Journey to the West was ready to start filming, and Lin Fan had no choice but to delay any longer, so he had no choice but to take out all the soundtracks of Journey to the West and hand them over to Zhou Yue to produce.

Zhou Yue got all the soundtracks and was so excited that he almost performed a dance for Lin Fan on the spot.

There is no way, the soundtrack that Lin Fan produced is really good. Needless to say, Journey to the West Prelude, this is the theme song that Lin Fan had already produced when he decided to shoot the animated film Journey to the West.

In order to support Hui Qiaodan back then, Hui Qiaodan was specially asked to participate in the production of this theme song and sing the soprano part.

Journey to the West Prelude, also known as Yungong Xunyin, is the opening song of Journey to the West. Although there are no lyrics, as soon as the notes are played, the feeling of Journey to the West will come immediately.

This song is majestic when it should be majestic, ethereal when it should be ethereal, beautiful when it should be beautiful, dreamy when it should be dreamy, and vicissitudes when it should be vicissitudes.

The affectionate part makes people immediately understand the vicissitudes and hardships on the way to learn scriptures, especially the combination of the silhouette of Tang Monk riding a horse in the sunset and the scene of Monkey King rowing out to sea to learn art, the sense of tragedy is natural.

In addition, there is also the ending song Dare to Ask Where is the Way. The melody of this song is progressive, inspiring, and slightly Buddhist, and the lyrics are also quite inspirational and catchy. The atmosphere has national flavor, and the combination of lyrics and music is quite perfect, which is also a portrayal of Tang Seng's master and apprentice.

As well as Daughter's Love specially created for the chapter of Daughter Kingdom, the melody is extremely beautiful and classical. No matter when you hear it, it can make people see the scene of the king of Daughter Kingdom pouring out his heart to Tang Seng.

The prelude is the perfect combination of Xiao and Guzheng, together with the timbre of the music box, it immediately brings everyone into a classical, fresh, elegant and quiet realm. After that, the singer's affectionate voice came, and Xiao He sang in harmony, just like a woman whispering her thoughts.

There is also the episode Tianzhu Girl when the Tianzhu girl incarnated as the Jade Rabbit spirit married Tang Seng, the episode Why the West is Thousands of Miles Away when the master and apprentice strayed into Xiaoleiyin, the episode Pig Bajie Carrying His Wife when Zhu Bajie got married, and the episode Pig Bajie Carrying His Wife when the Monkey King was captured by the Monkey King. The episode Five Hundred Years of Sangtian Canghai when it was pressed on Wuzhishan, the episode Great Holy Song after Monkey King jumped out of the gossip furnace, and other classic music.

The 86 edition of Journey to the West is an unparalleled classic in many minds, and it allows people to show their heroic complex more vividly.

And the music in it is so classic that it cannot be added more. Not only the lyrics and music are all excellent works, but also created a precedent for the combination of electronic music, folk music and orchestra in TV dramas. In short, its rich connotation,

The melody is beautiful, and the plot and music fit well, so far there are few rivals.

And these are all the music specially produced by Master Xu Jingqing for Journey to the West, Lin Fan intends to copy all of them, because these music and the soul of Journey to the West are integrated together, whichever one is replaced, the soul of Journey to the West will be missing part.

This made Zhou Yue very happy: There are so many good songs, this TV series will definitely be popular!

Yang Hongxia doesn't understand these things, but she understands people.

Since it is an episode produced by Lin Fan, and it is music approved by Zhou Yue, it must be good music!

During the early publicity, can we pick an episode and use it as a promotional song?

Zhou Yue agreed: Yes, just look at what the focus of the promotion is, and then choose the right song.

It's a pity that Fengshen Yanyi is not so classic anymore. Lin Fan kept the soundtracks that fit the plot, such as Exclusive Chic, and changed all other soundtracks that didn't match the plot and modern aesthetics. .

With Lin Fan's current musical attainments, he could actually create music that is not inferior to Yun Gong Xun Yin, but Lin Fan has never done it. Without him, the main reason is one word - lazy.

At the same time, in order to better integrate the plot of Fengshen Yanyi with the mythology system of Blue Star Huaxia, Lin Fan also modified a lot of content and settings.

Not only the plots in the film and television dramas, but also some revisions and corrections have been made in the original works to make them more suitable for people's perception.

This is also the reason why Journey to the West was published before Fengshen Yanyi. Journey to the West does not need to be changed at all, and it can be used directly.

But doing so is not entirely without benefits.

After all, the Journey to the West comic has been serialized for several months, and its fame and popularity have already been released. The launch of Journey to the West can be said to be smooth sailing, and the difficulty is not great.

After Journey to the West was published, it won unanimous praise from the public as expected.

More importantly, with the original book of Journey to the West, the friends in the animation studio can finally understand Lin Fan's method of setting each character individually.

It's not that Lin Fan is demanding, nor is it that Lin Fan is making trouble unreasonably, but this work is worth it.

Such an excellent work, maybe ten years later, it will become a classic work certified by Huaxia, and it can even be included in textbooks and be known by every Chinese person.

Now the animation studio has made every character setting for this work, and every character finalization may become the material for people to study this book in the future. How can this make the friends not excited?

Therefore, there is no need for Lin Fan to urge anything. The friends in the animation studio are now automatically and consciously holding the original book every day, digging out the details carefully, making a relationship network, and exploring the hidden connections between each character. Only then did the confirmation draft come out.

Lin Fan couldn't find any faults in the character setting created in this way, of course it was the first draft.

After the character setting is completed, the follow-up comics of Journey to the West can naturally be modified and corrected, and then launched.

So, when Lin Fan's fans clicked on Penguin comics and wanted to remind them to update according to the time of three meals as before, they suddenly discovered: Journey to the West, it! over! Knot! up!

For a moment, everyone couldn't believe their eyes!

Although the Journey to the West manga has been serialized for several months, it is time to come to an end and prepare for the end. But considering that Lin Fan is publishing a book, preparing for the filming of a new film and television drama, and announcing that Journey to the West will start filming soon - under such a busy situation, that lazy Lin Fan must have dragged on to update the comics immediately. .

But the reality is just the opposite. Instead of procrastinating, Lin Fan finished the manga instead. This is as rare as Lin Fan's own business!

And that's not the point. Penguin comics announced that Lin Fan's next comic is already in preparation.

And this comic, like Journey to the West, will also be published simultaneously. More importantly, the film and television drama of this work is already in production.

If all goes well, after the manga is finished and published, the majority of netizens will be able to continue watching TV dramas!

The majority of netizens are stunned, this is not a surprise, it is simply frightened!

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