Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 887 If we can't fight, let's...

Fans who finished watching the trending searches burst out with great enthusiasm, and all the pre-sale tickets for Roman Holiday were sold out immediately.

The pre-sale box office of this movie has also reached an astonishing 300 million, and this is still the second day after the movie is released!

If this trend continues, Lin Fan's new movie will undoubtedly become a dark horse on Valentine's Day - no, it is already a dark horse!

Because the rating of this movie is really low, compared to the ratings of Lin Fan's previous two films, it's downright outrageously low.

As a result, many fans who couldn't get the pre-sale tickets scolded the major theaters on the ticketing website: You don't make more arrangements for such a good movie, so you won't make money if you have money?

The theaters also have troubles that they can't tell. Lin Fan's film was originally temporarily blocked. With the current screening rate, it is already a very good performance for the major theaters.

As long as this movie is not produced by Lin Fan, let alone 6% of the film schedule, you may not be able to make it to the Valentine's Day schedule, just wait for the Spring Festival to pass!

But the fans don't care about this, they just think that this movie is very good-looking, Lin Fan has created a very classic screen image for Xia Yan, and there is also the gimmick of the Polai royal family lending handed down jewels. The film was admitted as a congratulatory gift from Lin Fan to Princess Mia's return to the royal family.

This is a movie with good quality, online acting skills, and enough gimmicks. If you don’t arrange more movies, are you stupid?

Of course, the major theaters are not stupid. They obviously can’t spare more films, but they secretly cut off the films of other films that did not perform so well at the box office and transferred them to Roman Holiday. Who would find out? ?

So what if someone from the film crew finds out?

In the face of interests, friendship has to take the back seat.

This kind of thing is normal in this circle, and your movies will have such momentum in the future, so I will do the same for you!

As for Shengxia Cinema, which left itself a way out early, it has become the biggest winner: it justly gave Lin Fan the use of the other movies, made money openly, hugged his thighs openly, and did not offend other film crews. .

As for the crew who signed the box office pk contract like Lin Fan, it's not that there is no benefit at all. At least they can bind Lin Fan to catch the heat before all the films are robbed.

As long as the heat rubs more,

The same can make money.

Together, these crews decided to hype up the box office pk, but they didn't want to fight against Lin Fan, but sold it badly.

Anyway, I am really miserable. This pk has just started, and it is already doomed to fail.

So, almost overnight, the entire Internet was covered with news headlines similar to this:

The least suspenseful box office pk in history, crushing spike!

The director regrets: he shouldn't have participated in any PK activities with Lin Fan!

The pre-sale box office broke 300 million, and the box office target is only 300 million


I have to say, this is really miserable. Although it is not to the point where those who hear it are sad or cry, it has attracted many passers-by to walk into the cinema to see such a miserable crew. What is going on with the film? Sample.

The movie also took the opportunity to gain a group of fans, and the box office performance has improved a lot, which can be regarded as achieving the goal of selling poorly.

On the contrary, other film crews who did not participate in the box office competition were robbed of a lot of popularity and attention, and their box office performance was obviously affected.

It's really evil, isn't this Lin Fan poisonous? Why do netizens seem to only see Lin Fan's movies every time they meet this guy? The box office results are better than ours!

There are not a few crews who want to catch the last batch of enthusiasm on Valentine's Day, the last train of the Spring Festival.

Some movies are not bad in quality, there are also big-name actors joining, and the logic of the script is also online, but for various reasons, they did not choose to release the seven-day long holiday from the first to the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, but set it on Valentine’s Day. It has its own considerations.

Or they want to avoid the edge of the Lunar New Year blockbuster, or they want to reduce the pressure of competition, or the plot needs of the movie... etc. In short, they choose the Valentine's Day schedule, at least they are confident that they will achieve better results in this schedule.

However, a Lin Fan was born out of nowhere, with tens of billions of plug-ins inserted in, and directly snatched away the largest batch of traffic in the market!

The remaining small shares of traffic and popularity were divided by several other crews participating in the box office pk, and the rest was the part that other crews could snatch.

This is much less than expected!

If this trend continues, our own movies will become cold!

How about taking a wave of rhythm and blackmailing Lin Fan? Someone suggested.

Someone directly retorted: What kind of rhythm? Why is it black? Tell me about Lin Fan's black spots?

Lin Fan's popularity and popularity are so high now, blocking the way of so many people, and stealing the limelight from so many people, but there are very few dirty stories about Lin Fan on the Internet, why?

Is it because you don't like it?


Now who doesn't want Heilin Pan?

The key is who can find out Lin Fan's black material?

Lin Fan, when he started work, he either stayed in his own variety show or hid in his own crew. The only actresses he came into contact with on the set were his wife!

It makes people want to maliciously edit it and create a moonlight script incident for Lin Fan, but they can't find the material!

It's even worse when not working, Lin Fan lives directly in Xia Yan's house, doesn't go out during the day, doesn't play disco at night, even the paparazzi can't get to him, how can this make people black?

Two years ago, he was able to blackmail Lin Fan for opening a homestay that only accepted single girls. It was because of bad intentions and evil intentions, and he could also blackmail a homestay for being too expensive.

But now that homestay is closed to the public, and it has become the filming location of the popular variety show Longing for the Yard. Let alone the room fee of more than 1,000, even if you add a zero, people want to live there. For one night, experience Lin Fan's happiness.

There is nothing left to slander at this last point, let alone the opponents or paparazzi, even Lin Fan's most ardent black fan has not appeared on the Internet for a long time, who else can slander this guy?

the sun?

The matter of Lin Fan and Princess Mia, can we black it out? How did these two people know each other? Isn't it just a picture at the beginning, and we will make up the rest?

Others looked at him like a fool: The royal family even lent such important jewelry to Lin Fan, and also admitted that this movie has something to do with the return of their princess. Are you using this to blackmail?

Diplomatic warning, dear!

The man was intimidated: This doesn't work, that doesn't work, let's just wait to die? I don't know why this Lin Fan is so evil, whoever touches it will die!

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then sighed: If we can't fight, let's just...


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