Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 896 Long-lost lottery draw! smoke! smoke! smoke!

A series of [Ding! 】

A series of familiar and unfamiliar [Ding! 】

It made Lin Fan's head buzz!

Especially seeing that the system was upgraded in just three seconds, and various skills were upgraded crazily, and in this short three seconds, not only did I get a billion soft sister coins out of thin air, but all my skills reached an unprecedented level. the height of!

[Passive skill: The music guru-the host is now out of low-level tastes, and you can easily gain hundreds of millions of popularity by relying on your memory, but music is endless, and there are still mountains high. Not living up to your best potential, why not try creating your own songs? 】

[Passive skill: actor-Sao Nian, you have successfully deceived everyone in this different world. Do you feel a little lonely and painful when you live with a mask every day? Every great actor will suffer from depression, and you are not far from this day! 】

[Passive skill: Master of Chinese quintessence—boy, you haven’t carried forward the essence of Chinese quintessence until now. This makes me very angry with the system, and the consequences are serious! 】

[Passive skill: Filmmaker—If you want to conquer this world, music alone is not enough, go, let this world see your stars and oceans! 】

[Passive skills: Iron Man—Sao Nian, after so long, you with so many skills, you still need a system to strengthen your waist, how vain are you? No wonder Xia Yan's stomach still hasn't moved after so long! Go ahead and do it boldly! The system has prepared an enhanced version of the small steel cannon and an enhanced version of the engine for you, allowing you to last a long time without taking medicine! 】


Familiar interface, familiar gossip, familiar complaints.

Lin Fan was almost speechless about this system.

What a shitty steel cannon!

Brother is also very durable now!

But why does this broken system care so much about Xia Yan's stomach? Could it be that he can't wait to jump from me to my child and continue to squeeze my child?

This is not allowed!

My future children don't need to work as hard as me, doing all kinds of business for a little popularity! He/she just needs to lie on my credit book, eat, drink and have fun!

cough cough

Of course, if the child is willing to struggle and challenge the difficulty, then he will not stop him.

Far away, far away.

Lin Fan put away the thoughts that had spread to the sky, and withdrew his attention.

What surprised Lin Fan the most was that the third main task was finally completed!

This kind of thinking that it is impossible to complete, and then I have not paid attention to it, and suddenly one day I have a whim, I want to check the progress of the task, and then watch the task being completed under my nose, this feeling is so refreshing!

Of course, with the urine nature of the system, after making you feel good, it will definitely make you sick for a while.

Sure enough, this broken system actually raised the popularity value of the fourth mainline task to 1 billion!


Lin Fan really wanted to say something to this broken system: You are so willful, have you ever asked me?

It's a pity that the system is so capricious, it acts arbitrarily, and it can change the amount of tasks without authorization. This is not the first time Lin Fan has encountered such a situation.

In the face of such a situation, any complaints, resistance, and rejection are useless.

The only protest Lin Fan can make against the system is to ignore it.

You can mention the task whatever you want, anyway, I don't care, just put it there and see who can spend it.

Just like the third mainline task, Lin Fan was still a little passionate about completing the task at first, but as the progress of the task became slower and slower, there was a fourth mainline task added, so Lin Fan simply decided to complete the task. The whole system was thrown into the background.

No matter whether you don't care about it, don't care about it, just do what you want to do step by step, and now look at it, the task is still completed smoothly.

I haven't seen what this bullying system can do to me.

Therefore, facing this brand new fourth-stage task, Lin Fan still plans to repeat the old trick: let it go.

After making up his mind, Lin Fan just glanced at it and didn't want to pay any more attention. Anyway, the purpose of calling out the system today was just to draw a lottery.

Pick up the electronic version of Journey to the West.

It is already a very good result to have so many surprises.

Don't be too greedy, and more importantly, don't forget what your original intention is.

With so many popularity points, you should be able to win the electronic version of Journey to the West, right?

Lin Fan is actually not very sure, because the urine nature of the system, the more he wants, the less he can get it.

Maybe, this deceitful system will deliberately get a printed version of Journey to the West for myself, deliberately disgusting myself, then it really has to be—huh?

Lin Fan suddenly turned the corner: It doesn't matter if it's a printed version, just scan it into the computer, and then convert the picture into text, wouldn't it be an electronic version?

It’s hard to explain to Yang Hongxia. After all, one book has not been written yet. How do you explain how it became a printed version?

Well, the printed version produced by the system should not have a copyright page, right? Even if there is, I can also tear off the copyright page so that Yang Hongxia can't see it.

Lin Fan couldn't help giving a thumbs up for his wit.

System, give me five ten consecutive draws!

Then, Lin Fan paid a heavy price for his recklessness!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining one of the four famous novels Dream of Red Mansions! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining one of the four famous novels, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning one of the four famous novels, Water Margin! 】

【Ding! ...]

【Ding! ...]

【Ding! ...]


Fifty [Ding] strikes!

Lin Fan only felt that his head was about to be blown up by the system [ding], an indescribable nausea passed from the depths of his mind to his stomach, and Lin Fan almost vomited out!

Come on, I ate lunch for nothing today.

After vomiting, Lin Fan held his head and sat in the lounge for deep self-reflection: I was wrong, Brother Tong, I was really wrong. So you didn't give me the function of 100 consecutive draws, I thought it was because you were stingy and didn't want to make me feel good.

Now I know, you are all for my own good, the feeling of eight ten consecutive pumps is as if my brain has been pumped fifty times!

I misunderstood you Brother Tong, can you forgive me? If you forgive me, can you give me the original Journey to the West? It doesn't matter whether it is an electronic version or a printed version, or a handwritten version!

You gave me three of the four great classics, but what do you mean by not giving me Journey to the West?

I'm fucking suffering from this, five ten consecutive draws, just for a copy of Journey to the West!

In the end, all kinds of messy things came out, and you just didn't give me what I wanted. Didn't you mean it?


Brother Tong, come out and explain!

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