Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 895 Huh? I still have a system? So cool!

Why is there only one chapter? Yang Hongxia, who came here after hearing the news, was in a hurry. After three hours, she only managed to find one chapter. Yang Hongxia couldn't help but have an ominous premonition, Lin Fan, how many chapters do you plan to write for this one? How many words are expected? You can't be a 2K Klan!

Most importantly, when will it be finished?

The friends in the animation studio were shocked by Lin Fan's request. They felt that their previous work had not been done well, and now they were panicking and waiting for Lin Fan's punishment.

If Lin Fan can't get this movie out in a short period of time, to be honest, it will affect Lin Fan's stalwart image in the eyes of his friends.

Of course, the follow-up work of the animation studio is not easy to start.

Lin Fan said: Journey to the West will probably have about one hundred chapters, and the number of words should be controlled at about 800,000. As for how long it will take to finish, I don't know.

Lin Fan originally thought that it was just a matter of transferring the text to the computer according to the original work in his mind, how difficult could it be?

But when he really started typing, Lin Fan realized that he was really handicapped, and he could type out a chapter of Journey to the West in three hours.

Not to mention whether Yang Hongxia dared to believe it, Lin Fan himself couldn't believe it.

In particular, the original Journey to the West is still in classical Chinese, and there are many rare characters in it. If Lin Fan is not paying attention, it is easy to make typos.

Three hours of concentrating on typing, Lin Fan really couldn't take it anymore. It would be great if the system could directly extract an electronic copy of Journey to the West.


It was only then that Lin Fan remembered that he still had a system to draw prizes!


Do you have a system yourself?

My goodness, I almost forgot about this old chap!

Moreover, it seems that I haven't drawn a lottery for a long time, right?

How about taking one?

Maybe you will get the electronic version of Journey to the West?

Yang Hongxia showed concern: If you go at your current speed, wouldn't it take a hundred days to write a hundred chapters?

three months,

This time is too long.

Even if the friends in the animation studio can afford to wait, the fans on Penguin website can't afford to wait.

Although it's not that Lin Fan hasn't stopped updating, Yang Hongxia still feels that it's good to be able to keep updating.

After all, fans of the company's address know that if Duan Geng offends fans, Yang Hongxia is worried that there will be fans who will come to the company to squat at Lin Fan, take this guy back and lock him in the small black room, and won't let him out until he finishes painting.

The charm of Journey to the West can only be seen from the fact that Zhou Yue is so old that he squats down to read the latest comics every day.

Of course, it was impossible for Lin Fan to tell Yang Hongxia that he had cheating, so he could only comfort him: Maybe it's because I'm not used to writing, so my hands are a little disabled, let's see the progress in the next few days. If the speed is still so slow , Then hire someone who can type fast, and turn on the dictation mode directly.

Even if the system can't get what he wants, Lin Fan thinks that dictating by himself and watching others type can improve the speed, right?

Anyway, as long as he doesn't let himself sit in front of the computer and type silently, Lin Fan thinks it is a completely acceptable way to find someone to type it out for him.

Of course, the confidentiality agreement still needs to be signed.

However, with so many uncommon words, it might be even more difficult for others to listen to type! More time wasting!

Yang Hongxia also thinks this is a way: Well, I will explain to the administration first to see if there is any dictation and typing expertise in the company. If not, I will recruit one!

Yang Hongxia left in a hurry, Lin Fan didn't stop her, just thought: I actually want to hire someone who is dedicated to typing for me, so my life is already so extravagant?

Alas, fallen.


System, check the popularity value. Lin Fan sat down in his exclusive lounge, and then called the system in his mind.

Along with being extremely familiar, and becoming a little strange because it hadn't been heard for too long, with a sound of [Ding], the system that had been absent for an unknown amount of time reappeared in Lin Fan's mind.

It is still an extremely simple interface, and it is still the familiar number in that line:

[Current popularity value: 49,999,999, total popularity value 99,999,999/100,000,000, task progress 99.99%. 】

[Current overseas popularity: 39,999,257, total overseas popularity: 39,999,257/100,000,000, task progress 39.98%. 】


Looking at the series of numbers, Lin Fan didn't know how many digits there were, and Lin Fan didn't want to count them anymore.

But seeing the progress of 99.99%, Lin Fan seemed to know what was about to happen. It was rare that Lin Fan was also a person who had held a concert, and even challenged countless big scenes, and now he couldn't help holding his breath.

1 second!

2 seconds!

3 seconds!

【Ding! 】

The familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded again. At this moment, it seemed that the rough interface of the system was shining!

[Current popularity value: 50,000,000, total popularity value 100,000,000/100,000,000, task progress 100%. 】

[Current overseas popularity: 40,000,000, total overseas popularity: 40,000,000/100,000,000, task progress 40%. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the main task of the third stage and obtaining 100 million soft sister coins! The rewards have been deposited into the host's personal bank account through formal channels, please pay attention to check the host!

You are no longer the unknown passer-by at the beginning. Now you are famous in China and a little famous overseas. Come on, boy, you are no longer far away from a global superstar! 】


【Ding, congratulations on upgrading the system to level 5! System upgrade deducts 10 million popularity points! 】

【Ding, congratulations on upgrading the system to level 5! Overseas popularity is merged into the total popularity, and the fourth stage task is adjusted to 1 billion. Current popularity value: 80 million, total popularity value 140 million/1 billion, task progress 14%. 】


【Ding! Congratulations on upgrading the system to level 5 system! Special gift package: free upgrade of all skills! 】

【Ding! Congratulations on upgrading the system to level 5 system! Special gift package: free combination of existing skills! 】

【Ding! Congratulations on upgrading the system to level 5 system! One lottery draw costs 1,000,000 popularity points, which is the same as the level 4 system! 】


【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the passive skill: Music Guru—upgraded from a combination of music experts, soul singers, soul dancers, and soul musicians. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the passive skill: Movie King—upgraded from a self-cultivation combination of small drama, star aura, actor, and emotional intelligence. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the passive skill: Master of Chinese Culture—upgraded from a combination of miscellaneous experts and language experts. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring the passive skill: Filmmaker——an upgrade from a combination of Photography Expert, Director Specialization, Studio Tyrant, and NG. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the passive skill: Iron Man—an upgrade from the combination of iron maniac, battery life expert, no dandruff after shampooing, falling asleep in three seconds, and staying up late without dark circles. 】


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