Pole Crown?

This name is really simple and rude, and it doesn't conform to the aesthetics of Chinese people at all.

But this crown seems a bit familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere.

where is it?

However, before everyone could react, the camera on the big screen shifted from the crown to a necklace. It was also a glass display case, and at the same time it was shining with brilliant gemstones. But this time, the necklace had its own name. :

Triple tier diamond necklace.

Simpler and ruder than Pole Crown!

Fans were still complaining in their hearts, but someone had already reacted: This crown and necklace look a bit like the one worn by Princess Anne in the movie?

What does it mean to look a bit alike, they are exactly the same!

Wait a minute, don't panic when you encounter something, let me search the Internet first, the crown of Polet... what the hell!

The sound of Fuck seemed to have triggered some kind of trend, and various exclamations followed in the entire theater!

Sisters, I have a bold idea...

I also have a dreamlike feeling...

So, I usually have seen these two pieces of jewelry, so I made the jewelry props needed by Princess Anne in the movie one by one? Someone honestly asked his doubts, Not to mention, this props are looking for It’s pretty good, it’s just like the real thing, but it’s too flashy, it looks like a fake!”

Everyone: →_→

The man was surprised to find that after he said this, everyone subconsciously moved away from him: What are you doing?

Everyone: Hehe, my mother won't let me play with idiots!

On the big screen, Lin Fan also revealed the answer with a smile: So, this is the surprise I prepared for everyone. In order to borrow these two rare jewels, I put all my net worth on it. Fortunately, I didn't get it. Throw it away! Otherwise, if you sell me, you won’t be able to pay it back.

So, friends, are you satisfied with this surprise?

Man - what a ghost!

The fans went crazy: Damn! Did you have a brain twitch?

Who gave you the courage to make a movie with real jewels? Is your daughter-in-law?

What kind of surprise is this shit, is it a fright?

Crazy, crazy! I just searched the Internet. It is said that this crown is inlaid with more than a thousand diamond jewels. These gems alone are worth several billion!

And what kind of three-layer diamond necklace, the three layers are all real diamonds! How much pressure did Yan Yan wear to make a movie with tens of billions?

Help me, my legs are weak...

Not only the fans were weak, but even the media and film critics couldn't stand up: This is a real guy!

Let alone losing this thing, if you accidentally get some foundation or eye shadow on it, the cleaning fee will not be cheap.

I've seen someone so courageous, but I've never seen someone as courageous as Lin Fan!

The tens of billions of jewels were borrowed to make a movie, and the key was actually borrowed by Lin Fan. Not only was it borrowed, but it was also used in this movie. I don’t know if there is a movie with a production cost of 10 million. What's more, I don't know what Lin Fan is thinking!

Ge Wei was also convinced: If Lin Fan is not popular, it's too much for heaven!

This guy is so gutsy, he's so good at playing, the movie is well shot, and now there are so many gimmicks, this movie is definitely going to explode!

What Tao Zheng thought was: I have to send this news out quickly. With such an eye-popping publicity point, is this movie going to be popular?

So, the premiere of Roman Holiday has not yet ended completely, a piece of news that shocked the world just rushed into the hot search:

#《Roman Holiday》The cost of the movie is as high as tens of billions!

Netizens were a little confused when they saw this trending search: What movie is Roman Holiday? What movie costs tens of billions? Isn't the promotion of this movie stupid? Do you have a grudge against the boss for this kind of false publicity?

The crews of other films in the same period also saw it, and they all thought that Lin Fan had already started to play tricks for publicity and to win the box office competition.

After all, Lin Fan is very young, youthful and vigorous, easily irritated by others, and it is possible to mess up occasionally.

Maybe it is because the quality of the new movie is not good, so it is promoted in this way?

Many people don't want to click into such hot searches that look fake at first glance, but there are also many people who are idle and have nothing to do, click in to watch the excitement, and they will be completely stupid when they look at it!

The movie Roman Holiday was shot with real tens of billions of jewellery.

Jewelry comes from a country in the west called Pole, which still retains the royal family.

Thousands of diamonds and precious stones are inlaid on a crown, and the cost price of the raw materials alone is several billion.

Another diamond necklace has a total of three layers, each set with diamonds, the largest of which is pink and weighs a whopping 130 carats!

And after this hot search, the other two hot searches also airborne the first and second places directly:

#《Roman Holiday》is made by Lin Fan to celebrate the return of Princess Mia to the royal family

#PolaiRoyal family confirmed that they lent two pieces of handed down jewels


Netizens who eat melons are stunned: WTH?

What the hell?

When did Lin Fan hook up with Princess Mia?

The Bole royal family casually lent out such expensive jewelry to others to make movies. Is this royal family not too serious?

It was finally realized: So, Lin Fan's new movie Roman Holiday really cost tens of billions? !

That trending search didn't lie to me, it was a serious trending search!


Lin Fan is insane!

This Lin Fan is so insane! Does this make people alive? It's a good box office PK, you don't PK on the movie, you actually look for foreign aid? The popularity of other crews went crazy.

Originally, you, Lin Fan, took advantage of the right time, place, and people for box office PK. We just wanted to make money for two weeks, and the requirements were so low. In the end, you are a good guy, and you really beat us. It's fine to kill a piece of armor without leaving it, why did you fire the map cannon, even our wreckage?

Dimensionality reduction strike!

So bullying!


Too insane!

The film crew who signed Tao Zheng's box office competition had no place to cry, because after these few news hit the trending list, the pre-sale box office of Lin Fan's new movie Roman Holiday skyrocketed.

It's only been one day, and the pre-sale box office directly broke 300 million!

And what about myself? The pre-sale box office has never exceeded 30 million. No matter what traffic or popularity, the box office appeal cannot be compared with Lin Fan at all.

Not to mention it now, Lin Fan just started hanging up.

How is this PK?

Forget it, lie flat.

Then remember this lesson, never confront Lin Fan in the future, otherwise you won't even know where you were turned into scum by Lin Fan.

To die is to die, and twenty years later he is still a good man.

But I died so badly that I really don't want to try it again.

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