and television dramas produced by Lin Fan have always been higher than those of others, Yang Hongxia is still not satisfied with the price, so she kept pressing it, and no one agreed.

Now that the samples are out, it's time to decide who to sell the rights to broadcast in the first round.

Moreover, the quality of this sample is comparable to a blockbuster movie. Yang Hongxia is very confident that she will sell this movie at a good price.

These follow-up matters, including the sale of broadcasting rights, post-production publicity, actor interaction, road show, etc., Lin Fan left all of them to Yang Hongxia to take care of.

Because Fengshen Yanyi has just been filmed here, the next high-quality drama, Journey to the West, and movies are all waiting for Lin Fan to shoot.

This made Lin Fan rejoice. Fortunately, the variety show Longing for Yard was a lazy variety show, and it took almost no time and energy to shoot it.

As for the two variety shows National Treasure and China in the Classics, Zhou Yang also watched them, and he only needed to confirm the final effect.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will not have free time every day this year.

Yang Hongxia announced that she would sell the first-round broadcasting rights of Fengshen Yanyi. She was waiting for the purchasing directors of major TV stations to negotiate the price with her. She never thought that the person who would appear in front of her would be Zhou Yang.

Director Zhou, why are you here? Yang Hongxia was surprised, but her first reaction was, What happened to the variety show? Do you need me to find Lin Fan?

Zhou Yang raised his hand to stop Yang Hongxia, and said with a smile, There is nothing wrong with the variety show. I am here today for the first-round broadcast rights of Fengshen Yanyi. Of course, if possible, I also want to take advantage of the trend to win Journey to the West I just don't know if the show has started to be sold?

Yang Hongxia really felt incredible, because Emperor Vision's TV dramas are basically filmed by Emperor Vision itself or by someone else, whether it is a division of labor or cooperation, or making a script by yourself and asking others to shoot it, in short, Emperor Vision needs to be fully supervised The entire production process of the film and television drama.

Emperor Vision has a very comprehensive and professional film and television production team. It can be said that there is no type of film and television drama on the market that Emperor Vision cannot shoot and produce by itself.

Like this, it is relatively rare to temporarily buy film and television dramas produced by other people.

After all, if Emperor Vision is very optimistic about a certain film and television drama, then Emperor Vision can join in during its preparation stage, and there is no need to wait until the entire filming of the drama is finished before proposing to purchase the broadcasting rights.

Zhou Yang was also very helpless.

Emperor Vision has a way to participate in the film and television dramas produced by other companies in the preparatory stage, but here, no one can put a finger in Lin Fan's hands.

Lin Fan has no shortage of good scripts, good directors, and money. He doesn't have to worry about selling after the filming is finished. A film and television drama is directly self-produced and sold, which makes people have no chance to reach out. We can only wait for the final bid for broadcasting rights.

To be honest, Zhou Yang has never been wronged like this.

But when he thought that Lin Fan was the one who made him wronged, Zhou Yang felt that all the anger in his heart had been vented, and he couldn't get angry at all.

Because in the face of someone who is only a little better than you, you can still be arrogant. But in the face of people who are much better than you in every aspect, Zhou Yang can only be subdued willingly.

Zhou Yang didn't talk nonsense: Mr. Yang, this is not the first time we have cooperated. I think you must be very clear that if Fengshen Yanyi can be played in the first round of Emperor Vision, it will be reciprocal for both of us. Mutually beneficial things. We are also very sincere in terms of price, and we will definitely not let you suffer.

Now the main problem is, how can we get Mr. Yang to agree to sell us the right to broadcast the first round of Journey to the West now?

Yang Hongxia: ...I really want to sell it to you directly, but the key is that I don't count on it!

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