Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 920 How many roles does one person play?

Shi Chongshan never dreamed that he just performed the basic chair skills in traditional opera, and he won the role of Monkey King so smoothly.

I couldn't react for a while.

It was Su Tong who quickly recovered from this huge surprise, helped Shi Chongshan and thanked Lin Fan: Thank you, Director Lin, for your appreciation! I believe that my senior brother will definitely live up to Director Lin's expectations. It's not me, this Huaxia If you can play monkeys better than my senior brother, then there is only our master and his old man.

If the master knows that the senior brother has got the role of Monkey King, I don't know if he will have the idea of ​​​​robbing the role with the senior brother?



Shi Chongshan also reacted, and was so excited that he didn't know what to say: Thank you Director Lin, I will definitely play this role well, and I will definitely not let the role of Monkey King get dusty in my hands!

Lin Fan reassured: This is all Teacher Shi's own strength, and I also believe that we will be able to perfectly present the play Journey to the West to all audiences.

Yang Hongxia also joined in at the right time, and confirmed the schedule with Shi Chongshan, and of course also finalized the role with Su Tong, but the specific contract had to wait until they went back, and the two parties would find another time to sign.

However, the whole process was so smooth and fast that after Su Tong and Shi Chongshan sent Lin Fan and the others away, they were still in a trance, and couldn't believe that they just got the role in Journey to the West.

Shi Chongshan, in particular, kept confirming to Su Tong: I really got the role of Monkey King? Director Lin confirmed that I will play Monkey King? I'm not dreaming, right? I just passed the audition?

Su Tong had to answer over and over again: Yes, brother, you got the role of Monkey King, and you are about to star in Director Lin's Journey to the West. You are not dreaming, you have already passed the audition!

Although the contract hadn't been signed yet, Su Tong believed in Lin Fan's character. Since Lin Fan had personally said that Shi Chongshan was the only one to play this role, he wouldn't make another temporary replacement.

Unless that person is more suitable for the role of Monkey King than Shi Chongshan.

In that case, Su Tong has nothing to say.

With Su Tong's affirmation, Shi Chongshan finally accepted this fact, but another worry came up again: But I'm just a drama actor, not a big star.

I don't have much market appeal, is it really okay for me to star in Journey to the West? Will the audience buy it?

Su Tong smiled: Senior brother, you just need to be responsible for playing Monkey King well. As for the ratings, have you forgotten that your sister and I are also behind the scenes!

I also have a role in this drama, I still can't afford the ratings of a TV series?

I can't, isn't there Riemann?

Even if Riemann can't do it, Lin Fan is not a vegetarian, so what are you afraid of?

This is also one of the reasons why everyone in the entertainment industry wants to participate in Lin Fan's works: with Lin Fan in front, I don't have the pressure of ratings, I just need to show my real acting skills, and I don't have to worry about anything else .

Just wait for the show to explode after it airs, and then reap the popularity and popularity, why not do it?

Of course, a pure dramatist like Shi Chongshan may have never thought about such things as fame, fortune and popularity deep down in his heart. And Yixin just wants to play the role of Monkey King well, so that more audiences can learn about monkey show and traditional drama through this role, and finally they are willing to join traditional drama.

Su Tong comforted: So, brother, don't think about anything, just play this role well.

Shi Chongshan nodded seriously: You are right, what I can do is to play Monkey King well, and I will try my best to do it well!

Director Lin will never be disappointed!


Once the candidate for the role of Monkey King is finalized, then the drama Journey to the West can officially enter the preparatory state.

Yang Hongxia quickly signed the performance contract with Shi Chongshan, Su Tong, and of course Riemann who had been waiting for a long time, and then assigned roles to a few younger members of the family, and then began to pull out the list of previously optimistic actors, and then let The assistants will contact one by one to see if the schedule is suitable.

Of course, under normal circumstances, not many actors would wait that long for a film and television drama that does not know when it will start filming.

Even Riemann almost couldn't make up his schedule. After all, Riemann's work schedule for this year has already been scheduled until the end of the year.

But it may be that Riemann’s sincerity moved God. The scheduled start date of Journey to the West was actually during the rest time Riemann reserved for herself, and they got together back and forth, and finally let her free up for almost a month. At that time, I took over the play Journey to the West.

As a group portrait play, or as a female supporting role in a male group portrait play, I can shoot my own part in a month.

But other actors are not as lucky as Riemann. Either the schedule cannot be adjusted, or they are already filming in the crew, and some of them are even scheduled until the end of next year.

After receiving the invitation call from the Earthman Studio, everyone really wanted to agree quickly, but they couldn't agree, let alone feel aggrieved.

Yang Hongxia made contact and found out: There are still many actors missing! Do you want to hold another public audition and re-select suitable actors?

However, Lin Fan waved his hand and said: There are not many shortages, let other actors take part-time role. Anyway, there are so many monsters and goblins in this play, with full makeup on, you can't recognize who is who. It happens to be played by one person. A few characters will be used as easter eggs after the TV series is launched.

Yang Hongxia couldn't help complaining: How to use it? Are you here to find fault? Or play Lianliankan?

It's all fine.

Lin Fan thinks this is quite good. The earth version of Journey to the West is a problem of objective conditions. There is a serious shortage of actors, which leads to an actor playing several roles at the same time.

But here at Blue Star, as long as Lin Fan greets the outside world, most of the actors who have a schedule will come to recommend themselves. There is no such thing as a shortage of people.

But Lin Fan still wants to do this, just think of it as a kind of tribute to the original version of the earth, anyway, other people don't know, this kind of feeling that I will put the secret on the surface, but only I know, Still very good.

Then when the TV series goes online, the crew doesn’t even need to announce it. Those careful netizens and fans will be able to discover this “little secret” by themselves, which will also increase the fun of watching the TV series for the audience. Why not do it?

Yang Hongxia has always been helpless with Lin Fan: Well, since you insist, one person can play multiple roles, so let's play multiple roles, and then just pay them more.

Who made Lin Fan the director?

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